Solo Baby

Solo Baby


Solo Baby

The Last of the Best

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Ode to Mother Earth

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The Last of the Best

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Ode to Mother Earth

ground your journey in warmth + softness


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Our friends at Briar Baby make the most adorable animal bonnets that are the perfect compliment to your Sollyween costume. Need some fun (and incredibly adorable) inspiration? You've come to the right place!
Winnie the Pooh

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What a willy nilly silly old bear!
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There are few people in the world who are more in need of self-compassion than a new mama. It's an easy time to fall into the trap of feeling like you're not doing enough, comparing your mama life to your prebaby days, or wondering why you're not bouncing back from pregnancy the way you expected to. 
But ...


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Baby & Solo by Lisabeth Posthuma.

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Preview — Baby & Solo
by Lisabeth Posthuma

Lisabeth Posthuma (Goodreads Author)

Joel’s new job at the video store is just what the therapist ordered. But what happens if the first true friend he’s made in years finds out about What Was Wrong With Him? Seventeen-year-old Joel Teague has a new prescription from his therapist—a part-time job—the first step toward the elusive Normal life he’s been so desperate to live ever since The Bad Thing happened. Luc
Joel’s new job at the video store is just what the therapist ordered. But what happens if the first true friend he’s made in years finds out about What Was Wrong With Him? Seventeen-year-old Joel Teague has a new prescription from his therapist—a part-time job—the first step toward the elusive Normal life he’s been so desperate to live ever since The Bad Thing happened. Lucky for Joel, ROYO Video is hiring. It’s the perfect fresh start—Joel even gets a new name. Dubbed “Solo” after his favorite Star Wars character, Joel works his way up the not-so-corporate ladder without anyone suspecting What Was Wrong With Him. That is, until he befriends Nicole “Baby” Palmer, a smart-mouthed coworker with a chip on her shoulder about . . . well, everything, and the two quickly develop the kind of friendship movie montages are made of. However, when Joel’s past inevitably catches up with him, he’s forced to choose between preserving his new blank slate persona and coming clean—and either way, he risks losing the first real friend he’s ever had. Set in a pop-culture-rich 1990s, this remarkable story tackles challenging and timely themes with huge doses of wit, power, and heart.

May 11th 2021
by Candlewick Press

(ISBN13: 9781536213034 )

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It's set in the late 1990s but realistic YA …more It's set in the late 1990s but realistic YA (less)


one year ago

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(view spoiler) [Mental health issues (including hallucinations), hospitalizations, suicide and suicide attempts, homophobia (not on the main characters part), alcohol use, abortion, and adoption. (hide spoiler) ]


