Solo travel tips to remember for a memorable trip

Solo travel tips to remember for a memorable trip

Vidhi Joshi

Solo travelling in India introduces you to a spectrum of cultures and myriad of humans while discovering yourself in the process. It allows you to live your trip without the fear for newer and richer experiences. To make such liberating experiences more fruitful, we are listing some useful tips for your solo trip to India.


●      Plan in advance

When travelling alone, it is suggested to keep everything in order before venturing out on your escape. The plan does not need to be detailed but a slight outline of it should be clear to the traveller to not look lost after reaching the destination. Booking your stay is an important part of your preparations.


●      Do not overpack

One of the most important things to keep in mind while planning a solo trip in India is to not overpack. The distance to be travelled can be huge and there may be times when you might need to travel without any intermediate transport. Essential items could be easily found in most states of India. Hence, it is best to pack your luggage according to what you can carry with ease during your trip.


●      Establish your connection

Only strangers are your constant company while travelling on your journey. Therefore, it is recommended for you to mingle with other people along the way. There have been instances of people finding a lifelong friendship on the way in trains or buses. The primary purpose of your solo trip is to explore without any inhibitions and it is through the locals that you can truly explore the destination. Establishing your connection with the locals will help you explore new places.


●      Learn to dine alone

Make sure eating alone does not bother you as there would be no company while travelling solo. Learn to enjoy the flavour of the foods whilst enjoying the spectacle of people around you rather than focusing on your loneliness at the table.


●      Learn/Try new things

One of the best things about travelling solo is that the traveller has the power to fulfil his whims and fancies. Hence, it is advisable that the lone traveller learns and tries new things along the way during his/her journey. Be it a new language, cooking skills, some new course, or some activity, everything makes it a good way to explore the place and enjoy it in your own way.


●      Carry your essentials

As you are travelling alone, it is advisable to carry everything you require with yourself. Before heading out for the day, you should have significant items that may come handy during the day such as medicines, maps, etc. Keeping some emergency contacts is always a good idea.


●      Do not overspend

Solo travelling means you are the primary source of your finances and can make your own financial decisions. It is best to constantly keep a check on your economic resources and keep them saved for any adversity along the trip.


Another tip is to book your flight tickets through which would help you save up a significant amount on your flight tickets. There are several offers and discounts which could be availed while booking your solo trip.



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