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November 8, 2021

Assuming everyone who identifies as lesbians is all the same is a pretty insult. Every lesbian woman is unique and different in her own right. Some people like a particular type of woman. Some people are open to experimenting. While some lesbians change their mindset about their preferences over time Just like heterosexual people have different tastes and have the option to change that from time to time. So are lesbians So how many types of lesbians are there?
There is no denying that there seems to be a niche group of lesbians out there.
Even the LGBTQ community knows these groups. So you should know about the different types of lesbians. If you want to educate yourself a little.
Why should you? Well, why not? if you are a lesbian Knowing these types of lesbians may help you identify with a particular group. Or if you’re not a big fan of labels? It may help you get to know your community better.
If you’re not a lesbian or you’re not too sure. Learning about different sexual orientations will help you gain knowledge and knowledge as much as with learning about cultures around the world
If you walk up to a lesbian and tell her that all lesbians are the same. She would be insulted and she had every right to be.
Are all straight people the same? No. Are all gay men the same? No, are all transgender people the same? number.
We are all unique and individual in our own right. This means the way someone chooses to live their life or their sexual orientation. ebb and flow
There are many different types of lesbians, but that doesn’t mean that everyone who identifies as lesbians can fit into a particular group. Someone may change their mind from time to time and move from one group to another. or some may be identified by two or more groups.
Assuming all lesbians are the same is stereotypical.
Again, because everyone is different! You could argue that we don’t need some kind of lesbian anyway. And it’s best to let everyone be themselves and like what they like. I agree, but you know how social it is – for some reason we love labels.
There are many stereotypical lesbian opinions such as arrogant looking lesbians or short hair. Not true. There are many lesbian women who are very feminine with long, smooth locks.
You can’t look at a woman who looks a certain way and thinks she’s a lesbian. Yes, some types of lesbians are unique. but not all
Within the LGBTQ community, some people use what is known as the Fuchs scale. This is a scale used to identify lesbians in the range between femme, female lesbians and butch, which are more masculine lesbians. However, there are a million and one degree differences. !
It is up to the individual whether they want to identify a specific type or whether they just want free spins and be themselves without labels. If you’re a lesbian and you don’t feel the need to adjust to any genre. All power is available to you.
However, if you’re a lesbian and prefer to be of a certain type, that’s fine, there’s no right or wrong.
You started reading this article because you wanted to learn about the different types of lesbians, so let’s take a look at some of the more common types you’ll hear in the LGBTQ community.
This is the type of lesbian that is at its most feminine. You’ll hear ‘femme’ and ‘lipstick lesbian’ used interchangeably, but referring to the same type.
basically This is a more feminine, more feminine lesbian. They are on opposite sides of the scale with Butch Lesbians.
When most people hear the term ‘lesbian’, they tend to think of Butch Lesbian and are one of the most stereotypical types of lesbians.
However, many lesbian women are not flirtatious at all. I must say that many people are Butch Lesbian has a more masculine look, and she’s showing a stronger demeanor.
This label isn’t about looks, it’s all about her personality and passion.
Lesbian activists tend to be passionate about social justice and especially about equality. especially in the LGBTQ community. [Read: Definition of queer – understanding what the Q in LGBTQ really mean? ]

Many lesbians identify as chapstick, and that’s because it’s somewhere between two extremes – femme and butch.
From what day to the next It depends on how you feel at any given moment. She can also dress more as a woman or man. And it’s not likely to fit the end of the scale.
This is where the types of lesbians get complicated. Butch Stone lesbian looks more masculine in her looks and poses. make her a bush But what sets her apart is that she doesn’t particularly like being happy, that is, she doesn’t like being touched.
She is more of a giver and prefers to be happy with her partner rather than receiving. [Read: Lesbian stereotypes: Common cliches we hear about too often ]

Like a rock butch lesbian but more feminine in her appearance and lifestyle. Stone girl lesbian gives pleasure to her partner and does not want to receive
This is confusing for non-Hasbian lesbians to understand in some cases. The Hasbian lesbian was generally identified as a lesbian. But now she’s dating a guy.
She doesn’t identify as heterosexual or gay these days. You just follow your heart. Does that mean she won’t date girls again? Not at all. She might go back to being a lesbian or maybe not. [Read: 15 secret signs of female bisexuality to recognize a bisexual girl ]

