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Эта ракета предназначена для освоения Марса. Маск рассказал, каким видит устройство общества на Марсе после его колонизации. Он считает, что будущие марсиане должны коллективно принимать решения о том, продлевать ли срок действия тех или иных законов, или же они просто будут терять актуальность. Первоначальная цель — высаживание на Марсе семян, чтобы создать там условия для появления человеческой колонии. В дальнейшем, по словам Маска, на Марсе можно будет построить стеклянные купола, электростанции и создать все условия для жизни. После появления всей это инфраструктуры, по мнению Маска, на Марсе начнется предпринимательский бум. Запомнилось его выступление и словами основоположника теории космических полётов Константина Эдуардовича Циолковского: ' Один из великих русских учёных, Циолковский, сказал гениальную фразу: 'Земля — колыбель человечества, но нельзя вечно оставаться в колыбели'. Настало время идти дальше: стать цивилизацией, бороздящей просторы космоса, расширять присутствие человеческого сознания. Меня это безумно вдохновляет. И я счастлив, что живу. Надеюсь, вы тоже. Читать подборку.

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Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, the Russian father of rocketry, was a self-educated man, but he developed insights into space travel and rocket science that are still in use over a hundred years later, earning him a place in history as one of the pioneers of astronautics. Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was the fifth of 18 children born to an impoverished Polish immigrant. At the age of 10, he developed scarlet fever, and lost a significant portion of his hearing, an ailment that isolated him from his peers. By the age of 14, he had been suspended from school, having acquired only a few brief years of formal education. But the young man had a thirst for learning. His father arranged for him to visit Moscow when Tsiolkovsky was 16, where he took advantage of the freely available Chertkovskaya Library. He studied mathematics, physics, chemistry and mechanics, and he also stumbled onto the works of science fiction writer Jules Verne , whose novels on space travel inspired him. Tsiolkovsky returned home after three years in Moscow, eventually taking the exam to qualify him as a teacher. Before taking his first teaching job, he built a centrifuge with the idea of testing gravitational effects. Local chickens served as his test subjects. He taught arithmetic and geometry in the local school in Borokvsk, a small town 70 miles south of Moscow. There, he married Varvara Sokolova and raised a family. In , Tsiolkovsky was promoted to another teaching position in Kaluga, where he would remain until his death in Soon after his return home, Tsiolkovsky tried his hand at writing science fiction. However, he found himself focusing on the concrete problems that space travelers would have to deal with, such as the struggle to control a rocket as it traveled through gravitational fields. In , he published an article about living in outer space that dealt with the effects of zero gravity. Isolated, Tsiolkovsky found it difficult to stay abreast of new research. When he sought to publish his findings on the kinetic properties of gases, he was told that someone else had already published similar findings a quarter decade earlier. Undaunted, Tsiolkovsky turned his eyes toward flight. An article proposed the idea of a fully metal aircraft, and in , he turned his eyes toward settling space. His manuscript included the equation now named for the scientist. It is considered a foundation of astronautics. But though Tsiolkovsky was the first to delve into such complex problems, his role as a provincial schoolteacher, combined with the shutdown of the magazine, meant that very few copies of his research left Russia. In the s, German scientist Hermann Oberthand American physicist Robert Goddard were independently reaching many of the same conclusions as Tsiolkovsky. Their separate parallel work set all three men as the 'fathers of rocketry. In , Tsiolkovsky published another article elaborating on his thoughts on multistage rockets, which he described as required to allow a body to leave orbit. As each rocket consumed its fuel, it would break off from the main body. Other ideas that Tsiolkovsky proposed including steering rockets in flight with graphite rudders, pumps to drive fuel from storage tanks to the combustion chamber, and propellants to cool parts of the rocket. He predicted the need for pressurized suits when astronauts left their spacecraft. In Russia, Tsiolkovsky is known as 'the father of theoretical and applied cosmonautics. The most prominent crater on the far side of the moon bears his name, as does asteroid Tsiolkovsky. It seems to me the first seeds were planted by famous fantaseour, J. Then, scientific calculation. Ultimately, fulfillment crowns the dream. Many questions remain unanswered; many works are incomplete or unpublished. The most important things still lie ahead. Join our Space Forums to keep talking space on the latest missions, night sky and more! And if you have a news tip, correction or comment, let us know at: community space. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer. Tsiolkovsky developed insights into space travel and rocket science that are still in use over a hundred years later. Image credit: NASA Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, the Russian father of rocketry, was a self-educated man, but he developed insights into space travel and rocket science that are still in use over a hundred years later, earning him a place in history as one of the pioneers of astronautics. Early life Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky was the fifth of 18 children born to an impoverished Polish immigrant. Pioneering work Soon after his return home, Tsiolkovsky tried his hand at writing science fiction. Tsiolkovsky died at home on Sept. Quotes by Tsiolkovsky 'The Earth is the cradle of mankind, but mankind cannot stay in the cradle forever.

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