Sorority Sex Story

Sorority Sex Story


Sorority Sex Story
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Gwendolyn meets Abby, who shares her bi-sexual awakening.
Randy chats up four sorority girls at a Sault St Marie bar.
Chapter 5C, Going to the Doctor, Twins Flashback.
Carly and Eve are chosen to try and hypnotize one another.
The girls get set up for first meeting of S.L.E.E.P.
Sorority girls are taken by a mysterious presence at night.
The party ends with unexpected excitement.
He spends the weekend with 5 girls.
A new Freshman gets a job living in a Sorority.
A new Freshman at college gets a job living in a Sorority.
A new Freshman gets a job living in a Sorority.
A new Freshman gets a job living in a Sorority.
When a dad get stuck chaperoning a sorority, what a surprise.
Fun and games at the sorority, oh so many girls.
Anita introduces Milene to her sorority sisters.
Older man's lust for younger women is reciprocated.
A relaxing massage becomes intimate.
Ashley remembers a fling on the beach and meets a new man
Student coworker chooses local over long distance.
These sisters are very, very close.
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Girls have to search a haunted house.
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Sandra and Amber were fronting up before the Sorority induction committee, preparing for the final stages of their hazing.
"Do you know the old McKillop house?" Cheryl asked them.
The two young women looked at each other, shrugged and shook their heads.
"Ah, OK. It's at the end of Oak Street. A big old multi-storey mansion. Abandoned, run-down with a total tangle for a yard. There's some sort of estate fight over who owns it and it's been sitting for a number of years, just slowly deteriorating. It's also reputed to be haunted."
"I've seen the place," she said. "If any house is likely to have a ghost, that one will."
"Right. Well your assignment is to go to the old McKillop place and find the Sorority flag that's been stashed there. You'll get a bonus point if you can find a Fraternity flag that's supposed to be there. Any questions?"
"Yes. I suppose that there will be a couple of fraternity pledges looking for their flag?"
"You suppose correctly. And they'll get a bonus point if they get our flag, and we don't want that to happen."
"Ah," Sandra hesitated, wondering how to raise the subject delicately. "If we run into the boys are they likely to, ah. . ."
"Expect sexual activity?" asked Cheryl. "In the past they might have but nowadays that sort of thing is strictly forbidden during initiations and hazing. You might both be over eighteen," the girls nodded, "but if we tried to put you into a sexual situation we could find the whole sorority being shut down. The fraternity could find themselves closed down as well, so please keep your panties on until after the initiations, no matter how wet they may get."
The girls laughed. "So we just wander up to the old McKillop place, find our flag and hopefully the boys' flag and get out of there. Sounds easy enough."
"Good. I'll be waiting outside the front gate to give you the key to the backdoor at midnight tonight. You may find a torch handy. There's no power." Cheryl smiled at the expression on the faces of the two young women, suddenly finding that they've agreed to search a haunted house at midnight.
"OK, Mike, Frank. All you've got to do is find our flag in the old McKillop house at midnight. There'll be a sorority flag there, too, and it'll be a bonus if you can pinch that. There is one thing. I know you're both eighteen and as horny as hell, but hands off the sorority girls. I don't care if they start doing the dance of the seven veils, trying to entice you, leave them alone. Anything that looks like sexual shenanigans while out on a pledge could get the whole fraternity shut down, which would then compel us to beat the crap out of you, so hands off the girls. Understood?"
Mike summed it up. "Get into the house. Pinch the flags. Don't fuck the girls. Got it."
"Good. After you've joined the fraternity they're fair game. You may find that if you let them get to their flag first they might show their appreciation at a later date. That's up to you."
"Ah, Sam, tell me again why we're holing up here for a few days instead of just getting the hell out of town."
"I told you. Everyone will be thinking we're running like crazy. They'll never expect us to stick this close to the scene of the crime. No-one ever comes here and we can relax until the hunt dies down."
"Does no-one include the two broads walking down the path to the back door?"
