Soft Swapping Stories

Soft Swapping Stories


Soft Swapping Stories


Erotica / Romance



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Adults going to a soft swap club for the first time. Hmmm. There will be mistakes. That's just a heads up since I just write for fun. If you like my story please leave a review, if not, that's ok. Thanks for reading and remember this is an adult story, even though it takes a little while to progress, so please no minors. Thanks again.
“Honey did you get everything at Sam’s Club?”She asked from across the room.
I looked over at my poor nervous wife.She was still as beautiful now as she was thirty years ago when we met.I loved that her nervousness always made her chew her bottom lip and it always, and I mean always, turned me on.
“We’re all set baby.Everything is ready for the party.Are you going to be ok hosting your part of it?”I thought she would be but I wanted to make sure.
“Yeah once we get in there I will be fine.I just don’t want any crashes and burns beforehand.”
“I get that, I really do, but everything should be fine.We have the games, the music, the food and everything else you can think of.All we need now are the peoples and we are all set.”
We placed an ad online on a couple of sites for the first event for people new to swinging.This was a party for newbie’s only and it would not go past the soft swap stage.The way the add was written up it was for couples only who were inquisitive about this chance to liven up their own love lives and for them to meet other couples who were the same way.
This was not a sex party.This was a meet and greet with some great games and a chance for new couple relationships.We listed in the ad many times this was not a sex party.We did not want anyone going past the boundaries we set up, so everyone would stay comfortable.
“I can’t believe we had to turn so many people away,” she said again pulling me back into the conversation I lapsed out of.
At first we were happy when we had three or four respond to our ad, then it was five, then ten, and so on.When the number was all done we had seventy couples close enough to drive in ask to be part of the party.
“We couldn’t host that many baby, but I think we did fine with how we took care of it.”I called back.
We selected twenty couples and began the correspondence back and forth.For the couples we didn’t pick we just explained that we had an overwhelming number of applications and we would host another party soon for twenty more couples and we would put them on that list if they were still interested.Most all of them said yes.
The twenty we did select were all different age groups but the one constant was that at least one person in the relationship marked they liked country music.We decided that would be our tie in.
We decided we would have a country theme.My wife of course was ecstatic, she loved country music.Since we let everyone know way ahead of time this was a soft swap club, we suggested jeans or jean shorts with plaid or rodeo shirts.This was a party to seduce other couple with your personality and your natural look, not your naked body.
Everyone whole heartedly agreed and we had no one raise any kind of problem.My wife looked good in plaid and I bet all the other women would too.I was getting excited thinking about it.
“Earth to Aaron, come in Aaron.”She said giggling."What were you thinking about?"
“Honestly, all you women in plaid shirts.” I said smiling.
“You are such a horn dog,” she said smiling.She knew exactly what effect her plaid shirt had on me, especially with all those buttons that needed to be free.
I shook myself out of it and continued taking care of the stuff I picked up earlier.It was an expensive trip to Sam’s but I knew it would be worth it.I just got everything stored when Meghan came back down from upstairs.Holy shit she looked good.
My wife was wearing a red plaid shirt that was tied off at the bottom with about four buttons coming from the top.I could see her bra straps and they were just as sexy just peaking through.Her B cups were tight and her smile must have been from my obvious excitement.
“Horn dog,” she whispered as she kissed my cheek when she walked past me.
Damn the woman knew how to get me hot.
Well I didn’t need to ask if he liked my outfit, I could tell from the look on his face.To say that look didn’t make me happy would be a lie.I never felt comfortable with myself or how I looked, but he always looked at me like he couldn’t wait to devour me.I loved that look.What woman wouldn’t?
I finished my hair and hoped it made it to the club site before the wind whipped it or something.It was a beautiful day out and with the sun shining we should be able to do all the things we talked about and have one hell of a party.
I wasn’t nervous about meeting new people.I was nervous about everyone having a good time.I knew Aaron and I would do our best to host the party and try to include everyone but it was still my biggest worry.
I threw some extra accessories in a box and carried them down to the truck.We rented an old masons club for the party.It was a concrete building with no see through windows and had a completely fenced in area attached to the back that stretched out quite a ways.
A friend of mine was going to DJ for us and his wife was going to accompany him so no one would think a single guy was there.We wanted everyone comfortable.They would not partake of any of the activities but they would be essential to help running the party.
“Aaron, are Dave and Jill going to help cook the lunch?”I asked because he actually talked to them more about the party than I did.
“Yeah Dave is going to run the grill and Jill is helping with the side dishes.I checked everything out yesterday with Dave and they have an actually nice kitchen there.All the stuff for the salads are already there and in the giant fridge.”He said walking by me with two thirty packs in his hands.
We were providing the meal and all the beverages anyone could want that weren’t hard liquor.This was for fun not to get so wasted you couldn’t remember any of it.We had lots of wine and beer and of course water and soda’s for those that didn’t drink.The meal would consist of chicken, burgers, dogs and we even had some veggie burgers if anyone was so inclined.The salads were the typical potato, macaroni, past and tossed.
Aaron was also going to do some fried green beans and JoJo potatoes.All in all I thought we had a good plan going in.We even had cookies and brownies for desert.
“Ready baby,” he asked as he came up to me and kissed my neck.He knew what that did to me and he was definitely starting early on getting me in the mood.
“Let’s do this,” I said jumping in the truck.

