Spanked And Plugged

Spanked And Plugged


Spanked And Plugged


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I made the mistake of telling my wife that I loved being spanked. Now whenever we have an argument, she pulls me over her knees and spanks me as hard as she can until I say I'm sorry even if the argument was her fault. The other night one of my wife's friends, who I hate, was over. I got into an argument with her and my wife pulled me over her knees and spanked me in front of her friend. Then she made me lay over her friend's knees so she could spank me too. It hurt. She is a big woman and can spank hard as anything and I could tell she loved doing it. My wife has threatened to have her friend come over twice a week to spank me because her friend wants to spank me some more. I hope my wife doesn't let her. I hate it.

No, you should be grateful that she pulls your undies down and spanks you! As a result of my explosive temper, My wife and I had to make an agreement: If we are arguing she will give me no more than 20 minutes to convince her that I am right: if I cannot convince her that my position is the correct one, She puts me in a position and corrects me! You will be surprised how fair your Woman will be to you if you arrange this with her. There have been a few times when she was convinced I was right and we made up without the spanking. But there was one time when I convinced her I was right only to discover later that day that I was in the wrong! So I relieved her of her self imposed obligation to humor me, stripped right down to my undies, lay across her legs and humbly accepted my punishment. She is a big girl too and she just tugged my underwear right off and went to work! That was 13 years ago and I can still feel those amazonian like hands just blistering the f*** out of me! We held each other and kissed and she forgave me, as she always does after she spanks me. She is a wonderful Woman! I am love with her!

U are so lucky to be spanked like that. be wrong more often!

I agree. It says in the Bible: "Whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth." In the same way: whom a woman loves, she disciplines. When my girlfriend takes me across her knee and spanks my bottom soundly, it is a sign of love, a way of settling a difference of opinion without a quarrel.

So many p*** weak men in this thread. You should be ashamed.

She won’t spank my bare bottom. And how can you make a woman spank me if she don’t like it!!!

My girlfriend tied my hands above my head. She then spanked me very hard and made me cry. She then locked me in chastity ring. I now do whatever she says and it gets pretty kinky at times but I have learned to love it and adore her for being so wise and guiding me.

Not on a schedule like thid but when I askef my eife to spank me she askef 'like with a belt" And yeah shes now at the push my limits phase. Lots of Etsy bdsm purchases. My advice Ne humiliatingly open about wanting a spanking.

My girlfriend and I have been into erotic spanking for several years. It began with me spanking her, but after a while she started to spank me too. As time has progressed, she has spanked me more and more frequently and I now no longer spank her at all. It is still mostly erotic, but we recently had a slight disagreement that was beginning to get heated. Suddenly she said: "That's enough, bend over!" I hesitated, but then obeyed, as I did not want to annoy her any further. She took the paddle and gave me ten hard spanks on the seat of my underpants (all I was wearing at the time). It was not very severe, but it has established the principle that she has the right to punish me with spankings when I misbehave.

My wife of 50 years almost daily spanks me. She told me it impowers her and is in total control. I like to be spanked, rather i don't always like the spanking at the time but enjoy reliving it in my mind later. None of our friends or relatives know. I don't know if our adult daughters ever caught onto it. She orders me over her knee and has a favorite spanking chair. It's in our bedroom or she used one of the kitchen chairs outside of our bedroom. I have to drop my pants then go over her knees. She starts my spanking, at times asking me questions, then lowers my underwear and goes at it bare bottom. She never uses her hand rather she likes a wooden paddle or wooden hairbrush. She has several that she changes out. She always put on heels so her knees are level and can keep me under control while i kick my legs and squirm around. She doesn't end the spanking until she decides and that is when my butt is on fire and very red. If i don't thank her for my spanking back over her knee i go until i do thank her. That has only happened a couple of times. It all started with a birthday spanking when we were dating. I told her i like it and she has never stopped. As the years went by i was hand spanked but then she started using other items like wooden spoon, then hairbrush, then cracker barrel paddle, then a jokari paddle and her favorite a lucite heart shaped paddle. I wouldn't change a thing.

My girlfriend started spanking me with her hand but she found that it hurt her hand more than my bottom. I suggested that we get a paddle, but she didn't want to go to the s** shop, she said she would be embarrassed talking to a male sales assistant. I went instead and it turned out that the assistant was a middle-aged woman. When I said I was looking for a spanking paddle, she seemed slightly disapproving, she said "Are you going to use it?" I said "No, it's for me girlfriend to use on me." Her attitude changed then, she smiled and obviously approved of the idea. She recommended a round wooden paddle, she said "It's not heavy enough to cause real injury, but it makes a loud noise and it will make your bottom sting. Your girlfriend will have no problem keeping you in line from now on!"

