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The absolutely stunning April-May is fast becoming a popular spankee at , , and she’s also featured at .
Just a bit of fun, Mr Stern as a Lancaster Pilot with his navigator otherwise engaged on the ‘target’ behind.  
These pictures are from the scene House of correction part 23 – file spr-1337 at . In this scene jess gets a lovely paddling from Katie Didit whist Lola-Marie observes. I thought it would be fun to create a game of Monopoly Auntie Katie’s rules of course which means she can just make it up […]
Actually taken from the Unladylike Manor series at episode 38 – file spr-1518 starring Mr Stern and the most delectable Suzie Smart. This is a wonderful spanking in itself, but I thought it fun to turn it into a new NHS initiative, letting the patients spank their nurses in order to improve their well-being. […]
These pictures were taken from the scene Rachel’s first caning at – file spr-1465. I think I got the idea for this SpankArt purely because Sarah does sometimes tend to leave her I.T. lying around and I thought it would be fun to have one of her spankee’s send an impropriate Email and of […]
SpankArt is meant to be fun and to give you all a bit of a giggle. All pictures & material belong to Strand Productions and are part of the following amazing spanking Websites, , , & sarahspanksmen.con . I think SpankArt started by accident really after I’d created a daft picture with speech bubbles. The […]

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May all your searches end with a smile!
Use these links to see comics and cartoons about spanking
by comic strip and political cartoon. 

Candorville by Darrin Bell (2022-01-05)
Rudy Park by Darrin Bell (2021-12-31)
Queen of the Universe by Sam Hurt (1990-09-22)
Rudy Park by Darrin Bell (2021-06-18)
Pickles by Brian Crane (2020-11-28)
Fusco Brothers by J.C. Duffy (2008-04-18)
Candorville by Darrin Bell (2019-12-17)
Mike du Jour by Mike Lester (2019-06-16)
Mike du Jour by Mike Lester (2018-08-05)
Steve Kelley's Editorial Cartoons by Steve Kelley (1999-01-01)
Candorville by Darrin Bell (2017-02-14)
Ann Telnaes' Editorial Cartoons by Ann Telnaes (2002-07-15)
Candorville by Darrin Bell (2016-10-23)
Mike du Jour by Mike Lester (2015-02-20)
Candorville by Darrin Bell (2015-02-10)
Mike du Jour by Mike Lester (2013-05-24)
Candorville by Darrin Bell (2012-07-29)
Mike Luckovich's Editorial Cartoons by Mike Luckovich (2010-04-11)
Gary Varvel's Editorial Cartoons by Gary Varvel (2010-02-02)
Mother Goose and Grimm by Mike Peters (2009-08-04)

Pamela Smart franticly stuffed her tennis racquet
into her bag and ran across the campus to the medical research centre. She
was going to be late for her interview and she badly needed the money. Two
days ago she had received the letter confirming that she had been short
listed for one of Dr Henderson’s research programmes. Three days work
with good pay and the likelihood of more work to follow. She trotted down
the cool corridor and stopped outside the doctor’s office. She took a
deep breath and tugged down on the hem of her short tennis skirt in a
fruitless attempt to cover her bare shapely legs. Nervously, she knocked
on the door. 

“Come in,” said a cheerful voice. “Ah Miss
Smart. Welcome. Please take a seat.” 

“I’m sorry about my outfit Doctor”, said Pam.
“My tennis assessment ran late and I had to come straight over.” 

“That’s quite alright, Miss Smart”, said the
Doctor. His easy manner hiding his private thoughts that this outfit would
be perfect for the interview he had in mind. 
Dr Henderson had posted an advert across the campus,
in the sports faculty, for a student to be a guinea pig in his latest
research program. He hadn’t specified the nature of the work but he knew
the type of candidate he had in mind. The promise of good pay had
attracted quite a few students and to avoid accusations of impropriety he
had short-listed them. He chose the beautiful Pamela Smart who was his
ideal candidate, 19 years old, long blond hair tied back in a pony tail
and stunningly beautiful. 
“Now Miss Smart”, he said, looking through a
manila folder containing her application. “Everything seems to be in
order so let me tell you a little bit about my research. I have been
working on a new type of anaesthetic. A powerful local anaesthetic that
could save many lives in the operating theatre. This is an opportunity for
a selfless young lady like you to save peoples lives at the cost of only a
little minor discomfort to yourself.” 

Pamela nodded, looking appropriately serious and
interested, although her main concern was to earn some money. 

“In order to gauge the effectiveness of my product,
Miss Smart, I need a brave healthy candidate willing to accept a minor
degree of pain. Are you still interested?” 

Pam was a little uneasy about the thought of pain,
however minor, but she also had the rent to pay and no money in the bank.
“Ok” she said, and smiled nervously. 

