Solidarity actions in European cities (March 26-27)

Solidarity actions in European cities (March 26-27)

London, 26 March. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets, demanding an end to Russian intervention. They were joined by leftists and trade unionists from the Ukraine Solidarity Campaign with a call to write off Ukraine's foreign debt and increase the supply of modern weapons. 

Vienna, March 27. More than 100,000 people attended a charity concert in support of Ukraine. In addition to the artists' performances, the President of Ukraine addresses a video message. “YesWeCare” was the main motto of the event.

Budapest, March 27. An action in memory of the residents of Mariupol who died in the drama theater took place near the "Shoes on the Danube" memorial. Next to a bronze sculpture honoring the memory of Hungarian Jews killed by the Nazis, 300 pairs of worn shoes have appeared, symbolizing at least 300 lives lost in the bombing by a Russian plane.

Prague, March 27. Activists shed artificial blood on the Russian embassy, insisting on Putin's responsibility for crimes against humanity.

Berlin, March 27. Hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets of the German capital in support of the Ukrainian people.

Solidarity actions were also held in Paris, Nice, Strasbourg, Rome, Milan, Athens, Tallinn, Helsinki, and other parts of united Europe. In addition, residents of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Australia, Canada, Israel, Kenya, Belarus, and Georgia took to the streets of their cities. The world is united in its condemnation of Putin's aggression. 

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