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Hi, We're Janice (I'm on the left and writing this post) and Tracey (on the right), and we are solo female travelers.
Many, many women travel alone and they love it.
However, solo female travel can be a bit of a challenge if you've not done it before.
That's why we've put together this category on Solo Traveler specifically for women who want to travel alone. It's designed to point you to the most relevant information for female solo travelers.
But first, let's talk about solo female travel. Here's what one of our readers and a solo travel newbie, Wendelyn, has to say.
"This month I booked my first solo trip to Paris. ... I just wanted to share this with you because you inspired me to let go of 2017 and forge ahead into 2018 with the knowledge that it does not require “someone else” to make my own way. I will be in Paris on my 57th birthday and I am very excited! Thank you so much. I have more to check out on your site and on Facebook but your message is an important one. Not just for the resources but for the spirit in which you support and encourage!!!
I have been telling my friends, “I am woman, hear me roar!” :)" Wendelyn
Solo Traveler was launched in 2009 to fill an online void. There was very little information for female solo travelers at that time. As someone who, after years of family travel found herself traveling solo once again, I was determined to offer a personal voice and solid advice to women wanting to travel solo.
Since then, the community of women traveling solo has grown. At one point, women found Solo Traveler by googling, "is it weird to travel alone". Now, that question just doesn't come up. It is common for women to travel solo. Yet, it is not easy for everyone to begin.
Every week we receive emails from women taking their first solo trip. It is such a pleasure to receive them and learn how Solo Traveler has helped them on their journey. I hope this site, the many posts specifically for women and those for everyone, the Deals page, our newsletter and the Wits & Wonder Travel Course will be equally valuable for you.
The Solo Travel Society on Facebook has over 230,000 fans and 63% of them are women. A survey found that 65% of US women are taking vacations without their partner. This is consistent with my experience. I see women traveling solo far more often than men. In one case I was on a train in India and, randomly, there were four female solo travelers in one row. A Brit, a Canadian and two Americans.
We asked the female members of the Solo Travel Society why they travel solo:
- 46% said freedom, independence and the chance to do what they want when they want
- 22% said they weren't willing to wait around for others
- 15% said to challenge themselves and gain confidence. Solo Travel let's you go travel your way
You can hear the joy of solo travel in the voices of these travelers.
I was a late bloomer as far as travel goes. I took my first solo trip to Nassau, Bahamas when I was 34. I was nervous at first. But I got there and made so many travel friends. I had a glorious time. I haven’t stopped travelling yet and I’ll be 64 soon. Planning another big trip around the world. Retired now and will live on the “road” until I decide to come back." Deborah
Think you can’t or think you can- you are right! I’m 55 and I started with traveling solo within my own country. Then to Bali. Then the UK, Ireland, Europe, Thailand, and Hawaii: all solo. Why? I trusted myself enough to know I could and I did! Solo travel? I love it! Only way to go! Safe travels!" Diane
We are sometimes asked to narrow down our top tips for women traveling solo. Taking some from how to travel solo as a women, others from our safety advise and still more from our lifestyle pieces for women, here they are.
While gaining confidence ranked third in our poll it is a big reason that women travel solo.
I was 58 when I took my first solo trip to Mexico a year ago. I never thought I could or would enjoy traveling alone, but I ended up loving it. ... My self confidence skyrocketed and I finally understood why so many people tout solo travel. I went back to the same Airbnb this year with a friend and I must say that my solo visit was ten times more fun. Just do it!" Nancy
The nature of confidence is that it only comes after you take the risk." Joanne
To say experts may be a bit much but, as women, Tracey and I have a lot of experience traveling solo. We've been doing so for many years.
I went on my first solo trip in my twenties. I spent two weeks in Europe and, to tell you the truth, I was flying by the seat of my pants. I could have used some of the advice in the articles below. Since then I've enjoyed many years of solo travel. And, as a woman traveling alone, I've experienced the good and, on occasion, the bad. All of which has prepared me to write and publish Solo Traveler.
How'd we come to publish Solo Traveler? Well, for me, a love of travel, personal loss and an empty nest all conspired for me to travel solo more and begin Solo Traveler in 2009. As for Tracey, on her very first trip abroad, which was with a friend, she learned that solo travel was for her. As friends, it was natural for us to work together on Solo Traveler.
So we write. We write for male and female solo travelers in general. We write about travel and saving money, safety, destinations, packing and general solo travel tips. There's also our Best Solo Travel Destinations: All Solo Traveler Tested and our annual best budget destinations posts to check out. There's so much on the site. Below are links to posts specifically for women who travel alone but first, here's our shortlist of tips for women.
Here’s how to create a travel wardrobe that is stylish and comfortable. Fashion capsule and color palette planning for urban travel.
The Solo Travel Society weighs in on solo female travel safety and what to do when asked the question, “Are you by yourself?”
Solo Traveler is usually for men and women. This post is different. Here’s inspiration for independent and organized solo trips for women specifically.
Why do women travel solo more than men? I’ve been asked the question so many times. So I dug into some research and formed a few theories.
When it comes to senior solo travel, age should not prevent you from fulfilling your travel dreams. The Solo Travel Society offers advice and encouragement.
When I travel solo I travel with more intent, more awareness. Solo travel is good for mindful travel.
Solo female travel has become very popular. Here are my tips for safe solo travel for women – and men.
On her grand solo adventure, a solo traveler discovers an organization of women welcoming women and building friendships around the world.
When a reader wanting to embark on her first solo trip reached out for help in moving from planning to action, the Solo Travel Society jumped right in!
We share lots of great travel stories. I think it’s also important to share my solo travel safety mistake. Please don’t make the same one.
Finding life-work balance is no easy task — even for a travel blogger. On my most recent trip to Goderich I discovered new creative ways of finding it.
From high adventure to profound learning, Solo Traveler reader, Elizabeth, shares her experience in Cape Town, South Africa.
Dining alone can be a bit intimidating for some solo travelers. But if you push yourself, there is much to enjoy!
Connecting with travelers of different generations is more about attitude than practical tips.
A quick-reference, solo female travel guide designed specifically for and by women who travel alone. Everything a woman needs to take on the world solo.
When traveling alone it takes time to settle into each new trip and each new city. Following safety principles helps get that safe and settled feeling.
The content of Solo Traveler and any resources published by Solo Traveler are meant for entertainment and inspiration only. Please note that while we have advertising clients promoting destinations, products, services, trips and tours on Solo Traveler and that we endeavour to only work with companies in which we have confidence, we are not responsible for the delivery or quality of their products or services. Every person and every travel situation is different. Your safety, satisfaction and fun traveling solo are your responsibility alone and not that of Solo Traveler, its publisher, editor and/or writers.
PRIVACY POLICY & DISCLOSURE: In accordance with FTC guidelines, I disclose that I may be compensated if consumers choose to utilize links located throughout the content on this site. Additionally, some posts might be sponsored to support this site. Please do the appropriate research before participating in any third party offers. All opinions are my own. Please read our full Privacy Policy here.
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