Sondra Locke Topless

Sondra Locke Topless


Сондра Лок – талантливая актриса, которая впервые заявила о себе благодаря картине «Сердце – лучший охотник». К 70 годам она успела сняться приблизительно в тридцати фильмах и сериалах. Также эта женщина известна благодаря долгим романтическим отношениям с Клинтом Иствудом. Какова же история американки?
Актриса появилась на свет в штате Теннеси, произошло это в мае 1947 года. Сондра Лок родилась в обычной семье, профессиональная деятельность ее родителей не имела отношения к миру кино. Несмотря на это, еще в детстве она начала грезить об актерской профессии, славе и поклонниках.
После окончания школы Сондра поступила в университет, однако уже год спустя бросила вуз ради артистической карьеры. Пожалеть о своем решении девушке не пришлось, так как ей подарила известность первая же роль.
На съемочную площадку Сондра Лок впервые попала в 1968 году. Начинающая актриса дебютировала в драме «Сердце – одинокий охотник» Роберта Эллиса Миллера. Фильм рассказывает историю глухонемого парня по имени Сингер. Герой – обаятельный и добрый человек, который не может найти друзей из-за серьезных проблем со здоровьем. Дружеские отношения ему удается поддерживать лишь с толстяком и клептоманом Спиросом, который постоянно попадает в неприятности.
В этой картине Сондра воплотила образ Мик Келли. Яркая роль подарила актрисе не только первых поклонников, но и номинацию на премию «Оскар».
В 1967 году Сондра Лок вышла замуж. Ее избранником стал школьный приятель Гордон Андерсон. Известие об этом браке произвело фурор, так как Гордон не скрывал свою нетрадиционную сексуальную ориентацию. Причины, подтолкнувшие актрису к решению связать свою жизнь с геем, остались за кадром.
В автобиографии Сондры, которую она написала многими годами позднее, много внимания уделяется Андерсону. В своей книге актриса заявила, что между ними никогда не было интимных отношений. С Гордоном она в итоге рассталась, однако не подала на развод. Они до сих пор поддерживают дружеские отношения.
Благодаря драме «Сердце – одинокий охотник» смогла привлечь к себе внимание режиссеров Сондра Лок. Фильмы и сериалы с ее участием стали появляться один за другим.
Благодаря первым ролям Сондра запомнилась зрителям, у нее появились поклонники. Закрепить успех актрисе помог вестерн «Джоси Уэйлс – человек вне закона». Фильм 1976 года повествует о событиях Гражданской войны в Штатах. На мирного фермера-южанина нападают солдаты-северяне. Бандиты убивают его жену и ребенка, и герой, конечно же, решает расквитаться с ним. Он не сложит оружие до тех пор, пока жив последний убийца.
Лок сыграла главную женскую роль в вестерне «Джоси Уэйлс – человек вне закона». Фильм 1976 года подарил ей не только новых поклонников, но и судьбоносное знакомство. Во время работы над картиной у нее начался служебный роман с режиссером Клинтом Иствудом. Отношения этой пары продлились около 14 лет.
«Сквозь строй», «Как ни крути – проиграешь», «Как только сможешь», «Бронко Билли», «Внезапный удар» - совместные фильмы Лок и Иствуда.
Роман актрисы с режиссером завершился в 1990 году. Об этой паре нельзя сказать, что они красиво расстались. Сондра обратилась в суд, она хотела взыскать с Клинта 1 300 000 долларов. Если верить словам Лок, Иствуд вынудил ее сделать два аборта, а затем и вовсе заставил провести перевязку маточных труб.
В 1993 году бывшая подруга знаменитого актера и режиссера подала в суд на компанию Warner Bros. Сондра заявила, что ей подсунули фиктивный контракт. В этом деле также замешан Клинт Иствуд. Тяжбы прекратились лишь в 1999 году, только тогда стороны сумели прийти к согласию.
