Spanked By Aunt Stories

Spanked By Aunt Stories


Spanked By Aunt Stories

Billy Horton found himself spending the warm summer of
1956 at the home of his single, paternal aunt while
his parents enjoyed a leisurely tour abroad. As a
somewhat spoiled, 10 year old boy from a sophisticated
urban home, he was rather bitter and resentful at
having been left in the care of an unfamiliar relative
in a small, rural community.

This was perceived immediately by Blanche Horton.
Billy’s attitude was not at all enhanced by the strict
behavioral guidelines his Aunt Blanche purposefully
listed for him on his arrival. These included, much to
his trepidation; church on Sunday, eight o’clock bed
time, neatness and cleanliness, a lengthy outline of
chores which were expected of him daily, and above
all, cour-tesy and respect for adults and neighbors.
Without being specific, Aunt Blanche made the strong
point that inattention to the guidelines, or
misbehavior of any kind, would be promptly and
forcefully met with harsh punishment.

This stern warning having been delivered, Billy soon
settled into a grudging and reluctantly obedient
relationship with Aunt Blanche. Blanche was keenly
aware that Billy crept close to, but not beyond the
boundaries which would call for a disciplinary
response. She was watchful, and ready.

Though childless, Blanche was nevertheless quite adept
at child and preteen behavioral correction having
provided occasional in-home care for children while
she was not teaching 5th grade at the nearby
elementary school. In these respects, she took very
seriously her duty to correct and discipline those
pupils and wards for whom she was responsible. And in
her small community, with it’s strong fundamental
values, she was widely appreciated for her diligence.
In fact, Blanche could not put a number on the times
she had turned a youngster over her knee, and
vigorously spanked their naughty bare bottoms. And
given the differences in gender behavior, most of the
sore bottoms belonged to boys.

As time passed, Billy did manage to make a few casual
friends among the boys and girls in the quiet
neighborhood surrounding Aunt Blanche’s home. A common
summertime activity for the children was a refreshing
swim in the nearby lake after morning chores. Billy’s
new acquaintances pointed out all the neighborhood
shortcuts, one of which took them through the back
yard of Aunt Blanche’s friend and neighbor, a very
attractive young woman named Edith Parsons who,
understandingly, had no objection to the benign

Edith Parsons was a student teacher at Blanche’s
school who, during the summer months, supplemented her
income with an evening job at the local paper in order
to make the rental payments on the small home Blanche
had found for her. As such, she was home during the
days, and at first glance, Billy was smitten and
became profoundly infatuated with her. Edith was aware
of Billy’s puppy love, and while she did nothing to
encourage it, neither did she find it offensive.

There came a day when Billy was slow with chores, and
when his pals called for him to join them at the lake,
he asked them to go ahead and he’d be along soon.
Billy had noticed the variety of hairbrushes which
Aunt Blanche prominently displayed throughout the
house, and he wasn’t willing to test his aunt by
failing to complete his chores before play. Such was
her reputation based upon factual, first person
reports from several of his new friends.

“You mean your aunt hasn’t spanked you yet!”, said
Tommy Hopkins. “Boy are you lucky. She paddled me
after school a month ago, and I cried all the way

“You better be careful,” exclaimed Judy Norman, “She
caught me taking one measly apple from her tree, and I
got a spanking in the back yard with my panties pulled
down. And she did it in front of all my friends!”

After picking up his room, taking out the trash, and
doing morning dishes, Billy was, at last, free to go.
He grabbed a towel, put on a swimsuit, and hastily
made his way to the path which took him past Edith
Parsons’ open bedroom window. As he passed by, with
Edith ever on his mind, his ears detected the
unmistakable sound of a shower, and then, of the
shower being turned off. He was overcome by the
temptation to take a peek and see if it would be his
lucky day. What a regrettable mistake that turned out
to be!

Billy crept silently toward the window, carefully
placed his foot on the outside hose bib, and
cautiously inched his eyes up to the window with his
heart pounding. Behold, to Billy’s shock and elation,
there came Edith, naked and dripping as she reached
for a towel in front of a mirrored vanity. Billy had
never imagined such beauty! Edith’s full, upturned
breasts, shapely bottom, and flawless skin glowed in
the low morning light. Billy was awed, transfixed, and
completely unaware that Edith had caught his
reflection in the vanity mirror.