Sam moved quickly to the window, in time to observe Sandra and Amber scurry up onto the back porch, obviously heading for the back door.
"Shit. We can't have those idiots wandering around. They'll spot us for sure. Go get Bruno and grab them."
"Ah, Boss," said a rumbling voice from the doorway. "We got visitors at the front door."
"Geez, Bruno, get your facts right. The women are at the damn back door, not the front. I want you and Ron to go and grab them."
"Ah, OK, Boss, but I was talking about the two guys at the front door."
Sam stuck his head out into the hallway, seeing the light of a torch beyond the front door and a couple of shadowy figures.
"What the hell is this? The main street? Bruno, you grab the two at the front. Ron, you grab the women. And do it quietly."
A few moments later a small group of would be pledgers were escorted into the room to be met by a seething Sam.
"What the fuck are you lot doing here?" he snarled at them. "You boys too cheap to pay for a decent motel room that you gotta sneak into this dump for a fuck?"
"It's nothing like that," protested Amber indignantly. "We're undergoing an initiation for our sorority. We have to search this place for our flag. They," she added, looking at the two young men brought in at the same time, "are probably the fraternity guys, hoping to find their flag. More to the point, who are you."
"Never fucking mind who we are. Let's just say that we're going to be your hosts for a few days. Ron, tie these idiots up and dump them in one of the other rooms."
"Ah, yeah, Sam, but tie them up with what? I ain't got no rope."
"Geez, do I have to think of everything? Use their shoelaces or something."
"They ain't wearing shoes that need shoelaces, Boss," put in Bruno.
"And if you try to hold us our sorority pledge panel will come looking for us," snapped Sandra.
"Ditto for our fraternity panel. They'll worry that something has gone wrong and they'll be held responsible. They'll come barrelling in to make sure that we're all right."
"You can't just keep grabbing everyone who comes in," pointed out Amber. You'd have nowhere to put them all. And why do you have to hold us anyway. Who are you?"
"Hey," said Frank, "I bet they're the guys that hit the jewellers earlier tonight. I heard about that earlier."
"And you'd have been smarter to have forgotten about it," said Sam, genuinely angry. Holing up in the old McKillop place had been a brainwave and now these fools had ruined it.
"All right, boys, we switch to plan B," he snapped. "We'll split up and take separate ways to my other place. You both know where it is."
"Ah, Boss, what do we do about these guys?" asked Ron. "As soon as we're out the door they'll be on the phone to the police."
"I think we can slow them down a little," said Sam with a snigger. "For a start, they'll have to find their clothes before they can get dressed and come after us. Strip, the four of you."
"Like hell we will," squealed Amber, horrified. "Absolutely not, and you can't make us."
"Really? Bruno, do you think you can break the nose of the smart Alec who insinuated we were jewel thieves."
"Oh, easy, Boss, but why? We are jewel thieves."
"Let's just call it an incentive to get their clothes off. So, girlie, are you going to strip before or after we break this guy's nose?"
Fuming, the four stripped. Standing naked, they watched Bruno gather their clothes under Sam's direction and depart. A few minutes later he was back.
"Done, Boss," he rumbled. "I hid their stuff in an old fridge in the kitchen."
"Ron," said Sam with a sigh, "could you please go and hide their clothes somewhere else?"
Ron exited, laughing, leaving a confused Bruno to watch the temporary hostages.
"Now here's where you're all going to find it very interesting," said Sam. "Bring them along here, Bruno."
The four were ushered to another room. Relatively small, with carpeting on the floor. There were no windows, just a lot of old bookshelves, still with quite a few books on them.
"Now you and you," said Sam, pointing to Sandra and Amber, "are going to lie down on the floor. Then these two fine gentlemen are going to fuck you. We'll be checking at least once before we leave and if you aren't still fucking then you'll be put to sleep with a gun barrel. Hopefully it won't kill you, but it'll be a chance you take if you come too soon, so stretch it out boys."
Sam had expected that the girls might object to his little plan, and that didn't really worry him. Girls always seemed to object when it came to sex. What did surprise him was that the boys were objecting just as hard.
