Sore Nipples From Breastfeeding

Sore Nipples From Breastfeeding


Sore Nipples From Breastfeeding
How to Prevent Sore Nipples When Breastfeeding

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The 9 Best Nipple Shields to Help Your Baby Latch

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Donna Murray, RN, BSN has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Rutgers University and is a current member of Sigma Theta Tau, the Nursing Honor Society.
Meredith Shur, MD, FACOG, is board-certified in obstetrics and gynecology, as well as a certified medical examiner.

When you first have your baby and begin to breastfeed, a little bit of nipple tenderness is normal. You may feel some mild discomfort when your baby latches on, or when your breast milk starts to let down . This mild pain is common, and it should go away as you nurse your baby.

As the weeks go on, breastfeeding should become more comfortable. Of course, this isn't always the case. Sometimes, the tenderness gets worse, and your nipples can become painfully sore. Unfortunately, ​sore nipples are a common problem of breastfeeding . 1

They can develop for many reasons including a poor breastfeeding latch, not using a breast pump correctly, or an infection. Then, once you have them, sore nipples can lead to a difficult let-down, a low breast milk supply, or early weaning. So, if possible, you want to try to stop sore nipples before they even start. Here are eight ways to prevent sore nipples.

A good breastfeeding latch is one of the keys to successful breastfeeding, and it also helps to prevent sore nipples. 1 When your baby latches onto your breast correctly, he will have your entire nipple as well as some of the surrounding areola in his mouth. Your nipple should be deep inside your baby's mouth.

If your newborn only latches on to your nipple, his gums will press down on it as he tries to get breast milk. When he sucks on just your sensitive nipples, it can cause nipple pain. It can also lead to an always hungry and fussy baby since your child won't be getting much breast milk if she isn't latching on well and squeezing the milk ducts under your areola.

You can help prevent sore nipples by learning how to latch your baby on correctly right from the first breastfeeding .

And, if you aren't sure whether or not your baby is latching on and breastfeeding well, talk to your doctor, a lactation consultant , or a local breastfeeding group as soon as possible for assistance.

A good breastfeeding position will be comfortable for both you and your baby, and it will encourage a proper latch. 2 The cross-cradle hold and the football (clutch) hold work well when you're first starting out since both of these positions give you a better view of your nipple and your baby's mouth.

It may also be helpful to use a nursing pillow and a nursing footstool. These breastfeeding accessories lift your lap and bring your child up to the level of your breast. It's easier to get into a good breastfeeding position when you raise your baby up since you don't have to lean over. Leaning over is uncomfortable, and it can strain your back, arms, and neck.

You can also alternate the breastfeeding positions that you use at each feeding. When you breastfeed in the same position all the time, your baby's mouth is always putting pressure on the same spot on your nipple.

By rotating through the different breastfeeding holds, it can help to prevent one area of your nipple from getting all the rubbing pressure of your baby's latch.

Breast engorgement is common during the transitional stage of breast production that you'll most likely experience within the first few weeks of breastfeeding. However, your breasts can also become engorged if you miss a feeding or if you have an overabundant supply of breast milk . 3 When your breasts become engorged and hard, it's difficult for a newborn to latch on.

To make it easier for your child, you can remove a little bit of breast milk before each feeding to relieve the tightness and soften your breast tissue. When your breasts are softer, it's much easier for your baby to form a good seal on your breast. And, as mentioned before, a good latch helps to prevent sore nipples.

Newborns have tiny stomachs, and they digest breast milk quickly and easily. So, it's not a surprise that they need to eat frequently. The longer you wait to breastfeed, the hungrier your baby will be. And, when a baby is very hungry, he can have a more aggressive suck.

If you wait too long between feedings, your breasts can become engorged making it more difficult for your baby to latch on well. The combination of a poor latch and an aggressive suck can quickly lead to sore nipples.

You can reduce the chances of engorgement and an overly vigorous suck, by breastfeeding your baby on demand at least every 2 to 3 hours, and before she becomes too hungry.

It isn't that difficult to care for your nursing breasts. There's not too much you have to do since your breasts are made to breastfeed. You even have little bumps on your areola called the Montgomery glands that moisturize and protect your breasts and nipples. But, you can help to keep your skin healthy and prevent sore nipples by doing a few things.

When you wash your breasts, rinse them with warm water and avoid using any harsh soaps that can dry out, irritate, and crack the skin on your breasts and your nipples. Also, it's not necessary to use creams, ointments, or lotions to try to prevent nipple problems before they start. Many over-the-counter products are not helpful. In fact, they can make painful, sore nipples even worse.