Последний на текущий момент фильм, в котором снялась Sondra Locke, был представлен на зрительский суд еще в 2000 году. Речь идет о криминальной драме «Пророк смерти», которая рассказывает о злоключениях детектива отдела по расследованию убийств, пребывающего на заслуженном отдыхе. Однажды герой получает загадочную почтовую открытку. Ее отправитель – серийный маньяк-убийца, который уже много лет считается мертвым. И это всего лишь начало кровавой игры, которая унесет много жизней.
Сондра сумела заявить о себе не только как об актрисе. Этой удивительной женщине также неоднократно доводилось садиться в режиссерское кресло. «Крысиный мальчик», «Импульс», «Смерть в малых дозах», «Без тормозов» - картины, которые она представила на суд общественности.
В 1990 году врачи обнаружили у актрисы рак молочной железы. Серьезная болезнь потребовала длительного курса лечения, что негативно отразилось на карьере звезды. К счастью, Сондра сумела победить свой недуг. В течение длительного времени Лок жила в принадлежащем ей доме в Лос-Анджелесе. Затем она продала его и приобрела особняк в Голливуд Хиллс. Сейчас бывшая подруга Клинта Иствуда проживает в нем вместе с компаньоном.
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Locke at a press conference in Burbank, July 1968
Sandra Elkins
Sandra Locke
Sondra Anderson
Clint Eastwood (1975–1989)
Scott Cunneen (1990–?)
Sandra Louise Anderson (née Smith; May 28, 1944 – November 3, 2018), professionally known as Sondra Locke, was an American actress and director. She made her film debut in 1968 in The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, for which she was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. She went on to star in such hit films as Willard, The Outlaw Josey Wales, The Gauntlet, Every Which Way but Loose, Bronco Billy, Any Which Way You Can and Sudden Impact. She worked often with Clint Eastwood, who was her companion for 14 years. She also directed four films, notably Impulse. Locke's autobiography, The Good, the Bad, and the Very Ugly: A Hollywood Journey, was published in 1997.
Sandra Louise Smith was born on May 28, 1944,[a][b] the daughter of New York City native Raymond Smith, then serving in the military,[c] and Pauline Bayne, a pencil factory worker from Huntsville, Alabama, who was of mostly Scottish descent, with matrilineages in South Carolina dating back to the late 18th century.[28] Locke's parents separated before her birth.[29] In her autobiography, Locke noted that "although Momma would not admit it, I knew Mr. Smith never married my mother."[30] She had a maternal half-brother, Donald (born April 26, 1946) from Bayne's subsequent brief marriage to William B. Elkins.[31][d] When Bayne married Alfred Locke in 1948, Sandra and Donald adopted his surname.[33][e] She grew up in Shelbyville, Tennessee, where her stepfather owned a construction company;[34] the family later moved to nearby Wartrace.[35] Self-described as introspective[36] and ambitious,[37] Locke started working part-time at age 16, drove her own car, and had a telephone installed in her bedroom.[30]
Locke was a cheerleader and class valedictorian in junior high.[38] From 1958, she attended Shelbyville Central High School, where she was again valedictorian and voted "Duchess of Studiousness" by classmates.[39] She also played on the girls' basketball team, served as PTSA representative and was president of the French club.[19][20][21][22] (Regardless, she wasn't considered "date material" by the lotharios of her class.)[5] Following graduation in 1962, Locke enrolled at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro on a full scholarship.[30] Majoring in drama,[40] she was a member of the Alpha Psi Omega honor society while at MTSU and appeared onstage in Life with Father and The Crucible.[35][41][42] She dropped out after completing two semesters of study.[43]
In or around 1963,[44] Locke essentially broke off contact with her family, concluding: "It made no sense for any of us to spend our lives pretending to have relationships that did not really exist."[29] She never knew her biological father,[45] and did not attend the funerals of her mother (deceased 1997)[46] or stepfather (deceased 2007),[47] nor did she have anything to do with her brother, sister-in-law and three nieces.[25][39][48][f] Donald blamed Gordon Anderson – Locke's best friend since adolescence and future husband – for the rift, claiming Anderson had "an almost hypnotic spell on her."[39]
