Son Mother Sex Africa

Son Mother Sex Africa


Pomidor Quixote
Daily Stormer
June 17, 2019
What happened to these farmers is just a tiny glimpse into the horror of living in South Africa.
A South African mother was put through a ‘living nightmare’ by a rapist who held a gun to her children’s head to force her into sex.
Nicky, 45, was raped in front of her children by 32-year-old Sebenzile Simane – who also sexually molested his victim’s daughter after shooting his way into the farm house.
Simane, who also tied the family up and stole their money, was handed two life sentences and a total of 173 years in prison after he was found guilty of the string of violent crimes in South Africa’s Eastern Cape.
Nicky and her husband Heine, a 44-year-old farmer, who are choosing to tell their story, have been forced out of their farm house and say that farmers in the country face an ongoing threat of violence.
Describing her ordeal, Nicky revealed how:
-Her attacker shot her in the bottom as she shielded her children from his bullets
-Simane threatened to ‘shoot off’ her 15-year-old son’s feet unless he raped his mother
-The gunman laid Nicky’s daughter down beside her and undressed her and tried to rape her
-He only agreed not to rape the 13-year-old girl if she watched him rape her mother instead.
-Simane raped the mother twice and only spared her a third rape as she had lost too much blood to have sex.
The white-washed £1.3million farmhouse – set in nearly 1,000 acres of land – had belonged to the family for a century and Nicky’s two sons, aged nine and 15, and her 13-year-old daughter had been brought up there.
The family home was so remote that their nearest neighbour was a mile away and did not hear the gunshots at the home.
After surviving the horrific ordeal the family is now planning to move to Australia to set up a new farm there.
Describing what happened on March 23, 2018, Nicky said a stream of bullets came blasting through the patio door, narrowly missing her 15-year-old son’s head.
Nicky said: ‘With the bullets smashing through the windows I can only describe our feeling as being hunted like wild animals.
He shot his way through a sliding patio door to get in. ‘What followed I can only describe as four hours of pure hell – just sick torture and depravity,’ Nicky said.
‘He held the gun to my nine-year-old son’s head and threatened to shoot him unless I complied.
‘I told my little one to be quiet or else this man would kill us. All I saw were his silent tears rolling down his little cheeks for the next four hours. The sight of that will be with me forever.
‘He tied us all up with fencing wire so tight that our hands lost their circulation and turned grey.
‘He shouted at my children that he was there to kill their father and that he would chop him up in front of them. He said that when he came through the door they would watch him butchered.
‘He then repeatedly threatened to shoot my eldest son’s feet off if he didn’t obey him and then ordered him to rape me. I had never heard such a sick thing before and was totally mortified.
‘All I could do was beg him not to make my son do that. He just kept pointing the gun at my son’s feet and saying he would shoot them unless he raped his mum in front of his brother and sister.
‘I begged and pleaded with him not to do this and to take me to another room and take me instead.’
Explaining what happened next, she said: ‘He grabbed me and forced me to my bedroom and raped me there. There was blood everywhere as I had already been badly shot. I could do nothing as my hands were tied behind my back.
‘He then brought my 13-year-old daughter to the bedroom, undressed her and attempted to rape her. He was sexually molesting her and all I could do was beg for mercy and to take me again.
‘So instead of raping her he forced my beautiful innocent daughter to watch as he raped me again.
‘I cannot describe the anger this man displayed toward us and I knew as he raped me that if my children had any chance of survival I had to get this man away from them and the farm house.
‘You don’t care about yourself – you just don’t want your children to die and you do all you can.’
Describing how she finally shook the man off, she said: ‘He had tried to start our car outside but couldn’t get it going so in a bid to buy my family time I told him to take my bank cards and pin numbers and to let me drive him to town to the ATM.
‘He tied up my children even tighter even though their hands were already grey from no circulation.
