Spanish Dirty Talk

Spanish Dirty Talk


Spanish Dirty Talk

By Maureen Stimola
Last updated:

July 28, 2022

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Lots of seemingly innocent words— common words that you’ll use in casual Spanish multiple times daily—can be transformed into total dirtiness if used in the wrong context.
There’s nothing to be ashamed of if you’ve used them wrong by mistake—this is part of learning.
And once you solve the mystery you’ll have new curses and dirty words you can use intentionally in jokes and raunchy stories.
Anyone who’s been to Latin America knows that there’s no escaping it—you need to raunch it up with the best of them to fit in, understand humor and have fun.

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Keep in mind that you can use these words perfectly well, in the correct context and everything, and people will still giggle at them. It’s like how somebody might say “I do do that” in English and be met with a “Haha, you said doo doo .”
It’s just proof that, deep down, nobody ever really grows up enough to stop giggling at unintentional sexual euphemisms and scatological humor. We’re all still in third grade.
It’s also kind of beautiful, when you really think about it—this is something that intrinsically connects human beings from all races and religions. Dirty humor truly knows no boundaries.
Like, it’s amazing that you can go use a public bathroom anywhere in the world and discover that some bored bathroom occupant before you drew a tally-wacker. It’s something that people just do , regardless of ethnicity or native language.
We’re more similar than we are different.
These phrases are just more evidence of this phenomenon.
Learn them all, and you’ll be in “the know” next time you get laughed at while speaking Spanish. Heck, you might even start laughing when other people say them—and that’s when you officially know you’re a Spanish speaker rather than a Spanish student.
But you also need to watch out and know when to use specific words. Try spending some time watching real Spanish media (stuff like movies and telenovelas) or studying with the video clips in the FluentU language learning program—whether it’s a dirty word or a business term, FluentU has a contextual video dictionary that will define them and teach you when and how to use them in the right contexts.
With a little practice, you’ll soon be talking obscenities like a native.
And now, let’s get linguistically dirty!
This one is number one of my list, because I’ve had people laugh at me when actually speaking about toads in the context of ongoing biological research.
There’s no way to avoid the crassness, no matter your context or technically perfect Spanish. If you’re not speaking to biologists, maybe you could pretend you only know the word for frog ( rana ) . I say you tackle this head on, though. No fear. Make the scientific community (and me) proud by unabashedly using precise language regardless of the consequences.
If you didn’t know that Tasmania is shaped like that , now you do—forever. You’re welcome. This word makes appearances in many explicit phrases used to curse people out, such as “¡Concha [de] tu madre!” and the weirder “¡Concha [de] la lora!” 
This darn gendered language seems like it’s designed to cause these problems on purpose. You automatically have to define a dog as a male or female dog when speaking, either a perro or perra. 
In English, we have our own vulgar word that technically means “female dog” but is almost never used for that reason. Spanish uses “female dog” for another insult, namely “a woman of loose morals” or “a loose woman who’s had many lovers.”
This one caused my personal, all-time favorite Spanish embarrassment story. While talking to my Ecuadorian homestay family about a Spanish class assignment involving “La caperucita roja,” I did a metaphorical faceplant after talking about how the wolf eats the grandmother. Talk about reinventing classic stories. I will never forget the sound of eight Quiteños laughing hysterically at my Spanish blunder.
Clean meaning: Wealthy (when referring to people), delicious (when referring to food)
Dirty meaning: Delicious (when referring to people)
You can make a similar mistake if you’re still confusing ser and estar and want to describe someone as “a good person.” If you say that “Ella está buena” instead of “Ella es buena,” look out for some raised eyebrows—you just said that “She’s a hot piece of tail,” not that “She’s a good human being.”
Okay, the dirtiness here is caused by a common mix-up between the two words listed above. Culo is a raunchy word that impressionable Spanish learners often pick up by listening to too much reggaeton.
Nalga is a more benign word which means something akin to “butt,” “butt cheeks” when plural and “lil’ butt cheeks” when phrased more diminutively as nalguitas —but despite being more anatomical it’s still moderately crude.
Stick with trasero , which comes out sounding more like the English “behind,” and you’ll be polite in anyone’s company.
Again, this is another case of word mix-ups. You may have learned that grasa technically means fat, but that doesn’t mean you should refer to your own body fat or someone’s else’s that way. Instead say, “Tengo unas libras de más” (I have a few extra pounds), rather than pointing to yourself and talking about nasty, greasy lard.
You can always use huevitos if you want to make sure you don’t bungle this one up. In some countries—I myself am only aware of this happening in parts of Mexico—some native speakers defer to blancos when they’re discussing eggs.
