Soirée Orgie

Soirée Orgie


Soirée Orgie
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Norvège: filmés en pleine orgie dans leur stade, des footballeurs du SK Brann font scandale
Situation des plus embarrassantes en Norvège, où des joueurs du SK Brann ont eu des relations sexuelles avec sept femmes dans le stade de leur équipe. Lors d'une orgie nocturne. Les footballeurs ont été filmés par les caméras de surveillance de l'enceinte.
Romain Daveau Journaliste RMC Sport
Pris la main dans le sac, pour ne pas dire pire. Partie d’un restaurant puis prolongée en boîte de nuit, la soirée du 9 août pour douze joueurs du SK Brann , club de première division norvégienne, s’est poursuivie un peu plus tard que prévue… avant de partir totalement en vrille. Les membres de l’effectif en question se sont introduits dans leur stade accompagnés de sept femmes, pour une orgie au Brann Stadion.
S’ils avaient veillé à laisser tous leur téléphone hors de l’enceinte pour ne pas prendre le risque de laisser des preuves visuelles, ils n'ont pas penser à se méfier des caméras de sécurité du stade, qui ont notamment filmés de nombreuses relations sexuelles dans les vestiaires, comme l’a rapporté le média local Bergens Tidende . Une soirée qui s'est terminée à 5h du matin sur la pelouse, et qui n’a pas manqué de faire scandale.
"Ce n’était pas autorisé par le club. Ils ont bu de l’alcool, sont allés au stade et ont fait la fête. C’est très grave et nous l’avons abordé avec eux, a réagi la directrice générale du SK Brann, Vibeke Johannesen. Ce n’est pas ainsi que nous voulons apparaître en tant que club." Le capitaine de l’effectif, Daniel Pedersen, s’est lui aussi montré circonspect face à cette situation originale, sans vouloir donner le nom de ses coéquipiers. "Cela n’aurait jamais dû arriver, a-t-il concédé. C’est la première fois dans ma carrière que je suis confronté à un tel cas."
Si le club a affirmé de sa volonté de sanctionner les fautifs, la situation sportive de Brann, actuellement dernier de son championnat après quinze journées, pourrait poser problème. Des membres importants du vestiaire se trouvaient parmi les fêtards et leur éventuelle suspension serait difficile à combler sur le terrain.
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Perhaps an orgy was too much of a crowd.
“Couple’s Therapy” viewers are astonished at a husband who flew solo to Italy for his birthday, all while his wife was planning his dream orgy as a gift.
Philadelphia-based Annie and Mau are one of four couples on the Showtime reality series “ Couples Therapy ,” which shows struggling marriages remedied by therapist Dr. Orna Guralnik.
During one session in particular, the duo brought up a celebration from years prior when Mau canceled his birthday bash — yes, the orgy — because it was “too meticulously planned.”
Instead, he ditched the fetish-fantasy fête, which would have included threesomes, a dominatrix and even costumes, and fled to Italy by himself, sans wife.
“I have been unsuccessful for 20 years and two years ago I pulled out all the stops,” Annie said in the third episode , which aired in the UK on BBC2, revealing the kinky soiree. “He said to me that I was barking up the wrong tree and I wasn’t listening and wasn’t getting it.”
While she tried to convince Mau to “wait for the weekend,” he demanded the party be canceled, searched for his passport and jetted abroad.
His reasoning? He wanted “zero responsibility” and “spectacular, enthusiastic and genuine” sex without putting in work. The orgy, he added in his bewildering confession, was ruined by all his wife’s planning beforehand.
“With the birthday, for example, she was putting in all this effort,” he said of the festivities. “The things she was doing are the things she could imagine I would want if she was never paying attention.”
The confessions gripped viewers, who debated whether he deserves “ overnight infamy ” or is a total “ idiot .”
“Mau’s disappointed, not devastated, because his wife didn’t arrange his birthday orgy exactly the way he imagined it. Respect to therapist. How do you keep a straight face?” tweeted one adamant watcher .
One therapist chimed in , saying they had worked with clients like Mau and they “were all exhausting.”
I've worked with so many clients like Mau on #couplestherapy and they were all exhausting.
While viewers were shocked at his sexual desires and high expectations, Mau claimed he’s “easy” to please.
“I don’t have complicated needs,” he said on the show. “I am utterly transparent and completely communicative about what I want and am also totally consistent. I am the easiest person to deal with.”

