Son Convinces Mom To Fuck

Son Convinces Mom To Fuck


Son Convinces Mom To Fuck

The Standard Group Plc is a multi-media organization with investments in media platforms spanning newspaper print
operations, television, radio broadcasting, digital and online services. The Standard Group is recognized as a
leading multi-media house in Kenya with a key influence in matters of national and international interest.

Standard Group Plc HQ Office,
The Standard Group Center,Mombasa Road.
P.O Box 30080-00100,Nairobi, Kenya.
Telephone number: 0203222111, 0719012111

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Villagers in Givogi, Vihiga County, are still reeling from shock after a seemingly randy father-in-law disgraced himself by sneaking into his married son’s bedroom, and began fondling his sleeping wife with intent to raid her cookie jar.
The 60-year-old man, surnamed Oriedo who happens to be a widower, took advantage of his son’s ‘commuter marriage’, and had been spending a lot of time at the younger man’s house, eyeing his wife, only identified as Kabeyi.
Considering his son works and lives in Nairobi, the senior citizen had developed a habit of eating super and spending his evenings at his son’s house, on the pretext of checking on his two-year-old grandson and watching TV.
The old geezer began by complimenting his son’s wife homemaking and culinary skills, but took the joke a bit too far when one evening, without a shred of modesty, he made flattering remarks with sexual connotations about her ample backside. He later turned it into a habit.
The woman spill the beans, saying: “He has been really bothering me. I no longer enjoy peace and privacy in my house because he overstays his visits. Mostly, he eats super in my house and has been behaving strangely of late. He even unashamedly teases me and compliments my behind, making me very uneasy,” she testified to village elders.
“Even when I start dozing off, he is never courteous enough to leave, and let me sleep. Instead, he goes on and on with his long-winded and boring stories,” she further lamented.
Interesting, when the startled woman reported to her husband that his father was making passes at her, much to her shock, he shouted at her and warned her against opening Pandora’s box by saying such things about an old, religious and respectable man. What’s more, when she shared the same with one of her in-laws, he found it ‘hilarious’ and laughed his head off.
On the material day, the woman said she was tired, and wasn’t in the mood for the old man’s wearisomely verbose and boring stories. Thus, she retired to bed with her child relatively early, leaving the old man to watch TV and notify her once he was done so she could switch off the gizmo, bid him goodnight and close the door.
However, with his fired up loins, the old man reportedly walked into the woman’s bedroom later that night and began caressing her ‘mammary glands’ and booty in readiness for an ‘act of the rod’. But no sooner had he began canoodling and purring sweet nothings into her ear than she jerked out of bed, screaming in shock.
“I initially thought it was my kid who was cuddling into me, only to discover a hairy and beefy old man touching me inappropriately and pleading to have his way with me,” she said.
Following the alarm, neighbours made a beeline for the home, thinking it was a robbery only to find the half-naked man hurriedly making his way out. Had he not quickly identified himself, the angry villagers would have mistaken him for a thief and lynched him.
The old man was frog-matched to the area chief who, out of leniency because of the senior citizen’s age, summoned him to appear before an elders' baraza, first thing the following morning.
“The guy is well-known around here and the chief didn’t want to involve police in the matter, so he told him to report to his office where he was arraigned before a council of elders,” said Kavuludi, a villager.
In his defence, the old man said he usually visits the woman out of fatherly love and care, but the devil had tempted him that night. He apologised and pleaded for leniency, promising to mend his ways. The elders sent the woman’s husband, who has now fallen out of favour with his father, a memo warning him against leaving his young wife in the village. The old man paid three thousand shillings and two cocks as punishment for the unbecoming behaviour.
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The Standard Group Plc is a multi-media organization with investments in media platforms spanning newspaper print
operations, television, radio broadcasting, digital and online services. The Standard Group is recognized as a
leading multi-media house in Kenya with a key influence in matters of national and international interest.

Standard Group Plc HQ Office,
The Standard Group Center,Mombasa Road.
P.O Box 30080-00100,Nairobi, Kenya.
Telephone number: 0203222111, 0719012111

