Spanked By Another Man

Spanked By Another Man


Spanked By Another Man




Mental Health , Sex
C. Brian Smith
February 22, 2021


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Welcome to the slap-happy world of ‘spanking for wellness’
Editor’s Note: This article was first published on December 6, 2017.
I’m naked and bent over the lap of a 72-year-old bald man named “Dr. Don” who is spanking me with a bare hand in his second-floor apartment in East L.A. He keeps a steady pace — equal intervals between spanks — which occasionally syncs up with the steadfast tick of a grandfather clock in the corner.
While neither an M.D. nor a Ph.D. — nor any D, for that matter — Dr. Don explains he’s a “ Spankologist ,” or an expert in adult male spanking. “People who have spanked for as many years as I have are considered doctors of their trade,” he reasons. His gentle demeanor and hypnotic voice contrast with a gaunt, villainous gaze that seems to wander. It’s as if Mr. Rogers had broken bad instead of Walter White.
Drawing from more than 30 years of administering spank therapy and pointing to a 2005 Russian study from the Novosibirsk Institute of Medicine on corporal punishment, Dr. Don says spanking’s therapeutic benefits include…
Naturally, spanking started out as a hobby for Dr. Don. “I enjoyed spanking and began doing it for fun,” he says. “A businessman was referred to me, and I spanked him — the whole nine yards. When we were done, he put $100 down on my desk and said, ‘I’m a married man. It’s got to be a business transaction or I can’t do it.’ I thought, People will actually pay me to do this? It had never dawned on me that that would happen. So I put an ad in the paper.”
The ad read: “My name is Don. I’m a heterosexual real dad looking for young men who grew up without a dad. You missed the bonding between father and son, but I can provide you with something else: Discipline with a good ol’ fashioned spanking. To be clear, this isn’t for a sexual connection, but the real experience of being spanked. $20 an hour.”
“Man, did my phone light up like crazy!” he says. “I didn’t realize there were so many straight guys who were into getting spanked. I thought, Oh my god! Is this possible? I was getting so many people taking up my time that I figured if I raised the price to $50 it would discourage some people. It didn’t change a thing.”
Today, his clients fly in from all over the world to pay $175 for a 1-hour session. They continue to be exclusively men. “Women’s asses aren’t good for spanking — they’re like saddle bags hanging over that you can’t contain,” he says.
His clients almost all also work high-stress jobs. “I have three trial lawyers who come from the courthouses to get spanked on their lunch hour,” Dr. Don explains. “They call it their ‘mini-vacation’ — a chance to clear their mind and give up control to someone else, which allows them to regain their focus and return to court with a clear mind.” Age-wise, the men he spanks are well into adulthood, usually somewhere between 35 and 60. “I endorse spanking your fully grown children,” he enthuses. “As long as you’re supporting them and they’re under your control on your dime — you whip their ass!”
Dr. Don says he raised a son on his own and spanked him so he wouldn’t get into trouble. “The last time I spanked him was when he was 19. He was in the Army and came home with a real mouth on him. I said, ‘You’re disrespecting me.’ I grabbed him, threw him over my knee, pulled his underwear down and started whacking him right in front of his friends.”
My session starts in Dr. Don’s bedroom, where what appears to be a replica of the Mayflower is bookended by pastel portraits of his parents. (Ironically, he was a good kid who never got spanked.)
Dr. Don arranges his weaponry on the bed. “These are the implements we work with,” he explains. There’s a homemade plywood paddle (“I call this the ‘beginner paddle’ because it’s thin”); the back end of a wooden bath brush (“very stingy”); a plastic kitchen utility spoon (“hitting the crack with this will send a sensation up through the balls”); a studded leather mallet (“weighted, for impact”); a collar (“for guys who want to feel like slaves and prefer to be on a leash”); a wooden cane (“my grandmother would go out and cut a switch like this from a tree”); and something called a “leather strapper” with a double tongue at the end (“this is what made the priest cry when I used it on him. He said, ‘Holy Jesus, I just saw the face of God!’”).
He invites me to undress and join him in the other room. “If there’s anything curious you want to try just bring it with you.”
Each spanking session begins with a conversation, Dr. Don says, in which he learns why the client believes they deserve to be spanked. He takes it from there, explaining what they did wrong, why it’s wrong and what better choices they could’ve made before announcing that the consequence will be a spanking. “People use me as a confessional,” he says. “They revert back to what it was like when they were a kid. They did something wrong, and their dad punished them. Then it was over, and they could move on with a clean slate.”
He directs me to crawl across his lap on the couch to assume the over-the-lap position that he explains is most common, since it allows for optimal control and connection to the spankee. (Other positions include: lying prone, bent over; under the spanker’s arm; through the legs of the spanker; and over the spanker’s shoulder, which Dr. Don explains represents that the spankee is his property.)
After caressing my butt for 10 seconds “to create a connection and facilitate the male bonding process,” Dr. Don administers a series of four stinging slaps with his bare hand immediately followed with circular, soothing rubbing. It sounds a little like this:
“Blood vessels rise up like goose bumps when you spank the ass,” he explains. “Rubbing in between relaxes them and avoids bruising so the spanking can last longer.”
When appropriate, Dr. Don infuses the spanking with positive reinforcement.
“I know you can do better, and you know it too, don’t you?”
“You’re much better than your recent behavior.”
“We’re not going to let the way you’ve acted get in the way of who you are and who you can become!”
“I wouldn’t trade you for any spankee in the whole world.”
While I’m struggling not to laugh — this is fucking absurd, after all — I note that the sting is becoming less and less unbearable with every spank. Endorphins! I think, blissfully riding the aforementioned “runner’s high.” But before I can get too cocky, I’m directed to bend over the desk and prepare for the strapper, the anticipation of which is by far the most unpleasant part of the session.
Once it hits, however, the strapper lands with a delightful sting that causes my eyes to well up. By the third blow, tears are streaming down my face. Without missing a beat, Dr. Don spreads my butt cheeks and begins rapidly slapping my asshole with a small plastic kitchen spoon which, as promised, sends a euphoric pulse of energy up through my balls. All at once I realize how one might become addicted to spank therapy.
But Dr. Don says what his clients are really craving is attention. “They want someone to notice them, to give up control and be a kid again.”
After applying an additional coat of aloe to my pink bum, I gather my things and reach for the door. “ Most guys like to be hugged afterwards ,” interrupts Dr. Don, arms outstretched.
I accept his embrace and rock back and forth a couple times.
“They remember their dads saying, ‘I’m sorry I had to spank you but I still love you.’”
C. Brian Smith writes hard-hitting gonzo features for MEL, whether it be training with a masturbation coach, receiving psycho corporal treatment from a spank therapist, or embarking on a week-long pleasure cruise with 75 Santa Clauses following their busy season.