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Ever read a story where nothing much is happening and still you can’t keep the book aside? That’s “Baby & Solo” for you. Honestly, I had low expectations from this book and picked it up only because it looked very different from its title and blurb. I didn’t expect to be so blown away by everything: the story, the characters, the writing! Everything comes together almost perfectly in this hidden gem of a book. Story: Joel Teague, our 17 year old protagonist, has been prescribed by his therapist to
Ever read a story where nothing much is happening and still you can’t keep the book aside? That’s “Baby & Solo” for you. Honestly, I had low expectations from this book and picked it up only because it looked very different from its title and blurb. I didn’t expect to be so blown away by everything: the story, the characters, the writing! Everything comes together almost perfectly in this hidden gem of a book. Story: Joel Teague, our 17 year old protagonist, has been prescribed by his therapist to get a job, which will serve as his first step back into normalcy. Joel’s lucky break comes at ROYO Video, where his first official task is to select a new name for himself, based on a movie character. He goes for “Hans Solo” after his favourite Star Wars character. Soon, he develops a cordial, if not enthusiastic friendship with the rest of his colleagues. But he is closest to Nicole “Baby” Palmer, who is stuck with the character name from ‘Dirty Dancing” due to the earlier store manager. Soon, “Solo” and “Baby” discover what friendship is all about. Characters: Solo, or Joel, is awesome as the lead character of this unusual story. He is sarcastic, he is humorous, he isn’t self-pitying or whiny in spite of some "bad thing that happened" in his past. He is hell-bent on keeping his past trauma a secret as he wants his “tabula rasa” to stay clear. At times, he breaks the fourth wall and speaks to the readers directly. I love that whimsical connect with him. Baby, or Nicole, is anything but a baby. She has a strong will and a spirited attitude, and the guts to call a spade a spade. The rest of the video store workers are also nicely developed. Every character in this book, in fact, is created in a way that leaves you with no doubt about the reason behind their behaviour. That’s how true character sketching must be done in writing: where you know not just what the character did but can also understand why the character did that without its being expressly mentioned. Brilliantly done! Writing: The story befuddles you at the start. It seems to be focussed on Joel and you don’t know why. But as the layers of the past start unveiling themselves, you get sucked into the narrative and can’t stay away. I’ve been reviewing books since quite some time now. But for the first time ever, I had no idea whatsoever about where a book was going even when I was done with about 60% of it. And then it struck me. That’s exactly the point of the book. The story is going nowhere because Joel can’t go anywhere with his narration without revealing “the bad thing that happened”. He’s stuck in his past though he wants to escape it, and we’re stuck in the version he wants us to know, until he is ready for the big reveal. For a book that could have gone either way, I sure am glad it ended up on the right side of my opinion. The pace of the book is perfect (not too fast, not too slow)) and no where will you find a lull in the narrative. As the story is set in the 1990s, it has a wonderful nostalgic feel to it, what with the mention of video stores and the classics of the 80s and 90s. I heard the audiobook as narrated by Nick Walther and he has done a wonderful job. He brings Joel to life with his spirited rendition. All in all, this is a book that will make you laugh and cry and sigh and fume. It has teenage angst, but it also celebrates the spirit of companionship. Give it a try. It’s a 4.5 from me. Trigger Warnings: extreme homophobia, abortion, teenage sex, teenage pregnancy, cuss words (a LOT of them!) Thank you, NetGalley and Recorded Books, for the audio ARC of the book in exchange for an honest review. *********************** Join me on the Facebook group,
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Really enjoyed it! Young adult fiction about a wonderful platonic friendship, interesting characters and an original story. Full review to come... _______________________________ You can find me on my blog and on Bookstagram
Really enjoyed it! Young adult fiction about a wonderful platonic friendship, interesting characters and an original story. Full review to come... _______________________________ You can find me on my blog and on Bookstagram


