Soure Changelog

Soure Changelog

Vítor Gonçalves

✔️ Merged android-security-13.0.0_r22 tag;

✔️ Updated PixelPropsUtils in order to pass new integrity requirements;

✔️ Improved general ui rendering power;

✔️ Don't animate QS tile text when opening activity/dialog from A11QS ui;

✔️ Split the lock synchronizing LMKD socket reads/writes ;

✔️ Battery Styles: Never enable dual tone on landscape battery styles ;

✔️ SystemUI: Remove composite alpha from additional scrim on lockscreen;

✔️ SystemUI: Resolve regressions caused by continuous updating of notification icons;

✔️ base: Allow to always show the time in media player;

✔️ SystemUI: Controllable squiggle animation;

✔️ SystemUI: Initialize Bluetooth visibility based on whether Bluetooth is enabled;

✔️ Fix the NPE issue caused by the multi-thread operation on;

✔️ Telephony: Gracefully handle data enablement checks;

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