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Adult Male Being Spanked by a Woman
whether its a fantasy or has happened, this is a poll for both men and women to share information about what their thoughts or experiences have been with women spanking men

This poll was created on 2015-03-12 17:21:39
by luvs2spin78

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1521 voters have answered this question.
1392 voters have answered this question.
196 voters have answered this question.
if male, have you ever been spanked as an adult by a woman
1370 voters have answered this question.
if female, have you ever spanked an adult male?
178 voters have answered this question.
if male, how were you spanked (check all that apply)
1329 voters have answered this question.
if female, how was the man spanked (check all that apply)
167 voters have answered this question.
if male, when you were spanked how did you feel? check all that apply
1311 voters have answered this question.
if male, do you think your female spanker was
1286 voters have answered this question.
if male, describe the reactions of women who were watching your spanking
783 voters have answered this question.
if female, and you were doing the spanking you..
164 voters have answered this question.
if female, and you were witnessing a man being spanked, you...
113 voters have answered this question.
if male, how old were you when you were spanked
1278 voters have answered this question.
if male, how old was your spanker in relation to you
1290 voters have answered this question.
if you were the female spanker, how old were YOU in relation to the guy you spanked
172 voters have answered this question.
if female. have you ever witnessed an adult male being spanked
172 voters have answered this question.
is the memory of either being spanked or spanking or watching a spanking really such a turn on that you have ever masterbated to the thought of how it happened
1266 voters have answered this question.
as a male, I think the following scenarios make a great fantasy (check all that apply) I would...
1261 voters have answered this question.
as a male, the number of women I know who I would enjoy being spanked by or witnessing my spanking is...
1275 voters have answered this question.
as a male, if I could only choose ONE woman to spank me, she would be...
1287 voters have answered this question.
as a female, I think the following scenario would be a great fantasy.. I would want
192 voters have answered this question.
as a female, the number of men I Know who I would like to spank or witness getting spanked is...
175 voters have answered this question.
as a female, if I could only choose ONE guy to spank or witness him being spanked it would be...
177 voters have answered this question.
if female, how old were you when you spanked a guy, or watched him get spanked
170 voters have answered this question.
if female, how many times have you spanked an adult male
171 voters have answered this question.
if female, how many times did you witness an adult male getting spanked
169 voters have answered this question.