Not specific, but not a woman either. Lesbian boys look younger in their style and clothes. but a female by blood They weren’t that strong in butch terms. but softer but still more masculine than women
This is a lesbian who knows what she wants and she isn’t afraid to pursue it! Powerful lesbians are more likely to have competitive or prestigious jobs, such as in the legal or medical field. They strive to be the best and dress to impress.
This is a term used to describe a girl who is attending college and is exploring her sexuality, while ‘LUG’ means ‘Lesbian until graduation’. maybe not
Simply put, she hasn’t decided yet. And now she’s satisfied with the survey. [Read: The first time lesbian experience – How to experience it minus the awkwardness ]

Baby dam lesbians just ‘come out’ and there aren’t any specific types yet. She is exploring the community and finding her way.
As a result, she doesn’t identify as Butch, Woman, or whatever in the middle. She might become a type of lesbian later. but for now She is exploring her new self.
in the list of lesbians This type is effective and popular. If you think about the hierarchy of popularity in high school. Alpha sits at a cool table with other people swarming around her. She’s dressed cool, looks cool, and she’s just as successful. [Read: The alpha female – 15 qualities you need to unleash it ]

This is the type of lesbian who tries to have sex with a guy once to see how it feels or is it for her. But she thought no and went back to choosing a woman who liked her. Single star labels can also be lesbians who have only ever had one partner and clinging to them.
It’s important to remember that these types of lesbians should use a little salt. Not all lesbians identify as a specific type or even want one.
Some lesbians use labels as humor. While some people like to be part of a group because it helps them get to know their community better.
There is no right or wrong answer here. But knowing about the different types of lesbians is always useful Because it lets you know what’s going on in the community. Whether you’re part of it or not
There are likely many other types of lesbians besides this list. People change and develop And new labels are being invented all the time, no matter who wants to identify them as a specific label is a personal preference.
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Why do modern women choose the path of lesbianism? It may sound like a philosophical question, but we’ll try to dig a little bit deeper to shed light on this issue. For many years, homosexuality has been considered a serious psychological disorder that violated all religious and moral principles, according to which women could maintain sexual relationships with men only. But for the better of worse, time works great changes.
In 1973 American Psychiatric Association decided to strike homosexuality off the list of mental diseases and provide psychological support to these extraordinary personalities. In a quite short period of time, sexual revolution broadened humanity’s moral horizons and gave people freedom to change their sexual orientation. Today, lesbians don’t fear to talk about their sexual orientation, because homosexuality has gradually become the part of a modern society.
Scientists and researchers surveyed a great number of homosexual women and came to a conclusion that lesbianism can be caused by various physiological and psychological factors. They still think that homosexuality is a psychological disorder, triggered by misunderstanding, dysfunctional family atmosphere, violence, inferiority and social vulnerability. Women with high levels of testosterone in their blood are more likely to become lesbians too. Read on to find out a lot of interesting things about women and understand why they become lesbians.
Negative family environment is often the main reason for many psychological disorders, because during the pre-adolescent and adolescent periods, family issues and a lack of contact between parents and children exert a big negative influence on the child’s personality development.
Psychologists state that the latent tendency towards lesbianism is embedded in the subconscious mind of every girl. The life path and sexual orientation the girl will sooner or later choose, depends mostly on the process of upbringing and the role of parents in her life. During the transformation from a girl to a woman, every girl faces a great number of questions and inner contradictions that create her identity. If she doesn’t find correct answers to these important questions and parents can’t get their daughter in the right frame of mind, the girl starts living according to her own beliefs, rules and values.
It’s wonderful when the emotional connection between a mother and a daughter is profound and strong enough. Lack of maternal warmth and support make daughters open their hearts to female friends. There’s a high probability that close association and trust-based relationship between the daughters of unloving mothers can turn into lesbianism one day.
The daughter of unloving parents is often a person whose heart is covered with emotional scars that make her adulthood painful, difficult and problematic due to the strong influence of emotional insecurities that tie her hands and make her unable to change the situation for the better. Modest and diffident girls are often chronic outsiders, because they find it difficult to uphold their rights and opinions.