However, if you already have dry, cracked nipples, or if you live in a dry climate, you may benefit from a nipple moisturizer. There are some products such as medical-grade lanolin or Dr. Jack Newman's All-Purpose Nipple Ointment (APNO) that are soothing and helpful.

If you think you might need a nipple moisturizer, talk to your doctor. She can recommend a product that is safe for you to use while you're breastfeeding.
Ruth Jenkinson / Dorling Kindersley / Getty Images

It may be hard to do, especially if you're one of the many women who experience a lot of leaking, but try to keep your breasts, bra, and ​breast pads clean and dry. Put on a clean nursing bra every day, and change it whenever it gets wet or dirty. If you wear breast pads, try not to use any products that have plastic or waterproof liners because they hold in the moisture.

Instead, choose washable, reusable breast pads made from natural materials, or disposable nursing pads that are breathable, absorbent, and comfortable. Whether you prefer reusable or disposable nursing pads, be sure to change them often.

If you leave wet breast pads on your skin for an extended period of time, they can provide the perfect environment for microorganisms to grow.

The growth of bacteria or fungus can cause your skin to break down and lead to sore nipples, thrush , or a breast infection.

When your child latches on well and breastfeeds, she creates a strong seal between her mouth and your breast. At the end of a feeding, she may release the seal and let go of your breast on her own, or she may stay attached to you even if she falls asleep.

If your baby does not let go of you on her own at the end of the feeding, don't pull her off of your breast. Pulling your child's mouth off of your breast after a feeding can cause pain and damage to your breasts and nipples. Especially if you do it over and over again.

To prevent damaging your nipples, take the time to learn the proper technique for removing your child from your breast . By gently placing your finger into the side of your baby's mouth, you can safely break the suction of the latch. Then, once you break that seal, you can hook your finger around your nipple to protect it from being chomped on as you remove your breast from your baby's mouth.

Whether you're exclusively pumping, or just pumping occasionally to relieve breast engorgement or boost your supply of breast milk , it's important to use your breast pump correctly. 4

Pump flanges (pump shields) are available in different sizes, so don't assume that the ones that come with your pump are right for you. Check to see if your pump manufacturer makes alternative sizes or look for a product such as Pumpin' Pal Super Shield Breast Pump Flanges so that you can be sure that your pump flanges fit you correctly and comfortably.

Another common pump problem is setting the pump suction too high. Many women believe that pumping at a faster speed and higher suction level will lead to more breast milk more quickly. But, it's more likely to lead to more pain and possibly less breast milk.

So, to prevent nipple pain and breast damage from your breast pump, use pump flanges that fit correctly and start out with a lower, slower level of suction.

Kent JC, Ashton E, Hardwick CM, et al. Nipple pain in breastfeeding mothers: Incidence, causes and treatments . Int J Environ Res Public Health . 2015;12(10):12247-63. doi:10.3390/ijerph121012247
Cadwell K, Turner-Maffei C, Blair A, Brimdyr K, Maja McInerney Z. Pain reduction and treatment of sore nipples in nursing mothers . J Perinat Educ . 2004;13(1):29-35. doi:10.1624/105812404X109375
Rasmussen KM, Geraghty SR. The quiet revolution: Breastfeeding transformed with the use of breast pumps . Am J Public Health . 2011;101(8):1356-9. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2011.300136
American Academy of Pediatrics. New Mother’s Guide To Breastfeeding . Bantam Books, 2011.
Lawrence RA, Lawrence RM. Breastfeeding A Guide For The Medical Profession Eighth Edition . Elsevier Health Sciences, 2015.
Riordan, J, Wambach K. Breastfeeding and Human Lactation Fourth Edition . Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2014.

By Donna Murray, RN, BSN

Donna Murray, RN, BSN has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Rutgers University and is a current member of Sigma Theta Tau, the Honor Society of Nursing.

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WIC Breastfeeding Support

Help for Sore Nipples

If your nipples are sensitive or tender, try these solutions.

Breastfeeding 101 Common Questions and Challenges Going Back to Work Pumping




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Soon after your baby's birth, your nipples may be sensitive or tender as they adjust to breastfeeding. If you are having lasting pain or soreness, or if your nipples are sore, cracked, blistered, or bleeding, talk to a WIC breastfeeding staff . Our experts can help you feel more comfortable.
Remember, you don't need to breastfeed with pain! Talk to your WIC breastfeeding expert for help with sore nipples.
Breastfeeding gives babies a healthy start—and is good for moms, too.
Learn how milk is made, when to nurse, how long babies nurse, and more.
Talk about why you choose to breastfeed, and ask for your family’s support.
Many moms worry about low milk supply, even though most make exactly what baby needs.
Remember, help is available and there are solutions
These tips help you get a good latch—and know if you have one.
Get tips for talking with your employer about pumping at work
Know your rights to breastfeed in public and at work.
Planning to be apart from baby? Find tips for feeding baby with expressed milk.
New to milk expression? Here’s what you need to know before you get started.
Here are options for finding a breast pump at low cost.
Get tips and see how pumping can help solve your breastfeeding challenges.
Baby's latch and positioning. If your baby isn't positioned well, you may have soreness and pain over time.

