Some Techno Babble from my Books Slang.

Some Techno Babble from my Books Slang.


When I set out to write my Outer Space Adventures book series, I knew that I wanted to create a fully-realized and believable world for my readers. Part of that meant creating not just one, but sixteen constructed languages, each with its own grammar, vocabulary, and syntax. But I didn't stop there – I also created slang and techno babble to go along with it.

For example, in the world of my books, 'POOLING' means when communication is so crowded or jammed up, either weak intermittent or no signal at all can get through. Another Slang is 'Robot Control', which just means either remote control or remote control by a computer. ''Freefall' is when you turn off your systems and allow it to be controlled remotely via Robot Control. 'Tachs' is short for Tachyon Speed (TS), the way in which Rocky and crew travel through the Solar System so fast.

By creating this fully-realized world, I hope to transport my readers to a place where they can lose themselves in the adventure.

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