‘I drove into town and got him my maximum 4,000 rand [£225] which was just before midnight so he told me to drive to a quiet spot until after midnight when the ATM would allow him to use the card again.
‘He undid my seat belt and told me to recline the seat so he could rape me again but I was so weak from the loss of blood I told him that if he raped again I would almost certainly bleed to death.
‘I told him it was 12.04am and that the ATM would give him another 4,000 rand and to please just take my cards and take his money and let me drive to hospital where I could get help.
‘Once he was out of our VW transporter I hit the accelerator and drove back to the farm and found the children had freed themselves and called a neighbour and that help had reached them.
‘I hugged my brave and petrified children but despite what had happened to us all and the emotional and physical torture he had put us through we were all alive and that was the important thing,
‘For us as parents the saddest part of this is that we can never give our children their innocence back. That creature took it. The children and I will never be able to live on that farm again.’
Poor family. At least they learned about the nature of nigg-
Nicky said: ‘My family and I had no choice in what happened to us that night, we do however have the choice not to let it define us, we choose to live and will be eternally grateful to have survived that night.
‘It could have been so different and we have our demons but are just trying to rebuild but we will not let that creature destroy us and it will take time but we will move on and lead good lives.
‘Lastly, I would appeal to each and every South African to remember the words of Nelson Mandela: ‘We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in your hands to make a difference’.
What is it with gamers wanting kids to rape their mothers?
It seems to be some kind of weird gamer kink they all have.
Whites suffer when living in close proximity to blacks. You can see this is true in Africa and you know this is true in America, where blacks commit most of the violent crime despite not being the majority of the population.
In Africa they are the majority, and you can see the results of that.
Whites should really stop fomenting the reproduction of gamers and trying so hard to keep them alive.
It is against nature and against the will of blacks themselves.
This reader-funded site is the most censored publication in history.
Send Monero today!
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Laws regarding incest (i.e. sexual activity between family members or close relatives) vary considerably between jurisdictions, and depend on the type of sexual activity and the nature of the family relationship of the parties involved, as well as the age and sex of the parties. Besides legal prohibitions, at least some forms of incest are also socially taboo or frowned upon in most cultures around the world.
Incest laws may involve restrictions on marriage rights, which also vary between jurisdictions. When incest involves an adult and a child, it is considered to be a form of child sexual abuse.[1][2] When it is between two consenting adults, it is sometimes called consanguinamory.[3][4]
Laws regarding incest are sometimes expressed in terms of degrees of relationship. The degree of relationship is calculated by counting the number of generations back to a common ancestor. Consanguinity (but not affinity) relationships may be summarized as follows:
Most laws regarding prohibited degree of kinship concern relations of r = 25% or higher, while most permit unions of individuals with r = 12.5% or lower. In 24 states of the United States, cousin marriages are prohibited. Also, most laws make no provision for the rare case of marriage between double first cousins. Incest laws may also include prohibitions of unions between biologically unrelated individuals if there is a close legal relationship, such as adoption or step relations.