Clean meaning: Smaller balls (as opposed to balón or bola which refer to a larger ball) used in sporting events
You may be talking about tennis equipment, but this will never not be funny.
Clean meaning: General ball-shaped items, balls used for sporting events, edible balls of food
There is no Spanish word for sports-related balls that isn’t funny. Sorry. This particular word is twice as bad because you can also eat bolas in many parts of the Spanish-speaking world. Suddenly, “¿Qué comiste hoy en el almuerzo?” becomes a dangerous question.
Dirty meaning: Exactly what you think it means
Your home country doesn’t matter—it’s part of human nature to identify vaguely phallic-shaped items and laugh at them. We all know what a sausage looks like, and we all know what that word can mean in the right (or wrong) context.
Clean meaning: Chicken breast/human chest, human breast
Let’s clear all this up right away: Pechuga is for talking about chicken breasts and pecho is a more technical term for a human chest. Pecho can be used when speaking about medical issues, physical fitness, breastfeeding and any other usual topic of conversation.
Pechuga, when used in reference to a person, conveys that you think of that person as a slab of meat. Pecho , used when talking about meat, conveys that you don’t speak Spanish.
You don’t always want to say pecho when talking about people (or yourself), since that can be awkward if you’re in the midst of a girls’ night out or something. If you actually want to talk casually about boobies (and not the blue-footed kind) with friends, in Ecuador you can use chichis in a playful sense and avoid sounding totally awkward.
Clean meaning: Bag, shopping bag, sack
Say funda instead, for the love of God.
Dirty meaning: Homosexual (offensive)
This totally innocent word becomes an offensive slur when used in the wrong country. In many places, ave sounds heavy, awkward or is simply less-commonly used, and that’s where you’ll want to use pájaro to talk about our winged, flying friends. 
In other regions, namely the Caribbean and perhaps a few others, you should only ever use ave. Pay attention when people speak or ask your hosts if you’re unsure! Honestly, you can never go very wrong with ave, so it’s the safe choice no matter where you are.
Clean meaning: Desire, urge; to have the desire or urge to do something
Dirty meaning: Animal urges (ahem)
Sure, you can say “Tengo ganas de comer una hamburguesa enorme” (I feel like eating an enormous hamburger), but don’t pause after “Tengo ganas.” If your conversation partner thinks the sentence ends there, funny looks will abound.
In many countries and contexts, this verb is A-OK. The internet will expressly forbid you from using it in most Latin American countries, but Ecuadorians and Colombians (citizens of countries that are supposed to only know of the dirty coger usage) can be heard innocently saying things like “Voy a coger un taxi” (I’m going to take a taxi) all day long.
It’s pretty much a toss up when you’ll get someone snickering at you for using it, no matter where in the world you are—though I’ve heard the word is actually off limits in Chile and Peru, so you might want to ask when you arrive at your Spanish-speaking destination.
Clean meaning: I fall ( me caigo – caerse )
Dirty meaning: I sh*t myself ( me cago – cagarse )
Even if you’re not clumsy and falling down all the time, me caigo is a great phrase to have on hand, particularly for the expression “ Me caigo de [la] risa,” which is roughly equivalent to ROFL. Now, this phrase comes from the irregular verb caerse (to fall), not from the similar (and seriously vulgar in every possible context) verb cagarse. To sound cooler and funnier among friends, you can also say the more vulgar Spanish version of ROFL: “Me cago de [la] risa.” Just don’t say this one to your boss or your boyfriend’s grandmother.
Beginning Spanish language learners have been known to accidentally mix these up or simply mis-conjugate or mispronounce their intended verb. Urban Dictionary can’t even tell the difference between these phrases, which shows you just how deep this goes.
Even if you always say “Me caigo” perfectly, you may well have immature jokesters play off your words, twist your words around for jokes at your expense or chuckle at you de la nada.
This is possibly the most frequently-used word in the Dominican Republic. Absolutely everything is a vaina , so leave cosa behind once you’ve set foot on Dominican soil. Since everything can be a vaina, it’s no small wonder that it can be used to casually refer to one’s private parts—mostly for ladies.
You’ll get some giggles if you say this one with misplaced emphasis, silly context where it could be somehow construed sexually or if everyone has had enough Presidentes (popular brand of Dominican cerveza nacional ) that night.
Clean meaning: There is no clean meaning, this is just an all-around sexual thing to say—but lots of Spanish learners say it.
Dirty meaning: I’m hot/smokin’/feeling quiggly
Classic. The ol’ “Estoy caliente” instead of “Tengo calor” switcharoo. Many Spanish learners have fallen to this phrase before you, and it never fails to elicit a sidelong glance or giggle from native conversation partners. You were trying to say that you feel hot due to the current temperature or climate, and instead you boasted about your hot bod or eagerness for intimate encounters.

