Sortable.create example

Sortable.create example

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7 Apr 2015 getElementById('multi'); var sortable = Sortable.create(el, I followed the examples on the Sortable page so it's likely the preferred method: Basic unordered list, drag any list item to reorder. works; this; Yay; now. Sortable.create("list");. Unordered list with draggable handles, drag the link to reorder. getElementById('items'); var sortable = Sortable.create(el);. You can use any element for the list and its elements, not just ul / li . Here is an example with div s. Sortable.create(simpleList, { /* options */ });. 3. ?. 4. // List with handle. 5. Sortable.create(listWithHandle, {. 6. handle: '.glyphicon-move',. 7. animation: 150. 8. });. Sortable.create. Behaviours > Sortable > create. Use Sortable.create to initialize a sortable element. Example that will NOT work with default settings: The element to become Sortable is passed to the create() method in the Sortable <html> <head> <title>Sorting Example</title> <script type="text/javascript" Similar API and behaviour to jquery-ui sortable plugin. Works in IE 5.5+, Firefox Use handle option to create sortable lists with handles: $('.sortable').sortable({ First we need to create the HTML structure for the list. Since Sortable uses Y.DD.Delegate , we need to set up a delegation container ( #demo ) and the list items learn Sortable; use ng-sortable; Enjoy. Code example. // Simple list var list = document.getElementById("my-ui-list"); Sortable.create(list); // That's all. // Grouping Enable a group of DOM elements to be sortable. Click on and drag an element to a new spot within the list, and the other items will adjust to fit. By default

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