Son Blackmails His Mom

Son Blackmails His Mom


Son Blackmails His Mom
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I’m so sorry you find yourself in this position. I imagine you feel like you either have to be disloyal to your mom and tell your dad, or be disloyal to your dad and keep this secret from him. That is a no-win situation.
Relationships between intimate partners are complex, and your mom and dad will have to figure their own stuff out. Your mom’s choices about her relationship with your dad and the consequences of those choices really are between the two of them. I am not here to pass judgment about your mom’s apparent infidelity . I will say that her asking you to hold her secret is a betrayal of her relationship with you. It is part of the unspoken parenting contract that parents don’t put their kids in a position to have to choose which parent to betray or be loyal to. That’s not right or fair. It doesn’t matter if this was a one-time thing or a pattern of behavior—it’s not your role to weigh out the details and possible consequences.
I suggest you have a conversation with your mom but, for now, leave your dad and his feelings out if it. Focus instead on what her request is doing to you and to your relationship with her. Asking you to hold her secret is asking you to carry the responsibility for her choices. That is a breach of trust with you that could have long-lasting implications. It cannot be your responsibility to cover for her, nor should it be your responsibility to inform your dad. This isn’t about you loving her enough to keep her secret; it is about her loving you enough not to ask you to. You cannot force her to own her actions. If, however, when presented with your feelings she still chooses to put you on the middle, you may want to ask yourself what you are protecting.
None of this is easy, so if you find yourself struggling, I suggest finding a therapist near you to work through some of this with. No matter what happens, having some support may be beneficial in helping you move past this.
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Cheating on your dad and you were the one who found her?
Oh honey that’s just terrible and even more horrible that this is a secret that she now wants you to keep from the other parent. I don’t know what to tell you to do, that has just put you in a position that I don’t think that any of us would wish to be in.
Tell mom she has a week to tell Dad, if she doesn’t I will tell Dad. Cheaters need to get what they deserve, pennyless dumped on the curb.
I was put in the same position at 22. I immediately went to a therapist and had great help in guiding such a difficult problem. My mom and I still haven’t recovered from this, which was just the tip of the iceberg in terms of strange behavior from her, but without my therapist, the transition and ability to find solace and understanding would have been so much harder.
I wish that there was some way that you could stay out of it but obviously it is too late for that. Have a talk with your mom and see if you can encourage her to talk to your father about her feelings and what has happened between the two of them to break down the marriage. I am never sure that I would feel right about telling him what happened, but I don’t think that you should be the one who is forced to keep her secret for her either.
My suggestion is that you ask her to go to a short term therapy with you like 2-6 sessions, so you can make sense of this for yourself and of course she pays for it. Not fair of her to put you in this position. My intuition says this is not the first time. I am 60 years old and have 3 adult children. I would have never put them in this position when they were your age or any age. If she wants to keep it a secret then it’s her responsibility to keep it a secret which means this would have never happened at the family home!!!
How about telling her that you are not going to be her secret keeper and that you won’t tell on her but that you won’t lie for her either if push comes to shove
Man, I don’t envy this position that you are in at all!!
This is truly the epitome of being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I could never keep something like this from either of my parents. I am too close to both of them and I would hope that they would never have to ask me to do that anyway! I am almost 20 but I still would have a very hard time covering up. I think that I am just too transparent and if something like this was going on I could never hide the lie.
Kudos for seeking some advice…while probably most of us are not qualified to be your professional therapist, respondents have come up with some very good advice. If you don’t address this with mom and a therapist, it’s going to eat at you. You have much to focus on (school, friends, possible employment, etc….not to mention sleeping well) none of which you will be able to devote 100% effort towards unless you address this ASAP. Please don’t wait…I’ve been in my own nightmare and I waited far too long to address it….take my advice….attack the problem now.
Have you ever thought that maybe in some ways she wanted to get caught so that someone would tell on her? And save her form having to be the one to do it? Just a thought
You’re in a great position to get whatever you want from her. Don’t push your luck too far of course, but it’s all good until she confesses to him, then all bets are off.
It is very critical position, and you just once council your mom. because your mom is happy with your dad or not. If she is unsatisfied then she has a right to engage with other men. better you support your mom. because woman also have right to enjoy.
manu, she broke her promise. She should have sought permission from her husband and son about seeking the comfort of another man. If he says no, she should honor his answer. Cheating and committing sin of omission are not the ethical values her son should be learning from her.