You’re the luckiest man in the world. I wish my mom and girlfriend would paddle me like that. Mom has a big 3 foot long sorority style wooden paddle and has never used it on me. I wish she would. I wish my gf would do that to me as well.

I think it might be good if all wives spanked their husbands almost daily. Most of us grown males are still naughty boys inside and a warm, tingling, soundly spanked bottom is just what we need to put us in our place!

When my girlfriend spanks me, she also starts on my underpants. She likes me to wear tight-fitting briefs that retain the heat. When she takes them down, it is always a relief to feel the cool air on my overheated bottom. It is only a temporary relief though, it soon gets warmed up again as she continues with the spanking. As with you, I don't always like the spanking at the time, or in the hours immediately following it. Sometimes I sit down and then stand up again right away because sitting is too painful. I have mixed feelings about this. It is a nuisance not being able to sit down, but I like the reminder that I have been soundly disciplined. I think a lot of relationships would be improved if the women were to regularly take her husband or boyfriend across her knee and spank his bottom as hard as she can until it is warm, red and stinging.

I am the one who is into being spanked. She spanked me a few times for fun. One time I really screwed up and suggested she give me a real spanking. It took a while but she finally agreed. It was nothing like the foreplay spankings. I actually had welts on my butt. She said she felt better and would do this more often. She spanked me for the next 10 years then said she didn't want to do it anymore

Several people have commented that this sounds like a fantasy. Maybe it is, but it is a fact that quite a few women do spank their husband or boyfriend. My girlfriend has paddled me a number of times and we have met three other couples where the woman spanks her partner. It seems that it usually starts as an erotic activity, but the woman sometimes moves on to spanking her partner for disciplinary purposes. I think there is a lot to be said for this, it can avoid them having fights.

I also am a male who is govern hard paddling by my girlfriend. When we started seeing each other on a steady bases, I felt I needed to spill my internist hangups with her. That way if she wasn’t comfortable with this type of behavior she could bow out of the relationship while we were not totally involved. She heard what I had on my heart and respected me for being honest from the start. When I explained that I felt I needed this type of structure in my life because after loosing my wife of many years, I found myself not carrying to do much of anything and just letting every day things go. I knew this was not the right course of action. I felt that if she would hold me accountable for my actions such as keeping my home straightened up, pay my bills on time, keep the yard looking nice, and pay attention to my driving habits, and etc. and that I would be punished in the way of over her knee, bare bottom spankings, with corner time to think about why she had to give me a hard spanking, then that would motivate me to do better and get back into the responsibilities of life. BELIEVE ME it is working! In fact I got a very hard bare bottom spanking last night for almost not stopping at a red light in a big city. If she hadn’t yelled when she did, I would have gone through it! Well, when she looked at me and I knew before she scolded me, that I was in for a good spanking when we got gone, which happened and I was told I could expect some more today. I HATE THOSE SPANKINGS but I know I deserve them and I love her for being willing to discipline me.

My girlfriend spanks me every week and I love it.

Sounds like a must growing up getting the paddle was a look out no no , did ring the bells some times but now I make it to get her p***** off wear she takes my belt off oo the first wack wakes up the tree. She has told her friends over coffee we have now and then I try to play at tweak hint to friend but seams she just kicks you in the nuts if you p*** her off and then rebound to my old lady to she told me now you know what time it is, Oh no the yard stick!!!!

Are you serious? I must have more details. Are you democrates, in wihch part of Usa do you live, and are your wife and her friend beautiful and so sexy that you can support that?

I think all men should have their bottoms spanked soundly now and again, just to show them that they are no longer the superior s** .

Even if it's a smart, comprehensive and sensitive man? Why would you like to smack his ass?

My girlfriend says I am a sensitive man, but she still spanks me sometimes. I prefer this to having a fight, it clears the air and avoids ill-feelings.

My wife complained to her friend how I get grumpy and talk back to her. Her friend explained that when her husband gets out of line she spanks him. My wife decided to follow that advise. I now get a sound bare bottom spanking whenever I mistreat my wife. It has made me think twice before I misbehave.

It seems to be getting more and more common for women to discipline their husbands in this way. A few months ago I said to a woman coworker on a Friday afternoon that I was in a hurry to get home. She asked why and without thinking I said "My wife will spank me if I am late." The coworker did not seem surprised, she just nodded and said "Oh yes, a lot of women do that nowadays."