Shocked and furious at Billy’s impudent invasion of
her privacy, Edith was nevertheless quickwitted enough
to subtly pick up the bedroom telephone extension and
take it back into the bathroom without Billy becoming
aware. Swiftly dialing Blanche’s number, she waited
two short rings before hearing Blanche’s familiar,

“Blanche,” said Edith frantically, “quickly look out
your back window, and tell me if you don’t see Billy
peeking into my bedroom.”

After a brief moment, Blanche returned and implored
Edith, “Please forgive me for asking, but could you
discreetly hold his attention for just one minute?
I’ll be right there and you’ll witness the severe
punishment Billy is about to receive.”

“All right Blanche,” Edith said nervously, “I’ll try.
But please hurry, or I’ll take matters into my own

As Blanche quickly grabbed the nearest tool of
correction, a stiff yard stick, and silently rushed
out the door, Edith slipped into a subtly revealing,
sheer negligee and seated herself at the vanity. She
kept an elusive eye on Billy and hoped that Blanche
would quickly arrive on the scene.

Making her way soundlessly toward Edith’s window and
the revolting image of her nephew’s peeking shape,
Blanche began to fume. She was determined to severely
thrash his impertinent little bottom. As she
noiselessly approached, aware that she was unnoticed
by Billy, Blanche realized that by crouching on the
hose bib, Billy’s bottom was thrust out, making an
ideal target for her yard stick. She raised the yard
stick to maximum range and with all the energy in her
sturdy shoulder, brought it rushing full speed toward
Billy’s bottom. It landed with a resounding “WHACK.”

Completely surprised by the sudden and shock-ing bolt
of pain, Billy broke a loud “YELP!” as he slipped from
his perch.

Looking back as he landed, he caught the wicked glare
of Edith Parsons’ eyes as she stood by her window with
crossed arms.

Not a second later, Aunt Blanche had a vise grip on
his ear and began marching him to Edith’s back steps.

“You were warned about the consequences of disrespect
for my neighbors, young man,” she scolded, her voice
raised in anger and disgust, “But what you’ve been
caught doing goes far beyond the worst I could
possibly have expected. You’ve earned yourself the
harsh punishment you deserve for such a disgusting

The scolding was punctuated with several powerful,
cracking, well placed strokes of the yard stick that
brought howls from Billy as they climbed the steps,
entered the house, proceeded down the hall, and
entered Edith’s bedroom-- the scene of the crime, and
soon to be the hail of justice.

There stood Edith, imperiously, flushed with rage,
hands on hips in the lovely negligee. “What do you
have to say for yourself, you shameful whelp?”

Billy was speechless. He could not possibly answer,
and sensed it would be pointless to try to defend
himself after being caught so openly. He was doomed
and he knew it. He was going to experience the
legendary wrath of Aunt Blanche.

Cranking him around by his ear, Blanche stared
directly into his eyes, and with chilling malice in
her voice, seethed, “I am going to bare your bottom,
turn you over my knee, and give you the spanking of
your life, right here in front of Miss Parsons. And it
won’t be over until we’re both satisfied that a week
will go by before you’ll be able to sit comfortably.”

Clutched by terror, Billy began to tremble and

Coolly, Blanche asked Edith, “Dear, do you have a
hairbrush I may use for the next ten minutes or so?”
More trembling from Billy as his eyes opened wide and
his knees weakened.

“Yes Blanche, and I’m glad you asked,” said Edith as
she reached to the vanity and passed Blanche a
terrifying instrument-- a hand sized, brightly
lacquered, hardwood hairbrush.

Blanche said, “Please seat yourself comfortably Edith.
I know you’ll enjoy what’s about to take place here.”

More trembling, stomach heaving, perspiration forming
on his brow. Time stopped for Billy.

Blanche released Billy’s strained ear and sat,
straight-backed, in an armless bedroom chair. With a
swift motion of her hand, she deftly drew his swimsuit
down below his knees revealing a moderately erect
juvenile penis, and four angry red stripes of yard
stick origin on an otherwise white, prepubescent bare
bottom. Mortified beyond belief, Billy’s whimpers
became sobs.

He was roughly thrust over his aunt’s stockinged lap,
and he thought, Oh no, this is it!

“Please Auntie Blanche! No! No, PLEASE! Miss Parsons,
I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’ll never do it again!” Firm
hands gripped, pulled, and pinned his arms behind his
back. “No, No, Please! No!”

