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What it Does and How it works Emotional effects: Side effects such as blood pressure and temp rise. What organs get rid of it. Effects of combining E with other drugs. Who takes Ecstasy Own survey results, references to other surveys. How many people take E deduced from surveys and seizures. Welshpool and football supporters Dangers Reports of death here and in the US and why different. Risk assessment compared to other activities as from my article. Who should avoid taking Ecstasy. Suggestions for first time users Ideal situation in town, in country. What to have with you and what to avoid. When to take it. Who to take with and who not to. Describe Set and Setting. How to be a guide. What drugs are sold as MDMA and how to distinguish them. Are other drugs more toxic? Is MDMA cut with poisonous substances? Why it sometimes has a different effect. Production and distribution Discussion of establishment attitudes Conclusion Appendix 1: Reference section Summaries of reports I have read. Personal Accounts A small selection of first-hand accounts of Ecstasy use. Both positive and negative experiences. Annotated bibliography By Alexander T. Research projects under way at present. Details of availability are on ecstasy. This material may be freely distributed electronically, but may be printed for personal use only. Permission is required for any other use of any of the contents. This will normally be given freely, provided prior permission is obtained and the source credited in an agreed form. Archived by Erowid with permission of Author.
MDMA в культуре
E for Ecstasy
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Закладки наркотики в Петровск-забайкальском
Book: Измененное состояние. История экстази и рейв-культуры
Обезболивающие таблетки при панкреатите у взрослых
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MDMA в культуре
E for Ecstasy
Harburg (Schwaben) kaufe Amphetamin