More stories to check out before you go
Villagers in Givogi, Vihiga County, are still reeling from shock after a seemingly randy father-in-law disgraced himself by sneaking into his married son’s bedroom, and began fondling his sleeping wife with intent to raid her cookie jar.
The 60-year-old man, surnamed Oriedo who happens to be a widower, took advantage of his son’s ‘commuter marriage’, and had been spending a lot of time at the younger man’s house, eyeing his wife, only identified as Kabeyi.
Considering his son works and lives in Nairobi, the senior citizen had developed a habit of eating super and spending his evenings at his son’s house, on the pretext of checking on his two-year-old grandson and watching TV.
The old geezer began by complimenting his son’s wife homemaking and culinary skills, but took the joke a bit too far when one evening, without a shred of modesty, he made flattering remarks with sexual connotations about her ample backside. He later turned it into a habit.
The woman spill the beans, saying: “He has been really bothering me. I no longer enjoy peace and privacy in my house because he overstays his visits. Mostly, he eats super in my house and has been behaving strangely of late. He even unashamedly teases me and compliments my behind, making me very uneasy,” she testified to village elders.
“Even when I start dozing off, he is never courteous enough to leave, and let me sleep. Instead, he goes on and on with his long-winded and boring stories,” she further lamented.
Interesting, when the startled woman reported to her husband that his father was making passes at her, much to her shock, he shouted at her and warned her against opening Pandora’s box by saying such things about an old, religious and respectable man. What’s more, when she shared the same with one of her in-laws, he found it ‘hilarious’ and laughed his head off.
On the material day, the woman said she was tired, and wasn’t in the mood for the old man’s wearisomely verbose and boring stories. Thus, she retired to bed with her child relatively early, leaving the old man to watch TV and notify her once he was done so she could switch off the gizmo, bid him goodnight and close the door.
However, with his fired up loins, the old man reportedly walked into the woman’s bedroom later that night and began caressing her ‘mammary glands’ and booty in readiness for an ‘act of the rod’. But no sooner had he began canoodling and purring sweet nothings into her ear than she jerked out of bed, screaming in shock.
“I initially thought it was my kid who was cuddling into me, only to discover a hairy and beefy old man touching me inappropriately and pleading to have his way with me,” she said.
Following the alarm, neighbours made a beeline for the home, thinking it was a robbery only to find the half-naked man hurriedly making his way out. Had he not quickly identified himself, the angry villagers would have mistaken him for a thief and lynched him.
The old man was frog-matched to the area chief who, out of leniency because of the senior citizen’s age, summoned him to appear before an elders' baraza, first thing the following morning.
“The guy is well-known around here and the chief didn’t want to involve police in the matter, so he told him to report to his office where he was arraigned before a council of elders,” said Kavuludi, a villager.
In his defence, the old man said he usually visits the woman out of fatherly love and care, but the devil had tempted him that night. He apologised and pleaded for leniency, promising to mend his ways. The elders sent the woman’s husband, who has now fallen out of favour with his father, a memo warning him against leaving his young wife in the village. The old man paid three thousand shillings and two cocks as punishment for the unbecoming behaviour.
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I have been married for 5 years. Our sex life was very lusty and fulfilling when we first met - but it soon settled down to having sex once a month after a drink.
My husband is a loving man but is not demonstrative. We have chatted about the lack of sex in our relationship but end up going around in circles I was happy to go through this until we were both ready to sort it out, until last year. We usually have a drink every weekend and I often fall into a deep drink induced sleep
But I began waking in the morning feeling sore down below. I had the feeling that I had had sex but did not remember - I would ask my husband if we had sex the night before and he would say no. This continued every time I fell asleep after a drink and I could not work out why.
One night just out of curiosity I went to bed first as normal but decided to pretend to be in a deep sleep (I made sure I did not have a lot to drink) to see if anything was going on. My husband came to bed and within 15 minutes just as I was drifting off he started to touch me, and went on to have sex with me. He clearly didn¿t want me awake.
The next day I asked my husband if we had sex, and he said no! I was disgusted and felt violated and had to face him about it in a way he could not deny it. So I waited until next time pretended I was asleep again - but this time half way through I just pretended to wake and asked him what he was doing.
He came up with every excuse under the sun other than admit to what he was doing. He was distraught and said he would cut his hands off before touching me without my consent in that way again. I was very upset that he was getting off on this kind of sex preferring that to the loving intimate adventurous sex life I was trying to get back. He promised it would not happen again.
Now I cannot relax and feel I daren't have a drink in case he does those things and I get that horrible sinking feeling again the next morning. As I see it he would rather jump all over me and enjoys the fact that it is without my consent or involvement. Our sex life, or lack of it, really is not a problem but what he did when I was in a deep sleep does.
I cannot fathom out why he says he has such a hang up about sex, but can have sex with me when I am asleep.
Please help this resentment is destroying my respect for him and I feel raped and violated and have told him so. I feel I cannot confront him again about this. I got nowhere last time.
He gave me empty promises saying he would never do it again. Does it make me just as bad because I am aware it is happening and have not confronted him about it this time?
Am I consenting in a way? I am 34 and my husband is 40.
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Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd
Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group

The Standard Group Plc is a multi-media organization with investments in media platforms spanning newspaper print
operations, television, radio broadcasting, digital and online services. The Standard Group is recognized as a
leading multi-media house in Kenya with a key influence in matters of national and international interest.