I think there is a lot to be said for spanking in a relationship. My partner and I keep a paddle hanging on the wall. Mostly she uses it when she spanks me for sexual fun. However, like the original poster's wife, she sometimes uses it when we have an argument. A few weeks ago we had a disagreement and I raised my voice to her. She said "That's enough. Pants down and bend over!" I reluctantly obeyed and she took the paddle from the wall and gave me ten hard smacks on the seat of my underpants. Not a very severe spanking, but enough to make my bottom sting and teach me to treat her with respect. I found this much better than having the argument escalate.

My wife has spanked me during our marriage when I've really screwed up or stepped out of line. On average I'd say I've been spanked maybe once a year, a couple of years it was more but I guess I've learned. I won't go into how she started but I was surprised the first time I ended up getting a real spanking. Commenting on your post there was once and only once that someone was present, It was one of her oldest friends from college. I'd been very moody, not listening and then began voicing my opinion too loud and hard and wasn't backing down. When my wife had enough she walked out of the room then came back walking quickly and was visibly angry with the hairbrush in her hand. It was as if a total hush came over us as she said "You get over here!" to me and I went kind of numb knowing what her demeanor and the hairbrush usually meant. She grabbed the waistband of my jeans telling me stay still and then began smacking my butt with the brush hard and yelling at me. She stopped and lectured me some then swatted my butt again hard with her hands and said something on the lines of if I couldn't behave myself maybe I needed a good beating. She gave me the brush telling me to put it away and go cool off in our bedroom until she called me. My wife came in our room about twenty minutes later and told me I was to apologize to her friend and after she left I was in for it. I went and apologized and was embarrassed and tried to act like everything was fine until she left the next evening. When my wife came in her demeanor changed and it was as if she was as mad as the day before. She used her hairbrush again, this time on my bare bottom and I learned to never never act like that in front of anyone again!

I suggested a spanking, only because she brought up the subject. Well it happened and now what I wanted. She meant every word and as I squirmed and kicked, thanful i still had my pants on she applied the hairbrush. I said a four letter word, she stopped, told me to stand up, she pointed to the bathroom, washed my mouth out with soap, then told me to take off everything, and I did as told. Soap in my mouth, naked, back over her lap and really learned she knew how to spank. I'm spanked and does not matter if another person is present. ALways spanked on the bare bottom, she bares it, slowly. ALways over her lap and when done, I dance around the room until told to face the wall.

One time some time ago, my wife sent me to the store to get some items for a party. She offered to write them down but I siad don't bother. When I returned home without a key ingredient for a dish her and her friend planned to make. She was furious with me and following the party her friend suggested that I needed to be punished for my forgetfulness. My wife was also upset with me for some other infractions earlier that day. My wife said " don't worry I plan on giving it to him good later". Her friend replied " why wait lets teach him a lesson now". My wife kind of liked her idea and I was put over my wife's knees and spanked as her friend looked on. After awhile, my wife asked her friend if she would like to continue my spanking. I was told to go get the spanking paddle and return to her friends lap. She proceeded to paddle me until tears developed and I pleaded for her to stop. I then had corner time as they both looked on. I was never so embarrassed.

A similar thing happened to me but I was in shirt and small panties and it was my mother and mother in law watching and also spanked me. One sound spanking I will never forget!

When my girl friend and I are kissing , I pull her panties down and fondle her keister. I also give her smacks on it which she loves- right across her crack

Tell her "i kind of have this fantasy where im being spanked..." grab the belt, the hairbrush and the bath brush, put them on the table, come back completely naked with the paddle in hand and continue by saying ".... ive been really naughty lately, i need to be punished and i was wondering if you could...use this on me." Your girl should be grateful for such honest coemmunication. And if you ask her to spank you then she should spank you and not hold back.

I told my wife i was spanked often as a boy for wetting my pants. She said naughty boys needed to be spanked. I asked her if she would spank me if i was a naughty boy. She asked what naughty thing would i do. I answered her by standing in front of her and wetting my pants. Big wet spot in front, wet steaks down each leg, yellow puddle on the floor. She pulled my wet pants down, bent over the counter took my belt and gave me many swats. In the days that came and until today i wet my pants. I have been spanked by wife, neighbor lady, sister in law, mother inlaw. I have been taken to my wifes uncle s farm and he has taken me out to his wood shed for punishment bar bottom paddling. I deserve it and need it.

A lot of men secretly desire this. For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted my wife to invite her girlfriends to spank me. If you happen to be one of the lucky guys that gets spanked by your wife's female friends, consider yourself blessed. Merry Christmas everyone!

If you don't want your wife and her friend to spank you, then they can spank me, I
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