Locke held a variety of jobs, including as a bookkeeper for Tyson Foods and secretary in a real-estate office.[30] For a time she lived in the commuter town of Gallatin.[50] In 1964, she joined the staff at radio station WSM-AM 650 in Nashville and was promoted to its television affiliate WSM-Channel 4 the following year.[39][51] Locke's biggest coup while employed there was interviewing actor Robert Loggia when Loggia visited Nashville to promote his TV pilot T.H.E. Cat, during which he "flirted outrageously" with Locke.[30] Locke also modeled for The Tennessean fashion page, acted in commercials, and gained further stage experience in productions for Circle Players Inc.[39][52] In 1966, the 22-year-old appeared in a UPI wire photo that showed her cavorting in new fallen snow.[53] Within one year of this exposure, she decided to pursue a career in film and changed the spelling of her first name to avoid being called Sandy.[52]
In July 1967, Locke competed with 590 other Southern actresses and dozens of New York hopefuls for the part of Mick Kelly in a big-screen adaptation of Carson McCullers' novel The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter opposite Alan Arkin.[54][g] For the first audition in Birmingham, then-fiancé Gordon Anderson gave his bride a so-called Hollywood makeover: he bound her bosom,[56] bleached her eyebrows[30] and carefully fixed her hair, makeup and outfit so as to create a more gamine appearance.[57] They also lied about her age, shaving off six years to seem younger[58][h] – a pretense Locke would keep up for the rest of her career.[i] After callbacks in New Orleans and Manhattan, she was cast in the role.[54]
The film came out in the summer of 1968 to critical acclaim.[66] Locke's performance garnered her an Academy Award nomination, as well as a pair of Golden Globe nominations for Best Supporting Actress and Most Promising Newcomer.[67][68][j] She also won "Most Promising New Star of the Year" at the Show-A-Rama film exhibitor convention.[k] Although her salary for the film was reported in newspapers as $15,000, Locke later claimed it was less than one-third that amount.[30]
Hoping to shed the Plain Jane image she accentuated in her screen debut, in January 1969 Locke posed for a semi-nude pictorial by photographer Frank Bez,[70] which was published in the December issue of Playboy.[71] The Playboy layout established Locke's status as a sex symbol, and the images were recycled in other men's magazines as her fame increased. Nearly three decades later, Locke said she still got those photos in fan mail for her autograph.[30]
Her next role was as Melisse in Cover Me Babe (1970), originally titled Run Shadow Run,[72] opposite Robert Forster. She made it as part of a $150,000 three-picture deal with 20th Century Fox, and was compensated for the other two which never came to fruition.[73][74] It was announced that she would play the lead in Lovemakers – a film adaptation of Robert Nathan's novel The Color of Evening – but no movie resulted.[75][76] Locke was offered Barbara Hershey's role in Last Summer (1969), but her agent turned it down without telling her.[77] Shortly afterwards she passed on the lead in My Sweet Charlie (1970), which won an Emmy for its eventual star Patty Duke.[78]
In 1971, Locke co-starred with Bruce Davison and Ernest Borgnine in the psychological thriller Willard, which became a surprise box office smash.[79] Locke felt overqualified for her role but did it as a favor to Davison,[64] who at the time was her unofficial paramour.[80][81] She was then featured in William A. Fraker's underseen mystery A Reflection of Fear (1972) and held the title role in The Second Coming of Suzanne (1974), winner of three gold medals at the Atlanta Film Festival.[82] Both films were shelved for two years before finally opening in arthouse cinemas, attracting little attention at first. Over time Suzanne has developed a cult following,[30][64] while Reflection is cited as an early example of media portrayals of transgender people.[83][l]
In 1973, Locke was attached to star in Terminal Circle. "It's a woman's role that comes along once in a lifetime," she said.[85] The San Francisco-set drama was to be directed by Mal Karman and shot by cinematographer Robert Primes, who did camerawork for Gimme Shelter, but it was scrapped for lack of funds.[85] She was up for a big part in Earthquake (1974), but lost out to Geneviève Bujold.[86]