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Literal translation: Not even joking
Use: No way
When someone dares you to do something that you’d never do, this is the perfect one to use. It’s similar to the English expressions “When pigs fly”, “Not even in your wildest dreams”, or like Americans say; “No way, José”. Although coña is derived from coño , the vulgar term for vagina, it means joke in modern-day Spanish.
Literal translation: I shit on thy dead
Use: Up yours / Go to hell
Looking for the perfect way to express extreme anger towards another human being? There isn’t a much better (or worse) way than with this expression which will send a chill down your spine. Beware, this expression is one of the rudest and most vulgar of them all. Use this one with extreme caution, and please, don’t go pooing on anyone’s dead body.
Literal translation: What the vagina?
Use: What the f***?
This one is usually followed by something, such as: ¿ Qué coño estás haciendo? = What the f*** are you doing? As explained earlier, coño literally refers to the female gender but rarely actually refers to anyone’s private parts. That makes this a great one for everyday use.
Literal translation: Touches balls/ Ball toucher
Use: Ballbuster
This hilarious Spanish insult comes from a combination of the verb tocar meaning to touch and pelotas meaning balls. Of course, by balls we mean male testicles. But don’t worry, you don’t have to be a man to use this expression, Spanish women use it all the time!
Literal translation: To give the big vagina (pussy)
Use: To give someone shit / to bitch
When you “dar el coñazo” it means you are annoying someone and getting on their nerves. You can use it when someone gets stuck on a heavy topic and goes on and on about it. However, it’s one of the lighter expressions on this list, so if you hear it, you needn’t be shocked.
Literal translation: A nun’s tit
Use: Awesome/amazing/splendid
This will probably be one of your favorite new Spanish expressions thanks to its ridiculousness. It’s not at all logical and has nothing to do with anyone’s breasts… It’s basically used to express positivity and excitement about something. I’m not really sure how the Spaniards came up with this one…
Literal translation: To throw a powder
Use: To hook up
This is quite the tricky one because despite its appearance, it’s 100% sexual! How in the world could this possibly be related to having sex? The Spanish probably don’t even know where this expression comes from. Nevertheless, one thing is for sure, they definitely use it! Also, if you’re talking about a romantic evening, you might want to avoid this one.

25 Funny Spanish Insults and Swear Words
Let us help you learn the language you always wanted, faster than you ever thought was possible.
In several occasions, “shit happens” and you might want to take revenge on someone who offends you or has a reprehensible behavior against you or anyone you love. Therefore, it is useful to know Spanish insults and swear words to at least drain some or all of your anger.
Similarly, you will want to know the right words at the right time and respond to that unpleasant person. You may also want to say idiot in Spanish or other funny Spanish insults to get revenge.
Likewise, we will show you a list of swear words in Spanish that will get you out of trouble (or even get you into trouble if you say them to the wrong person or at a bad time).
Moreover, it is clear that every country has its own Spanish insults and swear words, even in different regions of the same country, so it can be very diverse as well as the vocabulary is. We recommend you to be careful with the moments when and the places where you say these words if you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings or cause trouble. Be wise with these insults!
Finally, we give you several great examples of these Spanish insults and swear words and the context where they can be used:

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The following words and phrases didn’t make it to our top 10 list here , but you will also hear them in Colombia and certainly not in a formal Spanish class.
11. Jalarse la tripa or Hacerse la paja
To masturbate. Literally translates to “pull your guts.”
12. Maricón or Marica
Derogatory for homosexual man
13. Manda huevo
Tiene cojones/tiene pantalones
14. Me la comí or Me la tiré
“I had sex with her”
16. Arepera
Derogatory for lesbian. This word comes from the word arepa , a traditional Colombian food.
17. Marrano
Bum, fool, idiot. You will hear it in the phrase “lo cogió de marrano” that means “he/she took advantage of”
18. Pendejo
A fool or idiot, usually in reference to a man that is dominated by his wife.
19. Avión
An operator, a guy who’s not respectful of women, that just grabs whoever is close for a fling. An alternate meaning is someone intelligent.
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