"The fucks sake," he yelled, pointing at Sandra. "Look at the tits and pussy on her. You're telling me you don't want to fuck that. Are you assholes gay?"
"It's in the fraternity rules. We're not allowed to fuck the sorority girls while we're undergoing initiation."
"We've got the same rules," put in Amber. "No sex."
"The fraternity has a no sex rule and you want to join that frat? Are you insane?"
"Ah, it's a PC thing. They're afraid of losing their accreditation. It's only during our initiation," mumbled Mike. "After that, any girls we can catch."
"Same here," said Amber, "but we don't intend to get caught."
"Well tell me, what do your rules say about you getting beat about the head with a gun barrel? Do they have any rules on that? Because that's your alternative. Either you're engaged in such a way as to slow you down so you don't see how we depart or you take a nap the hard way."
Frank looked at Bruno. A big man. Very big. If he hit someone with a gun barrel they just might not get up again - ever.
"I'm Frank," he said, turning to Amber. "Lie down. You're my partner."
Mike looked at Sandra. "Hi. I'm Mike. I'll be screwing you tonight it seems. Lie down."
The girls looked at each other in consternation. What the hell could they do?
"Right," said Sam. "Now that that is settled we'll leave you to it. Remember, if you're not busy when I look back in, you take a nap, and you'll have a hell of a headache when you wake up."
Sandra and Amber looked at the two young men.
"Ah, you're not really going to do this, are you?" asked Sandra.
"Well, I can't speak for Frank and your friend, but me, I'm not having my head caved in to protect your virtue, so yes, I'm going to fuck you. As you can see, I'm rising nicely to the occasion. You should actually be thanking me, because if I don't that gorilla will pat your skull with his little gun, as well as mine, and I don't think you'd enjoy that nearly as much as you will this."
Frank was being a trifle more direct.
"Do you want to start right now or wait until Mike has started on your friend?"
"What? Neither. I can't do this," Amber protested.
"Yes, you can," said Frank, "It's really quite easy."
Smiling at Amber he placed a hand behind her head then cupped her chin.
"Where the head goes," he said, winking, "the body follows."
To Amber's consternation he twisted her head slightly and she found herself turning in the direction of the twist. And kept on moving, sidewards and down. Suddenly she found herself flat in her back, naked, with a naked man poised over her.
"So," said Frank. "What's your name and are you going to succumb to my manly charms or are you going to fight? What I suggest is that you struggle feebly at first while I pat your pussy. When you're aroused you can then put up a proper struggle when I go to take you."
Even while making his suggestion he was sliding a hand between Amber's legs, seeking her mound. Amber squirmed and tried to wriggle away, but Frank had her nicely pinned. He caught her hands and held them in one of his, while a leg was between hers, holding them apart. He proceeded to make free of her pussy, stroking and agitating.
Frank paused when a squeal came from the other couple. Frank and Amber turned their attention to them. The light was poor, with only the single torch having been left in the room, but there was still sufficient light to see what was going on.
Amber gasped. Mike had coaxed Sandra down onto her hands and knees and, even as they watched, he was driving into her, Sandra squealing as he came, but not resisting.
Frank noticed Amber's distraction and moved quickly to take advantage. Amber's legs were nicely parted and he could feel she was wet. He moved his hand away from her pussy, bringing his erection into position.
Amber's attention snapped rapidly back to her own predicament when she felt Frank's erection pushing its way eagerly past her lips. Her squeal rose to match Sandra's, but she found it far too late to do anything else. Frank had already passed her lips and was sliding down her passage in a very lusty manner. She groaned as she felt him sink deep, cursing him softly.
Frank held still for a moment, glancing across at Mike.
"Hey, Mike," he called. "Remember we have to make this last. If you're a premature ejaculator you'd better pray for a fast cure."
Watching, Amber saw Mike start to move in and out of Sandra, while Sandra's bottom was slowly bobbing in time to Mike's thrusts. Tart, she grumbled to herself. Damned if she was going to help Frank with his little effort. Bad enough she had to be taken like this, but to actually help? No way.