A pause as Blanche raised the awful hairbrush, saying
in a low, deliberately frightening tone, “You will
remember this spanking for the rest of your life!”


Ow-Ow-Oweee-Ouch! No! No, PLEASE! STOP!” WHACK...

More swiftly now, the hairbrush land-ing with pinpoint
accuracy, stinging flairs of pain...

Louder and louder he yelled, yells becoming wails,
wails becoming shrieks, tears flowing freely as the
strident pace of Aunt Blanche’s forceful arm
quickened. Kicking furiously, but pinned firmly to her
knee, Billy screamed out his anguish and sorrow,
“WAHH-wahh! NUH-nuh-nooo! PUH-puh-pleease!
STU-stu-stop! WAHHH!”

WHACK... SMACK... SMACK... SMACK... CRACK... 50, 75,
100... The blistering strokes were raining down, his
bottom on fire from the searing pain. Bright blossoms
of hairbrush welts were brining all over his bottom.
From the very top of his bottom, all around the sides,
and down to the tender tops of his thighs, the
hairbrush danced with burning abandon. Billy shrieked,
screamed, tears blinding him. Horrible WHACKS
overlapped every inch of his searing, squirming cheeks
from the crown, out, and all over. Again and again
with a staccato rhythm Blanche hammered away at his
fiery, red bottom. He bucked and pitched, but could
not free himself.

Edith watched with satisfaction, but also a measure of
surprise. “Oh my!” She exclaimed repeatedly. She’d
spanked before as a sitter, and more recently as a
teacher, but the spankings she’d administered had been
applied by hand and were of comparatively short
duration. The spanking Billy was receiving was
certainly neither of those. But the boy had earned it.

The painful strokes echoed throughout Edith’s bedroom
together with Billy’s howls and shrieks for a minute
more, then Edith felt that Billy had learned his
painful and humiliating lesson. “Blanche,” she said,
“I think Billy has now paid a sufficient price for his

Blanche paused, to Billy’s momentary relief, and
vehemently insisted, “Billy, you apologize to Miss
Parsons right this instant.”
Billy turned his tear stained, agonized face toward
Edith, but his uncontrollable sobbing made it
impossible to utter an intelligible word.

This suggested reluctance to Blanche. She became
incensed. “I told you to apologize,” she screamed.
Blanche leveraged her legs between Billy’s and spread
them wide while still pressing him firmly over her
ample thighs. This had the effect of spreading his
cheeks as well, and exposing a previously untouched
area to the final onslaught which then took place.
Blanche again raised the hairbrush, and with force
equivalent to the first punishing swats, she peppered
the inside sections of Billy’s bottom.

SMACK... SMACK... CRACK... CRACK... WHACK... Screams
and tears again erupted from Billy, making the apology
he knew he had to voice before his torture would end
that much harder. He tried to gather his breath and
spit out the words as quickly as he could, but his
aunt was spanking as such a rapid pace that three
swats would fall before he could catch his breath
enough to scream out each syllable of what translated
to, “I’m sorry Miss “

And then mercifully, the ferocious spanking ended.
With a sharp tug on his ear, Billy found himself
standing face to face with his furious aunt. His hands
immediately went to his throbbing bottom in a vain
effort to soothe the intense pain and burning heat.
His bottom was hot to his touch, terribly swollen, and
the skin felt tough and leather like. He could barely
see through the tears flowing from his eyes, his
entire body quaked and shuddered. He could not control
his sobbing and crying as he pitifully gasped for

“Put your hands at your sides,” Blanche demanded. “I
want Edith to clearly see the effects of a good, sound
spanking.” He obeyed, and Edith was astounded. Billy’s
once pink striped bottom was now beyond crimson.
Whitish blotches were surrounded by the bruising
outline which the hairbrush had traced over the entire
surface of his plump bottom. “Now turn around and face
Miss Parsons. I want to hear a sincere apology from
you. If I don’t, I’ll march you down to the lake and
repeat this very same spanking in front of all your
friends and everyone else at the beach.”

Meekly, and with sincere contrition and re-morse,
Billy turned and raised his eyes to those of Edith
Parsons. So utterly complete was his agony and
humiliation that he couldn’t care that his now flaccid
penis was exposed to her view. “P-p-please, M-M-Miss
P-P-Parsons...” Sniff, sniff, sniff, shudder, sob...
“F-f-forgive in-me f-for b-being n-naughty. I’m s-so
ashamed for what I did...” Sniff, sniff, sob,
tremble... “I d-deserved to be sp-spanked and I’ll
never do anything like this again.”

