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The extraterritoriality of American law is the capacity that the United States of America gives itself to enact standards applicable to persons, natural or legal, not American. It is illustrated in several fields, in particular that of international corruption where American standards are imposed thanks to a recurrent application of the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act. This law follows an investigation in the s by the American regulator Securities and Exchange Commission in the context of the Watergate scandal. The jus sanguinis makes descent the criterion of automatic acquisition of nationality, conceived as a heritage which is transmitted to the descendants. The jus soli is based on the place of birth of the individual. UNIDROIT is an intergovernmental organisation situated in Rome and whose objective is to harmonise international private law across countries through uniform rules, international conventions, and the production of model laws, sets of principles, guides and guidelines. Established in as part of the League of Nations, it was reestablished in The Constellation Program was a NASA space exploration program, the main objective of which was to send astronauts to the Moon around for long-term missions. As soon as it was presented to the media, the Constellation Program received a mixed reception. While some were enthusiastic about the idea of a new era of exploration beyond the Low Earth Orbit LEO , others found little interest in an Apollo-bis deemed to be little innovative. In the Fisheries Case of , the dispute is over a maritime area where fishing was an important resource: the point was to figure out how much of that maritime zone was Norwegian, and how much was considered as high seas, meaning that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland could freely fish in this zone. It is in the light of all this questioning, and of all this projects that we fully understand the need for an International Space Agency ISA which will establish a common program and course of action. It would define the objectives of humanity on a short, medium and long term. The first one could be the organisation of mission on Mars. Currently, only American astronauts can vote from outer space. Indeed, in , the State of Texas passed a law which allows American astronauts to cast their ballots from outer space, from the International Space Station ISS , and even if they were further out, like on Mars. Is Colombia competent, as the country that grants asylum, to unilaterally qualify the offence for the purpose of asylum under treaty law and international law? In this specific case, was Peru, as the territorial State, bound to give a guarantee of safe passage? In , when UFOs were all the rage, a group of top scientific minds met in secret at a rural observatory in West Virginia. These scientists wanted to find, and talk to, aliens. Advertising is everywhere: on posters paper or digital , in magazines, on TV, on the Internet, in our smartphones, and even soon in our connected and autonomous cars. Is the next step the sky? Will we one day see giant billboards floating in the clouds… even in outer space? Optical space telecommunications is a category of space telecommunications based on the use of lasers for data transmission. This technique makes it possible to considerably increase the speed compared to radio links while reducing the electrical power required. Even the fauna is scarce. Space objects can therefore crash without risk in this area, before sinking four kilometers deep. Today, many in the space community think that In-situ Resource Utilization ISRU is not ready for use in actual missions, however it is a fact that space resources are already being used in outer space today. Solar energy provides substantial capability to satellites in Earth orbit and on inter-planetary journeys. Actio popularis was characterised by the attribution to all Roman citizens of the right to defend collective or common interests in court. The promoters of space elevators generally do not fail to mention the first published concrete attempt, that of the Tower of Babel. Europe is the continent of inventors and explorers. Starting five hundred years ago, European scientists developed a large number of machines, processes and objects that we still use in our daily life. In the same period, the navigators, still European, furrowed the oceans of our planet and mapped it. Europe must therefore not forget its legacy of explorers. The extraterritoriality of American law The extraterritoriality of American law is the capacity that the United States of America gives itself to enact standards applicable to persons, natural or legal, not American. Understanding jus soli and jus sanguinis The jus sanguinis makes descent the criterion of automatic acquisition of nationality, conceived as a heritage which is transmitted to the descendants. What was the Constellation Program? Understanding the Fisheries Case In the Fisheries Case of , the dispute is over a maritime area where fishing was an important resource: the point was to figure out how much of that maritime zone was Norwegian, and how much was considered as high seas, meaning that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland could freely fish in this zone. Towards an International Space Agency? Can astronauts vote in space? Understanding the Asylum Case Is Colombia competent, as the country that grants asylum, to unilaterally qualify the offence for the purpose of asylum under treaty law and international law? Advertising in outer space: the beginnings of commercial drifts? The need to establish a communication network in deep space Optical space telecommunications is a category of space telecommunications based on the use of lasers for data transmission. Marine pollution caused by space debris Even the fauna is scarce. In-situ Resource Utilization ISRU and the future of commercial space Today, many in the space community think that In-situ Resource Utilization ISRU is not ready for use in actual missions, however it is a fact that space resources are already being used in outer space today. The history of space elevators The promoters of space elevators generally do not fail to mention the first published concrete attempt, that of the Tower of Babel. What role for Europe in the return of Americans to the Moon?

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