“Good, good. Let me show you the equipment.” 

Dr Henderson lead Pam through to a neighbouring room
where a control panel stood in front of a glass wall that separated a
sealed area containing a strange contraption. 

“Inflicting moderate pain without damage is not as
easy as you might think, Miss Smart. And doing it in a way that can be
precisely measured and controlled is very tricky. I have concluded that
the simplest and most harmless method to control the pain of a subject is
by applying a spanking. After all, even children are spanked and no parent
would wish to harm their child.” 

Pam stared wide-eyed at the doctor in disbelief. 
Lost for words, she looked again at the contraption and realised
its purpose. He wasn’t joking. He had built a vicious looking spanking
machine and placed it in a soundproof room. 

She was about to tell the doctor what he could do
with his research but then she remembered the rent. Three days work. What
harm could a little spanking do and no one needed to know. 

“Ok”, mumbled Pam. “I guess, if it’s going to
save lives …” 

“Excellent!” said the doctor. “Now there is
just one more formality, Miss Smart. I need to be sure that you are
capable of completing the project. I wouldn’t want you running away on
day one. I’m afraid the machine isn’t fully operational yet so I am
going to have to test your resilience by hand. Let us return to the
privacy of my office where I must ask you to take an aptitude test.” 

Pam and the doctor returned to the office. The doctor
locked the door and pulled a sheet of typed paper out of his desk drawer
and handed it to Pam. “Looks a bit short for a test”, she thought. 

“Please read and sign this document, Pamela”,
said the doctor smiling reassuringly, “then we can carry out the… er…aptitude

Pam started to read and her mouth dropped open.
“You are Joking”, she said. She re-read the document. “You want me
to sign this so that you can ‘put me over your knee and spank me for as
long and as hard as necessary to ascertain my suitability’?” 

“It is purely in the interest of science Pamela. I
need to test your resilience to a sound spanking. How else can I assess
your suitability for the research position? Let me assure you of the
utmost discretion on my part. No one will know the nature of the aptitude
test. But if you don’t feel you can agree then you may leave now and I
shall simply find an alternative candidate.” 

Pam read the document again. On the one hand the
proposition was outrageous. But on the other hand the doctor’s argument
sounded quite reasonable and she would feel such a fool if she backed out
and the job went to one of her friends. She knew Jane on the volleyball
team had applied. Taking a deep breath. She made her decision. She picked
up the doctor’s pen and signed the waver. Handing the document to the
doctor she said “Ok Dr Henderson. What happens now? Can I at least go
and change into some jeans?” She laughed nervously and ran her hands
over her bottom, smoothing down her clothes. “I think my tennis skirt
will be a bit too short for me to bend over for a spanking.” 

“On the contrary, Pamela. Your current attire is
perfect. The only adjustment I must ask you to make is to take off your
tennis shoes. You may place them here on this small table.” Reluctantly,
Pamela did as she was asked, placing the white rubber soled plimsolls next
to a bottle of some sort of cooling lotion and a large wooden hairbrush.
She didn’t appreciate the significance of the hairbrush. 
Henderson placed an upright chair next to the table
and sat down patting his knees. Pamela came to his right side and looked
down at his lap, feeling the anxiety of a naughty schoolgirl about to
spanked for a serious offence. Dr Henderson took hold of her hand and
gently eased her into position over his knee. He adjusted her position
slightly, centring her hips. Her hands were able to touch the floor on one
side and her feet dangled on the other, her bottom perfectly positioned.
Henderson rested his hand on the trembling target. 

Pamela had been right about the length of her tiny
tennis skirt. Although it covered most of her bottom, it left a
tantalising glimpse of the swell of her lower bottom cheeks and a hint of
white panties. 

“Now Pamela”, said Henderson “we will begin.
Are you ready?” 

Before she could answer, Doctor Henderson raised his
hand to shoulder height and slapped it down hard on Pam’s upturned
bottom. “Yeouch!” she screamed and tried to struggle to her feet.
Doctor Henderson held her firmly in place and dealt another two severe
smacks. “Please be still Pamela. I have barely started.” 

Another five hard spanks followed in rapid
succession, alternating between cheeks. Pamela squealed and cried with
each one, thrashing about and kicking her legs. Dr Henderson stopped
briefly, but only to take the time to grab the hem of her short skirt and
pull it up to her waist, revealing her perfectly formed bottom, pert and
firm, covered by the thin white material of her panties. 

