Spanked At The Mall

Spanked At The Mall


Spanked At The Mall

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Date Posted: 13:38:33 08/27/14 Wed

What was the most public place you were spanked? Was it bare or just a warning smack over clothes?

One that really stands out in my memory was when I worked in a shoe store with a children's department. I came down the aisle and a father was sitting on a bench, with his four year old daughter over his knee as he spanked her with the rubber sole of a light weight tennis shoe. It was over her pants. I don't remember her bailing by any means, she was more wimpering/ lightly crying. Her mother was standing beside them watching. I didn't see what she did to deserve it but from years of working in that department I can assume she was like most kids that argue or disagree with their parents on what to buy.

This might be surprising to some but the above took place somewhere around 2010 in a large mall (Canada). Just when everyone thinks kids don't get spanked anymore ;)

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Date Posted: 05:59:38 08/29/14 Fri

My parents didn't advocate public display of discipline. Not to say there were not a warning swat occasionally on seat in public. If acting out when in public, I might get the eye to eye confrontation with dad's hands on both upper arms of mine & the so-called final warning or the 'promise'. Dad would deliver the 'promise' on my bottom once home.

The public one probably was that first school paddling in HS. There was 3 of us guys observing each other going over the desk after school to get the paddling.

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Gary Steven
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Date Posted: 11:56:14 08/29/14 Fri

Public spankings were not at all uncommon when I was a child in the 60s through the 70s. In fact it was not at all unusual to see a child getting their bare bottom spanked "in front of God and everybody" as my mother would put it. I got my bare bottom spanked in public on more than one occasion. The "most public" spanking I got was from my mother in the shoe department of a department store when I was seven. I was spanked along with my brother who was ten and my cousins Carmen who was twelve and just about a week away from turning thirteen and her brothers Robby who was nine and Jimmy who was almost six. My mom got stuck trying to keep up with all of us kids and trying to shop while my aunt and grandmother were shopping together. Once we started acting up, she warned us to stop or else. Our behavior continued and she warned us that if we didn't stop she would spank our bare butts "In front of God and everybody'. We behaved ourselves for a few minutes but finally gave in to the temptation to start acting up again. She finally said "That's it!" She ushered us back to the shoe department and then one at a time, starting with the youngest, made each one of us pull our pants and underwear down and turn over her knee. She gave each of us a good hard spanking by hand. Even though I was scared, I was actually glad that I would be going next and getting my spanking over with before the crowd watching the spectacle grew too much larger. I was second and as she spanked my bare butt I forgot all about the people watching me as her hand burned my butt and I was crying and kicking like crazy. She let me up and my cousin Robby pulled has pants down and took has place over her knee. Even as I was crying and trying to pull up my pants, I noticed the crowd watching us get spanked got bigger. By the time she finished spanking my brother and my cousin Carmen was pulling down her pants and panties and laying across her lap, I would guess the crowd had grown to at least thirty people. Adults and kids, employees and customers and no one seemed to disapprove to what my mom was doing. As embarrassing as it was for me getting spanked in public like this, I know it had to be ten times more embarrassing for Carmen at nearly 13 having her bare bottom spanked in front of all those people.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Most Public Place

Date Posted: 09:20:52 09/01/14 Mon

Hi Gary Steven. I always enjoy reading your recollections. Even for the era when a child's bare-bottom spanking could take place in a public setting without generating more response than a crowd of curious (and mostly approving) onlookers, I'd think having an almost-thirteen year-old girl be a recipient would come as at least somewhat of a surprise. Do you recall if Carmen protested any more than the rest of you kids before her turn over your mom's lap, or if she seemed any more upset, or upset for a longer time, than the others afterwards? Also, do you know if she or any of your other cousins were further punished when their own parents were told the story, or did their parents feel that the debt had been paid off adequately enough?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Most Public Place

Gary Steven
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Date Posted: 04:05:24 09/03/14 Wed

Well needless to say, she wasn't happy. She pouted for quite a while after she stopped crying. But as she and my brother being the ringleaders... It is kind of hard to feel any sympathy for her. Especially at her age, she knew better. She was also a good one to try to get the rest of us in trouble whenever the mood would take her (and she tried it quite often).

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[> [> Subject: Re: Most Public Place

Date Posted: 17:11:34 09/01/14 Mon

For me, it was never more public than the middle of the living room- though I think my age at the time made it quite embarrassing in spite of my depressed state of mind.