Locke guested on top-rated television drama series throughout the first half of the 1970s, including The F.B.I., Cannon, Barnaby Jones and Kung Fu. She was advised by her agents to stay away from TV, but thought it silly to sit around not working between films.[87] In the 1972 Night Gallery episode "A Feast of Blood",[88] she played the victim of a curse planted by Norman Lloyd; the recipient of a brooch that devoured her. Lloyd acted with Locke again in Gondola (1973), a racially themed, three-character teleplay co-starring Bo Hopkins, and commended the actress for "a beautiful performance – perhaps her best ever."[89] Ron Harper, who worked with Locke on the short-lived 1974 show Planet of the Apes, was even more effusive: "After acting with her in a couple of scenes, there was something so feminine about her that I could picture myself easily falling for her ... She's one of those women who exudes femininity, and you just become so attracted to that."[90]
In 1975, Locke was cast in The Outlaw Josey Wales as the love interest of Clint Eastwood's eponymous character.[91] Locke said she chose the role for its exposure,[92] following a run of unremarkable credits.[93] She took a pay cut just to be in the film; her salary for Josey Wales was $18,000 – less than half of what she'd earned for her previous job.[94] The film was one of the top 15 grossing films of 1976 and revived Locke's career.[95][96][97] She followed it up with a lead role alongside Eastwood in the popular action film The Gauntlet (1977), the duo replacing Steve McQueen and Barbra Streisand, who bowed out from the production due to a reported clash of egos.[98] Its pre-publicity touted Locke as "the first actress ever to be in a Clint Eastwood movie and get equal billing on screen with the macho star."[99] Eastwood unblushingly predicted that she would win an Oscar for her performance.[100] Locke wasn't even nominated and received mixed critical response at best: on the upside, Vincent Canby of The New York Times said "Locke is not only pretty, but also occasionally genuinely funny"[101] and Los Angeles Times critic Kevin Thomas stated that Locke "has not received such a rich opportunity since her Academy Award-nominated debut";[102] in contrast, Gene Siskel of the Chicago Tribune said "she's wasted here"[103] and TV Guide felt that "Locke is simply repulsive."[104]
Over the course of their decade-and-a-half-long personal relationship, Locke did not work in any capacity on any theatrical motion picture other than with Eastwood except for 1977's experimental horror western The Shadow of Chikara.[105] The home invasion film Death Game (1977), though released after they became an item, was actually shot in 1974.[106] "Clint wanted me to work only with him," said Locke.[30] "He didn't like the idea of me being away from him."[107]
In 1978, Locke and Eastwood appeared with an orangutan named Manis in that year's fourth highest-grossing film, Every Which Way but Loose.[108] She portrayed country singer Lynn Halsey-Taylor in the adventure-comedy. Its 1980 sequel Any Which Way You Can – for which Locke earned a six-figure salary plus a share of the profits[94] – was nearly as successful.[109] She recorded several songs for the soundtracks of these films and was whispered to be shopping for a record deal at the time. Honing her musical skills, Locke performed live in concert (one-off gigs) with The Everly Brothers, Eddie Rabbitt and Tom Jones.[110]
During this period, Eastwood did a few movies that had no prominent female character for Locke to play. In the meantime, she accepted some television offers, co-starring with an all-female ensemble cast in Friendships, Secrets and Lies (1979) and portraying Big band era vocalist Rosemary Clooney in Rosie: The Rosemary Clooney Story (1982).[111] While the biopic followed Clooney from age 17 to 40, Locke was 38 when she played the role.
Locke starred as a bitter heiress who joins a traveling Wild West show in Bronco Billy (1980), her only film with Eastwood not to reach blockbuster status, though it still ranked among the annual box office top 25.[109] The New York Times critic Janet Maslin noticed that "each of them works more delicate
Хакеры выложили новую порцию голых звезд - ЯПлакалъ
Актриса Сондра Лок: биография, личная жизнь. Фильмы и сериалы
Sondra Locke - Wikipedia
Sondra Locke - Too Loose - YouTube
Клинт Иствуд сломал жизнь экс-подруге Сондре Локк
Chinas Tetonas
All Natural Mature
Jamie Bernadette Nude
Sondra Locke Topless
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