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Six minor girls in central India, some of them reported to be as young as five, were allegedly stripped and paraded naked as part of a village ritual to summon rain.
Social media videos reportedly showed young girls walking nude with a wooden shaft on their shoulders, which had a frog tied to it, in the drought-hit Baniya village in the Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh state.
Villagers believe the ritual will appease the rain god and bring rainfall to the region, which had been seeing paddy crops dying due to drought.
The incident was reported on September 5, and India's National Commission for Protection of Child Rights is looking for a report on it from the administration of Damoh district, where the village is based.
Madhya Pradesh police said they had not received any formal complaint about the ritual, but said they had opened an investigation into it.
"Action will be taken if we find the girls were forced to walk naked," Damoh superintendent of police DR Teniwar told the Press Trust of India news agency.
The minors were accompanied by a few women who were chanting and singing devotional songs (bhajans) praising the god of rain , The Indian Express reported.
"We believe that this will bring in rains," they can be heard saying in the video.
As part of the ritual, those women collect raw food grains from villagers during this procession and then cook food for "bhandara" (group feast) at a local temple, the Indian newspaper reported.
S. Krishna Chaitanya, Damoh district collector, said the girls' parents had consented to the ritual and had even participated in it.
"In such cases, the administration can only make the villagers aware about the futility of such superstition and make them understand that such practices don't yield desired results," Chaitanya said.
Newsweek has contacted Chaitanya for comment.
There are number of rituals adopted by different cultures in India to bring rain, especially in farming areas heavily dependent on it.
Other rituals include marrying frogs and donkeys, or singing songs to praise the rain gods. Some communities hold yagnas, a kind of Hindu fire ritual.
There have also been incidents where young children are caked in mud, nearly naked with folded hands, asking the Gods to have mercy and make it rain, according to India Times.
In parts of Uttar Pradesh, the women of the village are asked to plow the fields at night naked, in order to for the gods to bring rain, the paper reported.
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