Son Dry Humping Mom

Son Dry Humping Mom


Son Dry Humping Mom

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Kristin W.

Vancouver, WA

3 friends

51 reviews

Kristin W.

Vancouver, WA

3 friends

51 reviews

Nina W.

Everett, WA

270 friends

507 reviews


Tacoma, WA

110 friends

34 reviews

Michelle L.

Everett, WA

27 friends

80 reviews

Cynthia A.

Alameda, CA

74 friends

165 reviews

Amanda B.

Salt Lake City, UT

9 friends

20 reviews

Eduardo F.

Seattle, WA

45 friends

0 reviews

Aaron E.

Seattle, WA

315 friends

471 reviews

Jeff B.

Seattle, WA

67 friends

185 reviews

Y L.

Redmond, WA

361 friends

131 reviews


Tacoma, WA

110 friends

34 reviews

Josh H.

Columbus, OH

40 friends

160 reviews

Mike F.

Everett, WA

28 friends

92 reviews

Kristin W.

Vancouver, WA

3 friends

51 reviews

Christian C.

Seattle, WA

3 friends

11 reviews

Josh H.

Columbus, OH

40 friends

160 reviews

Beth C.

Victoria, Canada

65 friends

157 reviews

Eduardo F.

Seattle, WA

45 friends

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This Space For Rent C.

Seattle, WA

32 friends

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Eugene C.

Seattle, WA

60 friends

134 reviews

Michelle L.

Everett, WA

27 friends

80 reviews

E T.

Portland, OR

348 friends

624 reviews

Nina W.

Everett, WA

270 friends

507 reviews

Eric j.

Issaquah, WA

42 friends

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Misty M.

Tacoma, WA

45 friends

144 reviews

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Jay S.

Tacoma, WA

316 friends

739 reviews

Elise L.

Seattle, WA

42 friends

64 reviews

Trish Q.

Seattle, WA

143 friends

97 reviews


Tacoma, WA

110 friends

34 reviews

Timothy X.

San Francisco, CA

7 friends

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Eduardo F.

Seattle, WA

45 friends

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Jewel S.

Redlands, CA

2 friends

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Brian M.

Seattle, WA

130 friends

235 reviews

Kimberley D.

Seattle, WA

619 friends

712 reviews

Timothy X.

San Francisco, CA

7 friends

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Kimberley D.

Seattle, WA

619 friends

712 reviews

Kimberley D.

Seattle, WA

619 friends

712 reviews


Everett, WA

15 friends

48 reviews

Eric j.

Issaquah, WA

42 friends

0 reviews

I am babysitting for a family that seems ... just plain wrong... To make things short, the mom asks the son if he wants to be in our tiny little bathroom here with her while she goes pee, has told me stories of her son "accidentally" falling into the BATHTUB with her while she is taking a bath, then the son tells me things about how he sleeps in his underwear with his mom every night and they snuggle together. The mom is super weird, she told me that her 5 year old can spell his name, write his letters and sing the alphabet - all stuff a five year old should be doing anyway, but he doesn't. He has the mental capacity of about a 2 year old. He has bizarre behavior and the first day he was here he talked my three year old daughter into taking off all of her clothes to put on a dress...... I am so freaked out by all of this, I watch this five year old boy and his 12 month old son that cries NONSTOP if you are not holding him - a practice that she says is typical of him and he needs me to hold him while I do everything from making lunch to doing dishes or .. typing this! Anyway, she calls her boys her 'specials' and is super touchy feely and makes me uncomfortable. Is there any law to being naked around your five year old son? Or being in the bathroom with him like that? She is going to have me stop watching him because she says weird things like how she 'misses him and he just needs me around for him all the time' this kid should be in fucking kindergarten for fucks sake... what is wrong with this lady?!?!
I have to mention that everything she has said is a lie, she told me her son eats well but every day for a month she has taken him out for chocolate milk and a chocolate donut at starbucks because he wanted to go on a 'date' with her. He wont touch any food that I make for him, instead he whines for donuts and cake. He has a serious speech problem and the mom got upset when I mentioned it in a nice way to her and asked how I could help. She says weird things about how he spends the weekend with his dad even though his stories are always opposite.. I could go on and on, really.
I guess you could call CPS anonymously, if you feel the child is malnourished and not developing at a resonable rate for his age. And the baby crying, that's just weird. I agree. Weird.
Honestly Kristin, a lot of that doesn't seem that weird to me. My son busts in the bathroom and talks to me all the time when I am going pee. As a little kid he HAD to come into the stall with me when we were out shopping, grocery store, etc.. so really its not that big of a deal. My son sleeps in his under-roo's all the time and he will come in our bed with us in the middle of the night.. I make a big deal about the fact he should sleep in is own bed because he is a big boy but not the fact he is in his underwear. He is my kid! Now the lying stuff,crying non stop and the kid asking your kid to change does seem kinda weird, but families are different. The way you were raised may have been polar opposite of this family, some families are extremely close. I once has a neighbor tell me they did the "family bed" thing, all slept together and her daughter was like 17! OK- that is weird!
Kristin-follow your gut.Β I know all families are different..and kids being in the bathroom isn't that big of a deal..but she seems pretty co-dependant on her son..and why isn't he in school?Β Has he been tested and determined not to be ready for kindergarten? Have you met the dad??Β I don't know, this sound really wierd to me..I would give a little more time...but in the end you are there, follow your gut..
OK ... 1: Does the kid have autism? If he had any kind of neurological issue that's why he could be acting that way. Maybe she's embarrassed about it. 2: If a kid's born later in the year sometimes they're not allowed into kindergarten until the next school year. 3: I don't find much of what you're talking about as weird. Kids are picky eaters, and I don't see anything wrong with the rest of what you find as issues.
I also don't think it sounds that weird. Different, yes, but harmful? I'm not seeing that. If you're really concerned you should call CPS, and let them handle it.
I dare say, she may be "weird" (even very weird), but you're the one being a bit childish and passive aggressive. Don't like where you work or the people you work for? Quit. Don't come onto a public website and post unethical descriptions of this person's private life. You've given plenty of information that, if one of this woman's friends Yelped, would give her away quite easily. If you were my employee and I found these
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