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Most Public Place

Gary Steven
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Date Posted: 07:14:10 09/05/14 Fri

Julie, when we were spanked at home, most of the spankings took place either in the living room or kitchen. Of course it didn't matter with my mother because regardless of where we were or who might be around, it would always be on the bare butt.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Most Public Place

Date Posted: 12:56:20 08/01/16 Mon

Yep, the living room was as public as mine ever got but that was enough stripped bare in front of whoever was there to see

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Date Posted: 13:38:25 08/31/14 Sun

For me, it was probably school

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Date Posted: 07:28:56 09/01/14 Mon

The most public place I ever got spanked was by the side of a road when I was probably about six or so. I was acting up with a friend and I'm sure we'd ignored several warnings from our moms. Anyway, they finally made good with a threat to "pull this car over." I got taken out of the car, had my pants slid down and was spanked right there on the spot. Such things were not at all uncommon when I was growing up.

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Date Posted: 09:29:40 09/01/14 Mon

I was given threats of a spanking when out and about but never did get one in public. I did see a few but as close as I ever came to a public one was in summer when the house windows and doors were open and those outside could hear and maybe see a little of it if they were in the right place at the right time.

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Date Posted: 09:25:34 09/02/14 Tue

One Summer afternoon in the late 60s when I was 8, my sister came down ill and mom decided to take her for a doctor visit. I had to tag along and teased my younger sister in the waiting area that she would probably get a shot, which brought her to tears. My mom told me to stop, but I teased my sister a second time, and without a further word, my short pants and underwear were yanked down and mom took me over her lap for a hard spanking with her hand.

After bringing me to tears, my mom yanked me back up and told me to behave or I would get it worse when we got home. Only when I heard someone clap over my mom's actions did I realize that I was standing rather exposed with other moms and kids having seen the spectacle of my spanking, and I quickly pulled my clothes back up.

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Date Posted: 11:28:11 09/08/14 Mon

My parents thought spanking was the way to deal with children, but they didn't do it in public. In fact, unless I was going to get spanked with my brother or a cousin, it was separated from the rest of the family. I think not doing it in public probably is tied to my mom's complete desire to never draw attention to herself in public. This is a result of the prejudice her family dealt with when she was little after they moved from Mexico. A spanking in public would bring attention to her that she never wanted any part of.

The only exception was when my cousin Andrea and I ran off at the lake to go to the bluffs. We were 9 I think. I think my brother was 11 and her sister was 12, but the years could go a year or two either way. We were supposed to stay with our older siblings, but they weren't paying much attention, and we went off on our own. My dad marched us up behind some kind of brick building (i think it had water pumps for the campground in it). He told us both to put our hands on the bricks and we got the belt over our swimsuits. We both got a good 10 or 12 strokes with my dad whipping as hard as he could.

It was public, but I don't think anyone saw us (though surely someone somewhere heard us).

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[> [> Subject: Re: Most Public Place

Date Posted: 06:44:42 10/12/14 Sun

Could you keep your hands on the bricks? I frequently failed to keep my hands away during a spanking.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Most Public Place

Date Posted: 19:59:29 10/13/14 Mon

On that day I was super mad at my dad. I was mad he was spanking me with my cousin outside. I felt like the whole world could see us, and I didn't want to give him any satisfaction that the spanking was affecting me. I was dying inside but managed to bit my lip hold still and stay pretty much silent.

I cried and melted from many spankings that were lighter than that one.

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Date Posted: 14:49:33 09/11/14 Thu

The most public place I got spanked was on our front driveway in full view of some friends when I was 12. Mom called out the front door for me to come to dinner. After ignoring her twice, she charged out of the house and gave me three hard swats on my butt.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Most Public Place

Date Posted: 10:36:34 09/12/14 Fri

Nick, how did your friends react watching your mom swat your butt? Were you later razzed over it or were they sympathetic?

Had you ever observed any of them getting swatted on their butt by their mom/dad?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Most Public Place

Nick to JoeR
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Date Posted: 11:17:02 09/13/14 Sat

I think my friends were dumbfounded at seeing my mom swat me. None of them razzed me or said anything about it later, because they, too, got swats from their parents no matter who was around. Not long after my mom swatted me, I saw one of my friends get a few swats from his dad.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Most Public Place

Date Posted: 16:27:44 09/16/14 Tue

I can understand 'dumbfounded' as a reaction. I would think it more embarrassing when mom did it rather than dad & especially if you were older.

Were there any incidents when swats were given you, or a buddy in front of you, when jeans/shorts were pulled down?