Check baby's positioning and latch . If your nipple is pinched, flat, or a different shape than usual after you breastfeed, you may need to adjust baby's latch. Visit your WIC breastfeeding expert for help. If you are in pain while breastfeeding, gently break the latch by inserting a clean finger into the corner of your baby's mouth. Then try again.

Nipple trauma. This may come from not releasing suction before removing your baby from your breast. Pumping with the wrong-sized flange, cleaning your breast too much, or wearing clothing that is too tight may also cause it.

Remove the baby by gently breaking your baby's latch by placing a clean finger in the corner of your baby's mouth.
Avoid using harsh soaps or ointments that contain astringents (like a toner) on your nipples. Washing with clean water is all that is needed to keep your nipples and breasts clean.
Ask a WIC breastfeeding expert for help with determining the correct size flange.

Fungal infections. If your nipple itches, burns, cracks, or is pink or flaky, or you have shooting pain deep in your breast between feedings, you may have a fungal (yeast) infection called thrush . This infection can also cause white spots on your baby's cheeks, tongue, and gums.

If you think you have thrush, use only water to rinse your nipples after nursing. Then see your doctor or your baby's doctor right away. Both you and your baby will need to be treated for thrush.
If pain persists, see your doctor. You may have an infection that needs to be treated with antibiotics.

Milk blister. A milk blister, or bleb, is a smooth, shiny, white dot on your nipple.

Warm washcloth compresses, massaging and expressing some milk may help relieve it. If the bleb doesn't go away, contact your WIC breastfeeding expert or doctor.

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Experiencing cracked nipples due to breastfeeding is a common - and oftentimes painful - challenge that many new moms encounter. Discover how an all-natural lanolin cream may help provide some much-deserved relief.
The joy you feel bonding with your little one while breastfeeding can be significantly diminished if your nipples become sore or cracked—and, unfortunately, sore nipples are a very common breastfeeding occurrence! We know this condition can be disheartening and make it harder to motivate yourself to continue breastfeeding your little one. Before you consider weaning your little one before you’ve met your breastfeeding goals—and we know you don’t want to do that just because of sore or cracked nipples—consider these tips on treating your sore or cracked nipples and even preventing this oftentimes painful condition from happening again.
Although it’s not uncommon to experience soreness or tenderness in the first week or two of breastfeeding , cracking or bleeding should be addressed as soon as possible. If you notice a bloody discharge from your nipples or experience pain while breastfeeding, it’s important to talk to your doctor or a lactation consultant immediately. 
Several conditions can lead to sore nipples that crack or bleed. It’s even possible to experience more than one at the same time. Some causes of cracked or bleeding nipples include:
Cracked nipples are typically red and appear chafed. You may notice that your skin around your nipples is scabby or crusty. Open cracks or sores may ooze or even bleed. It can be a painful and even frustrating experience at a time when you’re adjusting to life with your new little one and learning how to feed together. Take heart, mama! There are some simple ways that you may be able to relieve your pain.
Here are some things to consider that may be causing nipple soreness while breastfeeding and what you can do instead, so you can quickly return to enjoying the closeness of breastfeeding your child - instead of wincing at soreness and discomfort! It’s important to discuss the steps you plan to take with your physician or a lactation consultant to ensure they’re the right ones for you and your unique situation. Some things that can help include:
Lanolin is a naturally occurring substance found in sheep’s fleece. A lanolin-based cream applied after breastfeeding can be deeply hydrating while helping restore moisture to the affected area. Our Purelan lanolin cream offers fast and effective relief with a single ingredient—and no additives, preservatives, or fragrance added. In fact, Purelan is an ultra-pure, medical-grade lanolin that has been tested to the highest safety standards and is ethically sourced from mulesing-free farms for a dermatologically-tested, hypoallergenic cream that is safe for sensitive skin and doesn't need to be removed before breastfeeding.
Nipple shields can offer relief for cracked nipples without interrupting breastfeeding. They’re also especially helpful if your baby is having trouble latching or if you have flat or inverted nipples. Ask your lactation consultant for guidance on how to properly place a nipple shield and use it correctly.
As you embark on your breastfeeding journey, it can feel frustrating to
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