"So why?" she wondered, "are my hips pushing up to meet him. He's a big boy with a big cock. He doesn't need my help."
It all sounded fine and logical, but she still found herself breathing hard and pushing firmly up against Frank. If only he wasn't moving so slowly.
"Faster, damn it," she finally gasped, needing more than she was getting.
"I can't," protested Frank. "If I do we'll finish too soon. You'll have to learn to get along with me taking my time. Look at Sandra. She's coping."
From what Amber could see, Sandra was writhing under Mike's assault, and she was prepared to swear Mike wasn't moving anything like as slowly as Frank. And who cared about fucking Sandra, anyway? She had her own fucking problems, one of which was Frank was moving too slowly.
"Damn it, you can go faster than that," she hissed at him, furious when Frank ignored her plea.
She squirmed and writhed, trying to coax Frank into a bit of extra effort, feeling him slowly sliding back and forth, trying to drive her demented with desire, she was sure.
Time was passing, how much time Amber didn't know, but passing. Too much time, it occurred to her.
"They're not coming back to look in," she gasped. "They probably took off running as soon as they closed the door. I'm sure it's been more than fifteen minutes."
There was a gasp from Sandra. A quick glance showed that Mike was driving in hard, Sandra's bottom bouncing rapidly as she took him.
"So, little girl," murmured Frank, still slowly ploughing his field. "If you think they're not going to look in we can finish this, can't we?"
Amber nodded. Yes, they could. There was no need for this incessant torture to continue.
"So I guess that means I just stop."
Amber eyes snapped wide with horror. "You wouldn't!"
Her answer was a hard driving stroke, causing her to shriek and arch her back to meet him. That was followed by another powerful thrust, and then another as Frank made up for lost time, driving home relentlessly. Amber bucked and squealed beneath him, satisfaction fast approaching.
She shrieked when she felt him coming, loosing his seed within her, and then shrieked again as her own climax hit, rolling over her.
When Amber recovered from her climax she found the other three already standing. Frank helped her up from the floor and she watched as Mike cautiously tried the door. It opened and there was no-one outside.
"Clothes," stated Sandra firmly. "We have to find out where that guy hid them."
"Try the damn fridge," said Amber. "That's where I'd hide them."
"But that big guy said he put them there and the other guy was told to hide then again," pointed out Mike.
"Exactly. So what better place to hide them? Right where we know they couldn't be."
"You have a twisted mind," muttered Mike, watching as she flung open the fridge.
"I also have clothes," Amber pointed out, taking them out of the fridge.
"You were probably right when you said they took off running as soon as they closed the door on that room," observed Frank.
"You mean that we got fucked for no fucking reason?" Sandra half squealed.
"We had a reason then," pointed out Mike. "It's just that we were wrong. Hey, it's not as though we wanted to fuck you. Against the rules, remember."
"He's not speaking for me," murmured Frank softly, for Amber's benefit. "I was quite willing to fuck you from the moment I saw you. I want to do it again sometime, too. Soon."
"Well," said Mike, "they left our phones. I'm calling the cops."
"Just don't tell them why we were delayed in making the call," snapped Amber. "Just say we had to search for our clothes and things."
"We'll have to wait here for them," grumbled Frank.
"We can fill in the time looking for our flags," said Sandra cheerfully.
"Yours was in that room they took us to initially," said Frank. "I spotted it earlier. You might as well go grab it while we look for ours."
Amber and Sandra darted down the hall to the room, spotting the flag on the wall. Amber pulled it down and folded it.
"You know," she said pensively, "I don't really feel like waiting for the cops to rock up. We've got our flag. Why don't we just go home?"
The girls left, quietly closing the front door behind them.
"I wonder if the guys will find their flag?" mused Sandra. "It's quite a big house and the cops will probably arrive and interrupt the search."
"They can search all night and they won't find," said Amber. "It was in the fridge and is now in my pocket. We've got a bonus point."
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