  Prison for opposite-sex couples, legal for same-sex couples
  Illegal only if it provokes public scandal
  Illegal (up to life imprisonment)
 Death penalty in Taliban-controlled territories[8]
Lineal ancestors and descendants
Related by blood or adoption
Lineal ancestors and descendants
Full siblings
Relationship by consanguinity or affinity in such a way that they cannot legally marry except otherwise provided in other laws
Blood relatives prohibited by religious law
Child/parent or grandchild/grandparent
Full and half-siblings
Lineal ancestors and descendants
Full siblings
Lineal ancestors and descendants
Related by blood or adoption
Lineal ancestors and descendants
Full siblings
Up to 6 years in prison (direct line)
Up to 2 years in prison (siblings)
Grandparent, parent, child or grandchild
Brother or half brother, sister or half-sister
Same-sex relations are always prohibited
Grandparent, parent, child or grandchild
Related by blood or adoption
Blood relatives whose marriage is prohibited by respective law
Same-sex relations are always prohibited
From 3 months to 3 years in prison[12]
Lineal ancestors and descendants
Full and half-siblings
Up to 3 years in prison and fine
(not punished if both are minors)
Lineal ancestors and descendants
Full and half-siblings
More than 10 years in prison for the ascending relative if the descending relative is under 15 years old, imprisonment if 15 but not 18 years old, and up to 2 years in prison if 18 years and older
Up to 2 years in prison if siblings or half-siblings
Grandfather, father, brother, son (female)
Grandmother, mother, sister, daughter (male)
Up to 20 years in prison (male)
Up to 14 years in prison (female)
Lineal ancestors and descendants
Full and half-siblings
Up to 8 years in prison for ascending relative
Up to 12 years if descending relative is between 15 and 17 years old
Up to 4 years in prison for siblings
Nothing mentioned about incest in Indian laws but it's considered and punished as rape and sexual exploitation in most cases.
Aceh territory:
Up to 10 months in jail[13]
 Illegal (opposite-sex couples)
 Legal (same-sex couples)
Granddaughter, daughter, mother, sister or half-sister (male)
Grandfather, father, son, brother or half-brother (female)
Up to 10 years in prison (male and female)
Blood relatives prohibited by religious law
Underage relative by blood or adoption
 Illegal (if it provokes public scandal)
commits an indecent act upon or engages in sexual intercourse etc. with another person "under eighteen years of age by taking advantage of the influence arising from the fact of having custody of that person" [15]
imprisonment for not less than 6 months but not more than 10 years
Lineal ancestors and descendants
Half or full sibling
Uncle, aunt, nephew or niece of whole blood
Same-sex relations are always prohibited
Relatives prohibited by religious law
From 6 to 20 years in prison
Lineal ancestors and descendants
Full or half-siblings
5+ years in prison (consensual)
10+ years (non-consensual)[18]
Lineal ancestors and descendants
wife or former wife of father, grandfather and further ancestors
Mother, grandmother and further ancestors
Daughter, granddaughter and further descendants
full or half-sister
parents' sisters, grandparents' sisters and further ancestors' sisters
daughter, granddaughter and further descendant of full or half-sibling
suckling ancestor
suckling sister
Mother, grandmother and further ancestors of wife or former wife
Daughter, granddaughter of wife or former wife
Wife or former wife of true son or grandson and further descendants
 Legal (for sexual activity if both over 18) / Illegal (marriage only)
Lineal ancestors and descendants
Full and half siblings
Collateral relatives by blood within the fourth civil degree
Lineal ancestors and descendants
Guardian or ward
Full, half and step-siblings
Underage relative by blood
Underage sibling
Daughter or son, mother or father, grandson or granddaughter, grandmother or grandfather
Sister or half-sister, brother or half-brother
Same-sex relations are always prohibited
Underage lineal relative
Underage sibling
Lineal ancestors and descendants
Within the first degree of consanguinuity
Within the first degree of affinity
Adoptive parent/child
Up to 3 years in prison and fine
(not punished if both are minors)
Lineal ancestors and descendants
Half or full sibling, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew
Same-sex relations are always prohibited
Lineal ancestors and descendants
Full siblings
Lineal ancestors and descendants
Full siblings
Lineal ancestors and descendants or their spouses
Sister, brother or their children, aunt or uncle
Same-sex relations are always prohibited
 Death penalty if same-sex relations;
Additional punishment of up to 5 years in prison otherwise[21]
Lineal relatives by blood
Collateral relatives within the third degree of relationship by blood
Granddaughter, daughter, sister or mother (male)
Grandfather, father, brother or son (female)
Same-sex relations are always prohibited