“Billy dear,” said Edith sympathetically, “I accept
your apology. And I truly hope that don’t get into
mischief around me again. Your Aunt Blanche has just
shown me how to deal with you. You can trust that if
you give me cause, I’ll turn you over my knee, the
same hairbrush will be in my hand, and I’ll spank your
bare bottom as long and hard as your Aunt Blanche just

With a gulp and a sniffle, Billy simply nodded,
knowing that Edith would not hesitate to make good on
her promise.

Blanche confirmed his fears. “Edith, you have my
permission, at any time, and without notice, to paddle
this little boy’s bare bottom at your discretion.”
Then to Billy, “And now young Mr. Horton, we are going
home where you’ll spend the rest of the day in your
room. And if I hear one peep out of you, the entire
neighborhood will hear you screaming from the next
spanking I’ll give you.”

Gripping his hand firmly, Blanche tugged Billy toward
Edith’s rear door. She made no effort to retrieve or
replace Billy’s bathing suit which he’d kicked across
the room, and he was terrified of what might happen if
he said something or tried to get the suit himself.

On their return from the lake, Billy’s friends thought
sure they saw an angry Blanche Horton
marching someone with a very red bottom into the back
door of her house. The sorry victim looked an awful
lot like Billy Horton, they concluded. While all of
them liked Billy, they all felt genuine relief that it
was he, not they, who had earned that determined
disciplinarian’s wrath.

Billy obediently and timidly spent the remainder of
that eventful day in his room, laying face down on his
bed, his bare bottom raised up as high as he could
place it, trying to catch whatever breeze might cool
it slightly. He wasn’t sure how Aunt Blanche knew it
would take a week for him to sit down without
soreness, but it did.

As the summer wore on, Billy tried his best to avoid
trouble and the blistering spankings which would
surely follow. But it seemed that Aunt Blanche
narrowed the margins of tolerance, and watched him
even closer. She spanked him seven more memorable
timed that summer. Gratefully, five of the spankings
were administered in private, and while they were
probably heard by anyone close to Blanche’s house, at
least they couldn’t be seen. To his great shame
however, Billy was briskly spanked in front of his
friends for sassing Aunt Blanche. And to his absolute
horror, he was soundly spanked, bare bottomed, in a
crowded market because he’d been pouting. Each of the
seven spankings were as excruciatingly painful and
humiliating as the first one Blanche had given him in
view of Miss Parsons.

And despite his best intentions, he was bewitched by
Edith Parsons. Edith found the need, and paddled his
bare bottom twice with that awful hairbrush. Billy
simply could not suppress the temptation of Edith’s
bedroom window, and he paid the wailing, redbottomed
price after both voyeuristic attempts.

Billy was enormously relieved when his parents finally
returned, and removed him from the agonizing scrutiny
of Aunt Blanche. He thought that was the last he’d see
of her. To his great misfortune however, he was
obligated to a shorter visit three years later, and
the very thought of it terrified him.

His hopes of being too old at age 13 to be spanked
were quickly dispelled by his strict aunt. Her
expectations had risen, and once again, Billy’s pants
were lowered. Billy learned that a spanked 13-year-old
bottom was every bit as painful as a spanked
10-year-old bottom, and that he could, and did, scream
just as loud.

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January 1, 2005 by Auntie Rosemarie
As a teenager I always used to spend about ten days each year with Cousin Clare and her parents. Clare wasn’t actually my cousin, but her mother and my mother were at school together, and it was a convenient way to refer to her. Clare was an only child. 
At the time of the following exciting adventure we were sixteen, but I was a few months older than she was.
Clare’s parents had plenty of money. They lived in a large house in rural Berkshire and Clare went to a private school, girls only, a few miles away. She had her own pony, which she kept on a farm nearby. Her mother always told everyone that Clare was far too busy to bother with boys but, looking back, I think that she was frightened of Clare growing up and going away. Clare was a normal girl underneath, but she went along with her parents’ wishes, because it was to her advantage. She was a pretty girl, slightly plump, and she had a very large bosom even at 16, which fascinated me, and I had many erections fantasising about playing with those superb tits!
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