This is a no win senerio for you. No action will produce good results. Your real question is how do I deal with all the crap coming down the line. Tell him with her there and state how you feel about what she is doing and tell him what you think about the situation. You don’t know the situation, you can’t. He may have suspected, she may be doing this for years, they may have had a deal but not at home. Women screwing around is no worse than men doing the same. Yout Mom should really be handleing this and not compromise you. Secrets like this never stay secrets. Your dad will know sooner or later and probally resent you for playing a part in her infidelity. I kept a secret for over 20 years. It seemed to haunt me and then one day when everything became known, I was the bad guy. What if I did this or what if I had done that. Its their marriage and if she is sleeping around, the first time or only one time story is usually bull. She wants you to keep her trust quiet now. What about the next time when Dad walks into the living room.
I came across this as I searched the internet for advice. This also happened to me, but I was much younger, 5-6 years old. I was supposed to be outside (in those days you were put outside and expected to stay out until mealtime) I had gotten hurt and went in to find my mom. I opened the closed door to the spare room and saw my mother and the next door neighbor, naked, and to me, “wrestling in the bed”. I have no memory of what happened in the short term after that sight, just my mother having “a talk” with me later. She told me the neighbor had brought a flesh colored bathing suit for his wife as a surprise and that she was trying it on for him to see how it looked, then they had a play fight. She told me if I told anyone, my father wouldn’t understand and would move away. I was a “daddy’s girl” so, of course I didn’t want that, but I was way too good as a reader of people and I saw right through that story. I put it in the back of my brain and never told anyone, not even my husband of 40 years. But now my mother, still married to my dad, is approaching 80 and each year I feel more and more anger at her. As the oldest child, I always felt I was raised stricter and had much more responsibility and less nurturing than the younger kids. I know this is common, but now as an adult with my own children and grandchildren, I find I no longer want any contact with her. I look back at my whole life trying to please her and never getting anything in return but the expectation I will always be the family’s workhorse. This came to a head at christmas when I annouced I wouldn’t host the whole extended family at my house after 40 years of doing so. I had 2 major surgeries recently and have 17 children-spouses-grandkids, which is already too many without finding room for adult siblings who have never hosted any holiday at their homes (I do all the holidays). Of course I was still inviting my parents. Instead of understanding, my mom and siblings are all mad and fighting with me now. All this is hurtful enough, but my mind still wanders back to that moment my mother cheated and lied to me, and put that burden on my shoulders. My question is, how do I explain my feelings, or lack of feelings, for her to my own kids without the horrible truth and inevitable being blamed for ruining everyone’s memory of their grandmother. My kids all think I’m wrong and I worry the example it sets. We are talking 53 years ago, and it haunts me like it was this afternoon.
KB, it’s possible that you’re carrying more of a burden than you need to. My aunt and uncle both cheated on each other, and stayed married until they died in their 90s. They were neither one unhappy that we knew of. This is not a blessing for unfaithfulness, but sometimes people make mistakes and fix it themselves and realize who they were married to was the best choice. Cheating is usually self punishing anyway. The cheater has to live with guilt, until they don’t anymore. There is no more need for you to be haunted by that story, than there is need for you to intervene in their lives. It is all the more reason to get permission if you decide to have sex with someone else besides you’re husband. This might sound crazy, but I told a married woman that wanted sex with me to get permission from her husband. She did, and he approved. After I turned my head around straight again, and picked my jaw up off the floor, I decided it was still a bad idea.
Personally, I would tell her to own up to her own garbage. You in no way should be stuck in the middle of it. Either she fess up herself or you tell dad. Not only is she betraying your father’s trust but your’s as well. She also wants YOU to be deceitful to him, which is just wrong.
i not know how or what to do if i were in your shoes but i always try and tell my sons that try not to hit they wives or there kids because once they do it will be come a habit
Petsonally i would conftont sit her down tell her look i saw you cheat on dad now if you dont want me to tell him i now own you to do with anything i ask and want of you you have control over your mother now.
She needs to tell dad because she brought up the affair for her son to see. Bad enough for a well rounded teen to see mom and dad having sex, seeing a stranger having sex with mom goes way beyond what is acceptable. This goes for dad’s as well. You don’t tell your kids to keep this kind of secret.