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May 21, 2021

David Gibson

rated it
it was amazing

The Short Version: A must read coming of age story about a kid learning to live with mental illness and the complicated lives of teenagers trying to grow into adulthood. It’s perfect for anyone who liked Silver Linings Playbook and misses Friday nights at Blockbuster. The Long Version: Joel is getting back to normal life after THE BAD THING THAT HAPPENED, and part of getting back to normal is getting a job. When he starts at Royo Video he’s introduced to a wonderful cast of characters, Mary Poppi
The Short Version: A must read coming of age story about a kid learning to live with mental illness and the complicated lives of teenagers trying to grow into adulthood. It’s perfect for anyone who liked Silver Linings Playbook and misses Friday nights at Blockbuster. The Long Version: Joel is getting back to normal life after THE BAD THING THAT HAPPENED, and part of getting back to normal is getting a job. When he starts at Royo Video he’s introduced to a wonderful cast of characters, Mary Poppins, The Godfather, Scarlett O’Hara, Baby (don’t worry she’s not in a corner), etc... As he escapes the bubble he’s lived in for the past decade, things careen out of control and he struggles to hold it altogether. I had the absolute pleasure of listening to the audiobook version of this book thanks to NetGalley and the publisher. This book had me from the point in the first chapter where they called Lucy from Peanuts a bitch. That’s really the strongest selling point of this book, Joel’s narrative voice is really strong and I’m a sucker for a caustic wit. The book is as close to perfect as I’ve seen recently. The characters are all well developed, layered, and their dialogue breezes along effortlessly. The plot glides along seamlessly even as the relationships between the characters get twisted into pretzels. I smiled throughout my listen and at points was heartbroken also. It never felt heavy even though it dives into some deep topics (mental health, homosexuality, teen pregnancy). Now this is not to say nothing was wrong with it. The whole book leads up to Joel dealing with WHAT WAS WRONG WITH HIM and THE BAD THING THAT HAPPENED and at the beginning of the book and occasionally later on, the reference to the bad thing that happened gets a little wearisome. Also in the first chapter or two the use of cursing feels forced and unnatural, this gets much better as you go though. Most problematic, though it is addressed and is mostly resolved well by the end (and feels sadly accurate for the time period of the book), was the manner in which homosexuality is first discussed in the book. I’m very glad it was further explored because at first I was worried it might ruin an otherwise thoroughly enjoyable read. The relationships between Joel and his parents are also a little unresolved at the end, but this didn’t bother me all that much for some reason. It was an audiobook I couldn’t wait to get back to every time I paused, like when work inconveniently got in the way, and was sad to leave when it was done. ALL OF THAT SAID I HAVE TO RECOMMEND PURCHASING THE BOOK INSTEAD OF THE AUDIOBOOK. The only reason is that the ARC is received had several chapters cut off which caused me to miss some big parts and I had to go purchase the book to figure out what I’d missed. I checked audible and the audiobook length on there is the same as what I received, so I can’t guarantee the same issue doesn’t exist there. Overall 4.5/5. Enough said.....almost Me: I love you Baby and Solo Baby and Solo: I know Component Ratings: Concept/Idea: 4.5 out of 5 Characters: 5 out of 5 Character Development: 4.5 out of 5 Plot: 4.5 out of 5 Dialogue: 5 out of 5 Prose: 4 out of 5 Pacing: 5 out of 5 Humor: 5 out of 5 Ending: 5 out of 5


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This book has so many very delicate plots and themes that it feels inevitable that it will mess it all up but somehow it doesn't. Perhaps Joel, our narrator, is a little too wise for his age. But you're willing to give it to him, and he will keep reminding you that he learned not to do this or that in Group Therapy back when he was in the mental hospital and you are willing to give it to him. It also helps that sometimes Joel is very stupid in the way teenage boys can be, so it balances out. Ther
This book has so many very delicate plots and themes that it feels inevitable that it will mess it all up but somehow it doesn't. Perhaps Joel, our narrator, is a little too wise for his age. But you're willing to give it to him, and he will keep reminding you that he learned not to do this or that in Group Therapy back when he was in the mental hospital and you are willing to give it to him. It also helps that sometimes Joel is very stupid in the way teenage boys can be, so it balances out. There are things Joel doesn't want to tell us and some of them will not come out until nearly the end of the book. The thing is that you have a pretty good idea of exactly what it is before you get there. It is not a secret, exactly, the signs have all been there along the way. And nothing about it is supposed to feel like a big reveal. It's just hard for Joel to talk about. And we get it. I enjoyed the 90's throwback of this (the characters were my age, so extra enjoyed) and there were only a handful of times when the dialogue felt not quite accurate to the time. This book grapples with very big things so there are very big content warnings. None of these are just little, they are all major plot points and themes, some of which play out in different ways, and that contrast is part of the story. So be aware of suicide, attempted suicide, something approximately schizophrenia-ish (we never get an actual diagnosis), hallucinations, teen pregnancy, abortion, adoption, homophobia, and conversion therapy. It's a real balancing act of the book. Both fun to read and smart on big issues, frank about life and choices in a way that isn't quite as starry-eyed. I really enjoyed it.


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