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When I woke up next to my boyfriend, we giggled about our group sex antics. We touched base with each other, to make sure we were both OK with what happened (we were), then had incredible sex — fueled by whatever sexual energy was remaining.

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I didn’t set out to have an orgy on my 20th birthday, but that’s exactly what happened. We didn’t have what you might picture as wild and crazy porn star sex, but elation and orgasms were had, which is pretty much the best birthday present ever. You see, I’ve had a strong sexual curiosity for as long as I can remember, and how group sex on my birthday unfolded so spontaneously was pure magic.
I was living in Baltimore, Maryland at the time, working and going to art school. To celebrate my special day, I gathered all my favorite people for a soirée at my house. What started out as a night of eating, drinking and dancing in the living room, ended up on my bedroom floor. One minute, the group was getting down to Deee-Lite’s “Groove Is in the Heart;” the next moment, it was a hot and sweaty tangle of bodies. I don’t recollect the aha moment that prompted us to retreat upstairs, though I get goosebumps every time I think of the sexual chemistry that pulsed through my body as we giggled and held hands and paraded up the curved staircase. Among the group sex participants was my boyfriend at the time, a one-night stand turned close friend, a female classmate I was wildly attracted to, among others. It was a moment of pure carnal pleasure.
When we got to my bedroom, I felt a twinge of initial hesitance. I was in a monogamous relationship and extracurricular activities had never been discussed. So, here, in the heat of the moment, my partners were trying to read and assure each other that everything would be OK. There was no time to address boundaries, so I played it safe, sticking to kissing and touching. I stuck to no penetration beyond my partner, which seemed to make all parties involved happy. (I’ve since mastered the art of sexual negotiation. Nowadays, all of these details are hammered out in advance.) Others kissed, touched and sucked, all of which was all highly arousing.
It was like a mixed-up jigsaw puzzle having familiar hands and mouths all over my body — in an upside down context. When my gal pal started going down on my boyfriend, there was nothing weird or awkward about it. Everything was in sync. Lovers past and present co-mingled without skipping a beat. The timing and circumstances were serendipitous.
When it was all said and done, most of the guests went home. My boyfriend crawled into my bed and the remaining few house guests slipped away to their respective sleeping spaces. It was all quite civilized. The following morning, there was no awkwardness. Instead, an empowering sense of satisfaction. There’s so much shame surrounding being sexual — at any age — so I applaud my friends for being open-minded and exploratory, especially given our lack of experience at the time.
I’m sure it was the first time any one of us had navigated such a free-flowing sexual landscape. I’d swapped spit with women in college and had one clumsy threesome, but the fluidity of this group dynamic was brand new to me. In retrospect, it could’ve crashed and burned in so many ways. Feelings could have been hurt and friendships wrecked. The merging of sexual partners — past and present — could’ve incited jealousy. Despite no prior plan or conversation, safe sex was practiced.
Knowing what I know now about negotiating sex, consent and boundaries, it’s a miracle we all walked away safe, sated and happy. Two decades later, I’m still friends with most of the players of that hot, erotic night. We joke about that night from time to time, blushing before breaking out into an ear-to-ear smile. If there’s any one big takeaway from that evening, it was pure sexual fun.
My 20th birthday may be in the rear view mirror of celebrations at this stage of my life, but it’s a standout in my personal timeline of debauchery. As much as I almost always have a plan, occasionally the best sexual experiences happen organically. Bonus if they’re with people you like and respect.
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