Standard Group Plc HQ Office,
The Standard Group Center,Mombasa Road.
P.O Box 30080-00100,Nairobi, Kenya.
Telephone number: 0203222111, 0719012111

More stories to check out before you go
I am a 28-year-old career woman, a banker to be exact. Unlike many girls my age who are getting ready for marriage and planning weddings, I am in a relationship people may call bizarre. I am in love with a man who cherished me as a baby and watched me grow up. This is the man who has never stopped calling me beautiful, whose love is broad-spectrum and is in and out of season. That man is my father.
Don't be hasty to judge me, I have no regrets nor am I ready to change my mind.
It all began when I was 13. Those were the days I badly needed love. My mother gave more attention to my two younger brothers and often I felt left out. She kept finding fault with me; throwing tantrums at the slightest provocation and blaming me sometimes for things my brothers did.
"You should be their role model," I remember every beating from my mother. Justly speaking, it was not all uphill with her; there were some good times but I can dare say that the bitter moments outweigh the good ones by far! I grew to hate her too. I am not embarrassed that I found love and consolation from her husband.
Daddy is a businessman; so many times he'd be away on business trips. When he came home, I would lie on his chest and cry asking him not to leave me behind next time he went for a trip. "Darling, you're still in school," he'd gently tell me and press me hard on his chest. I was only a little girl then. If my mother shouted at me in his presence, he'd reprimand her. Those were the only times I felt justice being done to me.
At the age of 12, after my first menstruation period, I dared my mother for a woman-to-woman chat. "Why don't you like me? Is it that you expected a boy and you got me? Did dad rape you on the night you conceived me," I recited what I had been coached by my peers. She insisted she loved me but her actions continued to be different.
Then, my hips started growing and I was turning into a pretty woman. I often caught my dad stealing glances at me especially at the dining table. I didn't know about man-to -woman love then and it's much later I that I realised my dad had fallen in love with me long before I knew it. My mother cautioned me against men generally and talked ill about all of them.
But dad was and is still different from all the men I have ever met. He's charming, caring, listening and willing to understand. I can describe my dad as my father, my friend, counselor and my lover. No man can match him! As a little girl, I could see jealousy written all over my mother's face and at some point I started enjoying it. I would sit on dad's lap and wrap my little hands around his neck just to provoke her. She'd make a face but not at any time did she ever stop me. Maybe if she had talked to me about incest then, things would be different today.
On my thirteenth birthday, Dad had a surprise for me: a trip with him to South Africa. I can't narrate the joy of being alone for a whole week with a person who loved me dearly and away from my mother's quarrels. A nice hotel in Jo'burg was my birthday place. I had a nice spacious room all to myself and dad's room was opposite mine.
On the second night he came to my room and without any preambles he held me tightly and gave me a long deep kiss on the lips. I felt a sense of belonging and a very special attachment to him. That is the night I gave my virginity to my dad. That night we discussed many things and he told me that he wouldn't mind telling the world that he loved me were it not for societal outlook.
We'd keep it secret though sitting on his lap and him hugging me and kissing my forehead or cheek would continue. I left Jo'burg with many presents but above all, feeling gratified that I had been ushered into adulthood by a man who loved me and whom I loved.
Our love blossomed by the day and we'd go out many times. He'd pick me from boarding school and we'd spend the afternoon together. The world knew dad loved me but perhaps their interpretation was different. This continued until I joined university.
At the University I could see my peers with their little boyfriends and at some point I thought I would give it a try. I got myself a boyfriend but the relationship lasted barelya week. He was childish, noisy and hyperactive! That is the complete opposite of my dad. My relationship with dad is mature. He has taught me to be calm and how to handle issues maturely. I am not surprised he pushes away any young man who comes close to me.
The day my mother caught me on her bed with dad, she faked surprise and I had to tell her bluntly to stop pretending. Was she so blind all those years to see dad was treating me better than her? He'd give me money to pay workers. We'd go shopping with him and have night-long loud-laughter chats in the study. We went for his international business trips together and even have a joint bank account! When she caught us and kicked him out of their bedroom, the poor man ran to me. I now share my bedroom with him without an iota of remorse. My brothers hate me but because my dad has always been there for me, I must fight to make him happy.
Though we denied it when summoned by the clan elders, thanks to my mother's big mouth, our love is not ending anytime soon. I know the science behind having a child with a blood relative that's why dad and I have kept it on hold.
When the right time comes, I may opt to adopt. Meanwhile, I continue being dad's best friend and lover. We have never fought over anything over the years. Though people may call us insane, from my intellectual eye, I notice even the elders who stood to condemn us admire our relationship.
- The identity of the person telling the story has been hidden to protect her and others involved from stigma
Incest is a serious public health issue but it's usually ignored in order to protect involved families. Father and daughter
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