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Date Posted: 01:15:05 09/12/14 Fri

The most public place for me would have to be a rest stop or grocery store parking lot. Though in the parking lot, I don't remember anyone seeing the spanking, and the rest stop was a minimal amount.

The two places where the most people witnessed my spankings were in more private places. One was at boy scout camp in the forest, and the most witnesses to a spanking would have to be my aunt's house, out near the pool, at my cousin's birthday party. Had to be at least 20 kids for that one, and easily 25-30 parents.

Wasn't spanked directly in front of them, but was taken into the basement (still very much within view of the pool), bent over the pool table, sliding door still open of course, and received an incredible round of the strap.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Most Public Place

Alan to Joel
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Date Posted: 03:32:17 09/13/14 Sat

What did you do to cause the spanking at the Aunt's house? Did the parents/kids say anything to you afterwards?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Most Public Place

Joel to Alan
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Date Posted: 12:02:19 09/14/14 Sun

Just the usual pooltime shenanigans. Splashing other kids and pulling my cousin's friends off the little floaty rafts. Was given a couple warnings, but really didn't pay attention to them.

My aunt told me and about 3 others to get out of the pool because of it, and I argued, which was a very big mistake.

I didn't see any of the kids or parents afterward, as I was grounded to one of the bedrooms for the remainder of the day. A few of my cousin's friends did make fun of me a few days later, but nothing crazy.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Most Public Place

Alan to Joel
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Date Posted: 04:27:52 09/17/14 Wed

Was the pool party strapping on the bare butt?

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[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Most Public Place

Joel to Alan
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Date Posted: 21:00:18 09/17/14 Wed

Absolutely! Wasn't spanked any other way.

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Date Posted: 16:23:22 12/16/14 Tue

A classic: on the beach. My niece and I were ten years old, and had gone too far into the sea. We pretended not to hear our uncle, until he became very angry and shouted that we were going to have a spanking on our bare buttocks. Then we came back immediately, but it was too late. Uncle knelt on one knee and put us over the other leg, in the middle of a crowded beach. Happily we didn't get in on the bare buttocks, but each received something like ten hard smacks on our thin wet swimsuit. I tried not to cry, but tears ran over my face. The only reaction of the public my uncle faced were congratulations: in the 1960s everyone thought this well deserved. We did listen better in the future!

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[> [> Subject: Re: Most Public Place

Date Posted: 21:24:25 12/18/14 Thu

My brother and I got a spanking from our mother inside a staff change room at a Sears store when we were kids...The store attendant actually gave my mother the key for the room after my mother told her what she needed it for. The woman said to my mother...' I know exactly how you feel and have done the same thing myself with my own. ' After our spanking my mother returned the key to the woman and she said to us well maybe now you will listen to your mother...

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Date Posted: 14:54:49 01/01/15 Thu

I had my hands strapped in school in front of the class quite a few times. Even though it was just my hands it always felt pretty humiliating getting punished in front of everyone.

The most public spanking I ever got on my bottom was when I was about six and misbehaved in a shoe shop. My mother gave me a hand spanking over her knee. She didn't take my pants down in the shop so at least it wasn't bare.

My most public bare bottom spanking was given by my best friend's mother in front of my friend and his brother. All three of us were spanked with the other two looking on. I was embarrassed even though we were all getting it because I was used to more privacy when getting spanked at home.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Most Public Place

Date Posted: 10:22:24 01/02/15 Fri

What was your and other boys age and what did you do to earn this spanking?
Did you all three get spanked with hand or with hairbrush or something?
Were you the first, second or the last of the three to get your spanking?

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Most Public Place

Date Posted: 05:19:20 01/04/15 Sun

I was 8 or maybe 9 when I got this spanking. My friend was the same age and his brother would have been 10 or 11. Our crime was playing on the beach near my friend's home unsupervised when this was forbidden. The beach was on a tidal lough and could be very dangerous due to nature of the tides.

We were caught red handed by my friend's mother and promptly marched back to her house. I already knew that she had my parent's permission to spank me when I was staying at her house. Once at home she collected a wooden spoon, pulled a chair into the middle of the room and made the three of us line up in front of her as she sat in the chair. I was called forward first, then had my pants and undies yanked down and was bent over her knee. She gave me a hard spanking with the spoon which had me in tears from about half way through. Once she was finished I was allowed to pull my pants back up then went back into the line. My friend was spanked next, then his brother. Although my bottom was really sore I still found it a bit amusing that it was my friend's older brother who made the biggest fuss about being spanked and cried the most.

I wasn't as amused the next day when I got home, found out my mother had been informed and ended up receiving another spanking.

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