“Nooo!” cried Pam, twisting around and trying to
push her skirt back down to protect her exposed bottom. Henderson grabbed
her wrist and pushed it out of the way. He raised his hand high and
brought it down as hard as he could, irritated by her futile attempt to
stop him. Pam screamed again and cried, begging him to stop, tears pouring
down her face. Henderson ignored her pleas and smacked his hand down hard
again and again on the thin material of her panties, raining an incessant
torrent of stinging whacks on her blazing bottom. 

Finally the punishment stopped. Henderson was
breathing deeply with the exertion of holding on to the struggling
nineteen-year-old and delivering the long and relentless spanking. His
hand was stinging, the palm sharing a deep red blush with Pamela’s
tortured bottom, a blush that almost glowed through the material of her
panties. She was crying
uncontrollably. She had enjoyed a mild love-spanking once or twice in the
past when wrestling with her boyfriend after a mischievous prank. But she
had never received such a merciless hiding before. 

Slowly, Pam calmed down. Her bottom burned like a
furnace. Henderson released her wrist, allowing her to reach back and rub
her bottom gently to ease the unbearable stinging. She tried to scramble
to her feet but Henderson quickly pushed her back into position and pinned
her arm to her side again. 

“Wha…What, What are you doing?” she sobbed,
struggling to free herself. “Let go of me!” 

Henderson held her firmly in place. “I’m sorry
Miss Smart, I’m afraid we haven’t quite finished”. He took hold of
the waistband of her panties and started to pull them down. 

“Don’t you dare!” she screamed and struggled
harder. The struggling worked in Henderson’s favour, raising her hips
and freeing her panties, which were swiftly pulled down to mid thigh.
“Please be calm, Miss Henderson. I am a doctor after all.” 

Henderson admired his handiwork. Her suntanned back
and legs framed the once white skin of her bottom, which now glowed a deep
pink. Henderson rested his hand on the burning flesh, enjoying the heat.
Pamela winced and tears started to fill her eyes again. “Please, Dr
Henderson. Let me go. I don’t want to do this. You can keep the job.” 

Henderson reached over to the table, picked up one of
Pam’s tennis shoes and rested its cool sole against her bottom. “No!
No! Please…” Her words abruptly ended with a tear-filled cry as
Henderson raised the plimsoll and whacked it down with as much force as he
could manage on her naked bottom. Faster and faster, Henderson continued
his cruel onslaught. Whack! Thwack! Thwack! The noise echoed around the
office, each stinging blow accompanied by a tearful cry from Pamela. The
doctor concentrated his attack on the tender lower cheeks turning them to
a deep red. Pam screamed and cried, bucking, kicking and thrashing around
whipping her blond ponytail from side to side. 

When Henderson finally stopped, Pamela was howling.
He put down the tennis shoe and ran his hand over the blazing red orbs of
her bottom. Then slowly reached for the hairbrush. 

When Pam felt the cool hard wood rest against her
skin she twisted around to see what was coming. “No. No,” she
screamed. Terrified at the sight of the hairbrush. “Please! I can’t
take any more. Let me go.” She struggled harder than ever to free
herself and Henderson had to pin her legs down with his right leg and push
hard on her back, forcing her head towards the floor and making her naked
bottom a perfect undefended target for the savage hairbrush spanking. 

He raised the brush high and brought it down hard.
Whack! Smack! Slap! The hairbrush was worse that anything she had felt so
far. The pain engulfed her whole bottom, stinging more and more with each
blow. The spanking seemed endless, but Henderson finally stopped and
allowed the sobbing girl to slide to the floor where she lay crying with
her hands gingerly touching and stroking her blazing bottom. 

sorry I had to spank you so hard,” said Henderson, matter-of-factly,
“but it was essential that I exposed you to an extreme of pain far
beyond anything you will encounter in the experiments. It was a scientific
necessity that I should fully understand your resilience and reaction to a
spanking of that magnitude. He reached down and helped Pamela to her feet.
She stood before him, looking every bit the well-punished girl that she
was, even though she had done nothing to deserve it. Her face was flushed
and tearstained. Her eyes were red with crying so hard and strands of
blond hair were stuck to her wet cheeks. She was still sobbing and
sniffling. Her panties had fallen to the floor and her hands were up the
back of her skirt clutching her stinging bare bottom. 

“You will be pleased to know that you have passed
the aptitude test with flying colours. I will contact you again in two
weeks with information about the first experiment.” Henderson reached
down and picked up the discarded panties. He handed them to Pam. He
offered her the bottle of cooling lotion. “Apply this liberally as
required”, he said, “until your bottom cools down.” He unlocked the
door and held it open for Pam. “Thank you for coming Miss Smart. I’ll
be in touch.” 

Pam’s eyes turned to furious slits. “You
bastard!” she said, fully realising how he had manipulated the interview
to get her over his knee. 

“Miss Smart. Really I don’t see the n
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