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I was over my wife's mother's house and got into an argument with my wife and lost my cool. I said, " F*** you!" to my wife in front of her mother. Her mother blew up and told my wife she should spank me like her mother said she used to do to her husband, who passed away a few years ago, "to keep him in line." I couldn't believe it. Everything became surreal with my wife's mother lecturing her about how she needed to discipline me with a hard, bare bottom spanking. I had to laugh and said bullshit. My wife got really p***** I said another swear in front of her mother and grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me over her lap. I don't know why, but I didn't resist her. I'm a big guy and I could have easily broken her hold on me. Next thing I knew she undid my pants and yanked my pants and underwear below my knees and began wailing on my ass like a woman possessed with her mother egging her on and enjoying the spectacle. My wife spanked me so hard my ass turned bright red and hurt like h*** . Maybe I was a p**** , but I cried, and didn't give my wife any s*** the rest of the night. Now at the slightest excuse, my wife spanks me and she has spanked me in front of her mother many times. Lately, she embarrasses me even more by telling her mother I love it and get an erection when she spanks me. She is also threatening to let her mother spank me. Although I do get turned on when my wife spanks me and talks about having her mother spank me, I feel like a p**** for letting her dominate and spank me. I keep saying to myself no more, but when she gets mad and pulls me over her knees, I crumble and let her have her way with me. If she tells me to let her mother spank me, I'll give in to that too. I guess I've become my wife's b**** .

Wish I can get my wife or any adult woman to discipline my bare naked bottom over their knees. If any female woman spanker interested please text me back yes and I’ll send you my text number. Tony

I was pregnant and my husband spanked me in front of my kids then I stand bare butt in the corner and if I touch my butt we do it all over again

My mother in law never spanked me but has seen me standing in the corner naked after a spanking

I wish my wife or someone’s wife would spank me

In my case my future mother-in-law spanked me for mouthing off to her, in her home. This was a week before our marriage, my future wife watched, agreed, and enjoyed the show I was putting on. The wedding gift from her mother was a bath brush. Once we were home from our honeymoon, maybe a day later I was standing in the bedroom, naked, being told the rules of this home. My wife applied that bath brush hard and fast, and while I faced the wall called her mother and said it works just right.

I met wife to be when i was 19 and she was 17 living with her mum and brother I did not know that her mum was a spanker until her brother was quite rude to his mum She slapped his face hard and told him to go to his room She then went up with a large wooden clothes brush and gave him a severe spanking which soon and the 16 year old crying and sobbing loudly When she had finished she had him come downstairs and apologise to his sister and me I was both shocked and surprised at what happened also a bit nervous if honest A few months later we were having a family BBQ with Sue's uncle aunt and cousins (both girls) An argument broke out between me and Sue's brother over football It good quite loud and Sue's mum told us both to tone it down which we did Later it kicked off again and got even louder and included one or two swear words which were heard by all present The up shot was peter was sent to his room with me also Peter told me to stand facing the wall hands on head next to him His mum came up with the brush and we both got a spanking my first for a good few years When she was finished we both had to go into the garden and apologise for our behaviour then to the lounge trousers and pants down hands on head for an hour This was the first of many punishments over the last nearly 40 years

Wives that spank their man for real offences will and do find they have the best marriages and s** . When the wife accepts that she can really lay on a sound spanking, caning or a combination of both ( whatever she uses) she will see the results of a well punished man very fast. The husband will grow to accept the strict abuse of his ass and love his wife more deeply and sincerely as a result of her taking the time to discipline him. Divorce would be almost completely eliminated I'm sure if every wife took her man in hand this way. Another tool that's very helpful to use on him is a chastity device. The internet is full of these devices and are not very costly to buy. Once he's had his o****** controlled by her, his behavior will drastically improve and he'll become very attentive, looking forward to her letting him have a release. Another form of control is her pegging him ( using a strap on) at her desire, especially if she's turned on by this idea. He should be taught how to completely flush his bowels for a clean proper f****** . Training his ass to accept larger dildoes is accomplished with him flushing first then wearing progressively larger and longer plugs. There are also lockable harnesses that will keep the plug in place as long as she likes before giving him a good riding with her strap on. This can be a pre punishment activity, having him harness up for say an hour or two before a punishment session. Th
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