Son Rape Mother Sex

Son Rape Mother Sex


Just in case you wanted some reassurance that your family isn't that messed-up, here's a story for you: A man was arrested for raping his mother. You heard that right. Raping his mother. But mom decided to forgive him, and then claimed the sex was consensual. So then the charges were changed to having sex with his mother, which, as I've established in a few stories, is illegal. But the 25-year-old Alabama man, Gary Dean Helms, Jr, who was 19 at the time that he and his mom reportedly had their relations, has now disappeared.
It all started back in 2006, when apparently Helms got into a fight with his brother over a girl. So he reportedly did the logical thing -- raped his mother. Apparently he waited until she was passed out from intoxication at their trailer park home. The mother, Vickie, initially said she woke up during the attack and tried to get away but he wouldn't stop until he was "finished."
He was arrested but the mom refused to cooperate with the authorities. So they arrested her. Then she changed her story and said that the sex was consensual. But that didn't get the guy off the hook, because incest is still illegal. They wouldn't be the first parent/child pair to be informed of this.
Helms pled guilty and was to be sentenced to up to ten years in prison. But then he skipped his sentencing and is now on the lam.
Soooo ... what's goin' on in this family? Vickie Helms told a local reporter back when the incident first happened that she blames drugs. At the time, she said her son was high on "ice, crystal meth, pain pills, ecstasy, and alcohol." Vickie told a reporter:
Emotionally, it's driving me crazy half the time. I get to crying and then I'll stop and I get angry and then I'll get mad. I keep going that way ... I don't blame my son for this because I don't, he wasn't in his right mind when he done it. He don't need to be in prison for the rest of his life, he needs help. He needs to be in counseling for drugs.
Maybe prison is the "help" this guy needs. After all, if he'll rape his mom, who else will he rape? Well look -- the report says that Helms is ALSO accused of raping a 16-year-old and ALSO suspected in the sexual assault of a 4-year-old. This guy really, really needs to be taken off the streets. Let him get his counseling in prison.
I understand that the mom is very concerned for son, but there is such a thing as co-dependency.
Would you forgive you son for this?
Mom Vows to Take Back Mother's Day and Break Tradition of Spending the Day With MIL
In case you haven't yet seen it, here's the cover of the May 21 issue of Time Magazine. It's a mom, breastfeeding her 3-year-old son. (You're welcome for the interpretation.) It's also a sure as hell way to boost magazine sales. Since that's the clear motive here, I thought I'd offer Time some follow-up articles.
1. Are Stay-at-Home Moms Superior To Working Moms? (Illustrated with an obviously at home mother beating the crap out of a working mom.)
2. Are Working Moms Superior To Stay-at-Home Moms? (Illustrated with a woman, in a suit and with a briefcase, wearing the happiest of babies.)
3__. Pacifiers: Gateway to Attachment Issues?__ (Illustrated with a woman, pushing out a baby, screaming her head off and donning a crown.)
4__. Old Mothers Are Bad Mothers.__ (Illustrated with a woman in a nursing home breastfeeding an infant.)
5__. Young Mothers are Bad Mothers.__ (Illustrated with a pregnant pre-teen.)
6. Vaccinations Are the Devil (Illustrated with a devil nurse poking a baby's leg with an endless needle.)
7. Does Formula Kills Babies? (Illustrated with a mother feeding her child a bottle filled with poison.)
8. Spanking For Good (Illustrated with a toddler getting whipped and spanked by his dominatrix mother.)
9. Epidurals: Birth Plans for the Weak? (Illustrated with a woman, pushing out a baby, screaming her head off and donning a crown.)
Mom Vows to Take Back Mother's Day and Break Tradition of Spending the Day With MIL
10. Circumcision: Whose Penis Is It Anyway? (Illustrated with a rabbi, a mother and a doctor all fighting over a newborn's penis.)
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Sunday, May 09, 2021 | Last Update : 05:21 AM IST

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