Grandmother, mother, half or full sister, daughter, granddaughter, wife's mother, wife's daughter, aunt, sibling's daughter, son's wife, cousin, father's wife (male)
Grandfather, father, half or full brother, son, grandson, husbands's father, husband's son, uncle, sibling's son, daughter's husband, cousin, mother's husband (female)
Same-sex relations are always prohibited
Up to 7 years in prison
Up to life imprisonment if relative is below 18[23]
Blood relatives prohibited by religious law
Parent, grandparent, child, grandchild
Brother, sister, half-brother, half-sister
Uncle or aunt
Nephew or niece
Up to 2 years imprisonment for sex between adult relatives (penetration)[25]
Up to 14 years imprisonment for sexual activity with a child family member[26]
Granddaughter, daughter, sister, mother (male)
Grandfather, father, brother, son (female)
Same-sex relations are always prohibited
Consensual incest between adults is legal in Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast).[28]
In South Africa, since 2007, incest is the sexual penetration between persons who are related as follows:
Before 2007, incest was a common law offence which extended to the same degrees of relationship but which applied only to vaginal intercourse.[30]
In Zimbabwe, most forms of incest are illegal and an offender is currently liable to a fine up to or exceeding level fourteen (about US$5000) or imprisonment for a period not exceeding five years or both.[31] Incest is classified as "sexual intercourse within a prohibited degree of relationship".[32] A prohibited degree of relationship would be that of a parent and his or her natural or adoptive child, a step-parent and his or her step-child, whether the step-child's parent and step-parent are married under the Marriage Act [Chapter 5:11] or the Customary Marriages Act [Chapter 5:07], or are parties to an unregistered customary law marriage, and whether or not the child was over the age of eighteen years at the time of the marriage; a brother and sister, whether of whole or half blood; or an uncle and his niece; or a grand-uncle and his grand-niece; or an aunt and her nephew; or a grand-aunt and her grand-nephew; or a grandparent and his or her grandchild and any person and his or her first or second cousin. In cases of first and second cousins an individual charged with such a crime can raise a defense that the cultural or religious customs or traditions of the community to which he or she belongs do not prohibit marriage between first or second cousins; or in the case of a person who is a member of a community governed by customary law, that the cultural or religious customs or traditions of the particular community to which he or she belongs do not prohibit marriage between first or second cousins.
In Argentina, incest is legal if both individuals are over the minimum age of consent.[33] Marriage between third-degree relatives and beyond is allowed, with the exception of marriage involving lineal ancestors and descendants, which is considered null and void disregarding the degree of separation (parent/offspring, grandparent-grandchild).[34]
Brazil has no criminal punishment if the involved are over the age of 14 (the clear age of consent in force; before 2011, though, sex with people as young as 12 and as elder as 17 was in a legal grey area, with legal guardian-reported sex with those aged 12 and 13 being prosecuted as statutory rape, but unlike as with those aged 11 and younger not directly prosecuted by the State without a report by either the legal guardians or the adolescents themselves—unlike now, where the police forces prosecute all statutory rape-related cases without distinction—, and legal guardian-reported sex with those aged 14, 15, 16 and 17 being prosecuted as corruption of minors, but prosecution as corruption of minors for non-commercial consented sexual activity between people out of a defined hierarchy fell), capable of acting upon their legal rights, and that consent means that the relationship is absent of any kind of coercion or fraud.[citation needed]
First cousin marriages, once fairly common in some regions in the 19th century, are allowed on demand as all other marriages, while avunculate ones (those between uncles or aunts and nephews or nieces), the preferred by some Amazonian Amerindian tribes, and those between half-siblings, are allowed provided that those contracting it have a health check.[35][36][37] Marriages between parents and their children (both consanguineous and adoptive) or between siblings (both consanguineous and adoptive) are invalid, but, as stated above, non-rape sexual relationships between persons older than the age of consent are likely otherwise treated legally as all others, irrespectively of consanguinity (information over the possibility or validity of uniões estáveis in such situations are nevertheless unclear or unexistent, but since those in these relationships are already consa
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