Modern society is full of confident and impudent people who make weak personalities take a back seat all the time. As a result, these weak ladies narrow the circle of their contacts and prefer to communicate and keep contact with like-minded female friends who often turn into lovers. Unfortunately, sometimes even good-breeding can play a low-down trick with girls and steal their confidence. Ladies who refuse to hang out with male friends are often doomed to loneliness and possible lesbianism.
Life of a plain girl is difficult, because this, at first glance, warm-hearted and empathetic society isn’t as kind as it may seem. There are a lot of beautiful and attractive ladies which embarrass plain girls and hit where it hurts by pointing out their flaws.
Naturally beautiful girls usually choose heterosexuality since they’re always surrounded by guys who boost their self-confidence and significance, giving compliments, flowers and bestowing smiles upon them.
Plain girls often turn into tomboys, because they’re deprived of compliments and attention. Their tomboy habits, behaviors and social pressure gradually kill their desire to build traditional heterosexual relationships, because they think that they’re not beautiful enough.
Over the years, this problem turns into a deep-seated inferiority. If nothing changes for the better and a tomboy fails to raise her self-esteem, then she becomes either a lesbian or a woman who leads depressing, lonely and incomplete life.
Modern generation’s life motto is, “Live your life to the fullest and try everything while you’re young, beautiful and healthy.” As a result, many girls try everything and lesbianism is no exception. Even women who have a heterosexual relationship sometimes show interest in lesbian sex.
Why does it happen? Unlike men, women aren’t the creatures of habit and they can’t stand sexual monogamy. They need various emotions, adventures and intrigues like oxygen. Often young ladies say that one-time experiment with lesbian sex isn’t a sign of lesbianism, but just a thrilling experience. The statistics show that such experiments usually alter women’s views on life and lead to homosexuality.
Do you agree that inborn inclination to lesbianism is possible? I’ve always thought that lesbianism is the result of improper upbringing. But it turns out that I was mistaken, because much depends on hormones. Scientists have found that there’s a significant biochemical difference between heterosexual and lesbian women. Lesbian’s endocrine system doesn’t produce enough estrogen. On the contrary, their blood is full of testosterone.
Such deviation from a physiological norm means that women with high testosterone levels assume mostly masculine traits of character. These ladies find it difficult to maintain heterosexual relationships with men since physiologically they’re more interested in women. Girls who choose lesbianism due to physiological deviations have fewer chances to bid farewell to this problem with ease than those whose inclination to lesbianism is triggered by various psychological issues.
Relationship between a man and a woman is a constant confrontation that consists of grudges, tears and fights, albeit it’s not a main reason why women join a man-hating club and become lesbians. What is the origin of this strong hatred?
Hatred towards men and subsequent lesbianism can be triggered by some kind of emotional or sexual abuse and leave deep scars in the subconscious mind of young ladies. If they don’t receive help from parents or psychologists, they have trouble overcoming the fear of men. Over the years, deep-seated fears, wounds and inner conflicts can only intensify the problem and give birth to an unbelievably intense disgust and hatred towards men.
Moreover, much depends on a role and reputation of a father in the family. If the father looks like a loser and a moral moron in the eyes of his daughter, then she loses respect for men and starts thinking that a relationship with a man is a bad idea.
Men and women will never reach mutual understanding and build harmonious relationship because their outlooks, behaviors, habits, reactions, dreams and goals are absolutely different. Women are more emotional and sensitive by nature. They need to talk their contradictions, ideas and thoughts out and share their inner emotions with their significant others. Unfortunately, men are bad comforters. They take a sober look at challenging situations, think rationally and logically.
Women who can’t close their eyes to monogamy, sexual dissatisfaction and misunderstanding in the relationships with their men, get seriously interested in lesbianism. Lesbian relationship gives them an opportunity to finally reach mutual understanding, talk for hours, cry on each other’s shoulders and find the right words to inspire and cheer up the partner.
These are some of the main reasons why women choose lesbian relationships. We see that in most cases, inclination to lesbianism is the consequence of parental mistakes, misunderstanding and violence. Lesbianism isn’t the end of the world though. It’s a choice that we all should respect. Do you think lesbianism is a psychological disorder or a personal choice?

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