Your Mother has already betrayed your Father. If he ever finds out you knew and never said anything, he will always feel betrayed by you as well. Keeping quiet at your mothers request makes you complicit.
When you look into your mother’s eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth.
I caught my mother with a family friend today. They both looked at me and I turned away to get out of the house. I returned a couple of hours later and confronted her about it, she said “it just happened, it was her first time, and that she was sorry”. I refused her apology and told her I have lost all trust in her. We ended our brief exchange with a little profanity on my part, and her asking me if “I was going to tell him” (my father). I can’t and won’t tell my father – he is a recovering heart patient. She spent the rest of the day behaving as if nothing had happened – talking to people over the phone, laughing, etc. When my father came back from work, she was her usual self. As much as I’m trying to avoid her, she has not avoided me at all. I don’t know if she is lying about it being her first time, but I know she is a pathological liar. I have strong emotions of hatred towards her at the moment. I don’t know how to move past this, but I want to /have to / need to!
Don’t lie for that liar and hussie.Dad is working hard to supply family needs.How many more that you didn’t catch.If she will cheat once bet your last dollar its not the first time nor the last
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I walked into my son’s school a few weeks ago to pick him up. He was sitting with all his friends waiting for me by the door and immediately got up when he saw me coming. Clearly, he didn’t want me coming anywhere near his friends. I got the feeling he didn’t want anyone to know he was with me. I was right.
As he got closer, he whispered, “Mom, why do you have to dress like that? Everyone stares at you.”
“No they don’t. They are probably staring at you because you are so handsome,” I told him.
“I blend in. They aren’t staring at me. They are looking at you. Why do you have to wear dresses and high heels?” For the record, I was wearing the outfit below. The nerve, right?
I decided I wanted to try something with my teenage son that day. I asked him if he wanted to dress me for a little while. I told him he could pick out my outfits and I would wear whatever he wanted me to wear as long as he had an open mind and would listen to a few things I had to say about people and the way they choose to dress, so that’s what we did.
I wanted to talk to him more about the subject and why he was feeling the way he was. And by having him choose my clothes for a while I would better understand why he wanted me to wear certain things, and maybe he would understand why I like to dress the way I do and that, really, it shouldn’t affect him as much as it does.
This was his choice for the first day. He picked out a very casual, sporty outfit, and I loved it.
While I dress like this about half the time and like this look, it doesn’t always suit me. Sometimes I feel like dressing up more, so I do. When I asked my son why he picked this out, he said because I “blended in and didn’t look out of place.” In his mind, when I dress up, I look like I don’t belong. If he only knew how many women I saw throughout the day wearing suits and heels maybe he would have a different opinion.
Regardless, I told him nobody should be judged based on how they dress — not even your very embarrassing mother . Most people wear what they are comfortable in, what makes them feel good. It doesn’t matter where it came from because this isn’t how we judge others. We focus on how they make us feel, if they are kind, how they treat people. I told him judging people for what they wear is very transparent, and he will be missing out on a lot in life if he is going to focus on making friends because of what they wear, what they have, or what they look like.
If he is comfortable dressing in a way that makes him feel like he blends in, I think that is great. However, I want him to have the inner confidence to step out of the box if he wants. If he feels like wearing something, even though none of his peers are, I want him to feel like he can.
I also let him know what someone puts on their body isn’t an invitation, for him or anyone else, ever. And he should always take heed on how he looks at people, especially women. There is a way to look at a woman without staring or gawking. No matter how you see her, she deserves respect. I don’t care what she’s wearing.
I also want my son to realize just because I am a mother it doesn’t mean I have to dress a certain way. I loved the outfits he picked for me, and dress like that on my own accord often. But I also love wearing dresses, heels, skinny jeans, and trying out new trends because that is who I am, and who I was long before I became his mother. It’s not my intention to embarrass him. It is my intention to be myself, and him making comments or telling me he doesn’t want to go anywhere with me because of the way I dress is hurtful (as normal as it is).
A few days ago, I discussed these “lessons” I was trying to teach him with a friend and she told me he would “take all these lessons and bake them into a gentleman pie.” I really hope she is right.

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All signs pointed toward me being gay, but to my mom and relatives I was just a kid having fun. I was fabulous that night and I knew it; that is, until my father walked in and saw me.
Oral Fixation is a live true, personal storytelling series for adults dedicated to community building and social change.
Feb 19, 2014, 02:42 PM EST | Updated Dec 6, 2017
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