Doane Clouston:

Please update asap and regularly ❤️


I enjoyed every part of this book and series, best of all no beating around the bushes.


This book had me after the first chapter, I literally felt butterflies in my gut and was grinning like an awkward teenager while reading it. Can't wait for more, like it physically pains me to wait 🤣

Kirsty Queen:

I'm going on book 13 and I'm gonae be so sad once it's finished I'm gonae miss all the guys in the book

Kelly Sugden:

OMG i loved this book too thanks for so many good story's u r very talented can't wait to move to the next one in about 5 mins lol I read alot these days helps with depression


I loved it and it was beautifully written

Kirsty Queen:

love every book so far in this mini series can't get enough

Kirsty Queen:

wow all books so far are amazing

Kirsty Queen:

ohh what can I say these books are defo worth a read so far in 4th book and love

Kirsty Queen:

what can I say another amazing book cannot get enough of this writer

Cristina Maria Verhest:

So far I got to say the story is really good now I understand why star is the way that she is even though her she changed her name I cannot believe that her dad did that to her and wolf has loved her since she was 16 years old I hope and I pray that wolf claims her and keeps her safe but I'm not ...


EmiliaRose is one of the hottest writers to read the past few years she started on Wattpad and we followed her here. The Monster is a great well written hot sexy new book she's writing! I sincerely hope she enters it in all of this years Paranormal contests in 2022! It's sure to be a winner!

Connie Jenny:

Love it can’t wait for more updates to I can see what happens

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cruise ship soft swap couples

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Discussion in ' Free Love ' started by Panama Jack , Feb 9, 2019 .

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Posted Jan 25, 2016 04:38 by anonymous



This is a true story that I have never told anyone. My wife and I were playing cards and drinking with our best friends. I caught my wife in our bedroom completely naked on her knees sucking the husbands cock. She didn't even try to stop when me and his wife walked in on them. Before I could even say anything his wife pulls out and starts sucking my cock. I was shocked but it turned out to be the start of many sexual encounters with us and our best friends.
“didnt this happen in the seventies? This looks like ripped from an old playboy mag...letters to the it happened to this site the stories were made up by the sub-editors....”

This is completely true. Happened last year.

look you seem lucky paid through the nose for even a feel.....

I swapped my wife for a good jack knife.

I will let mine suck your cock just to watch her choke

My ex live in GF and I swapped with our good friends. It was set up where i would take his wife in their bedroom and he would take my gf in the spare room.
I had a great time with his wife, and was fucking her good when my GF cleared her throat at the door.
"are you two finished yet?"
She told her NO, but we will be finished soon. She came in and sat on the end of the bed watching. His wife could not stand to be watched so she said we could stop now. She had orgasmed a few times and I was working on my second. No condoms, just straight up fucking.
On the way home my GF told me she did not want to do that again. She did not enjoy it, and it was horrible. She had a feeling like she was being raped. He just mounted her and with in a few seconds came in her and got off. She said he had the nerve to ask how it was.
I found out our friend and his wife had talked my GF into doing this.
“My ex live in GF and I swapped with our good friends. It was set up where i would take his wife in their bedroom and he would take my gf in the spare room.
I had a great time with his wife, and was fucking her good when my GF cleared her throat at the door.
"are you two finished yet?"
She told her NO, but we will be finished soon. She came in and sat on the end of the bed watching. His wife could not stand to be watched so she said we could stop now. She had orgasmed a few times and I was working on my second. No condoms, just straight up fucking.
On the way home my GF told me she did not want to do that again. She did not enjoy it, and it was horrible. She had a feeling like she was being raped. He just mounted her and with in a few seconds came in her and got off. She said he had the nerve to ask how it was.
I found out our friend and his wife had talked my GF into doing this. ”

Ours was awesome. His wife is completely the opposite of mine. And we have had some great times together.

Would love to swap wives with you.. Maybe even let her suck my cock while you pound her ass
“Would love to swap wives with you.. Maybe even let her suck my cock while you pound her ass”
“Would love to swap wives with you.. Maybe even let her suck my cock while you pound her ass”

What does your wife look like. How would you fuck my wife. Would you and your wife want to take on my wife together.

For my wife and I great friends with 2 other couples and it started when we did strip tease card game. All the ladies had thier blouses and bras off real quick. The guys got hards on out quickly also. After that my wife dared me to lick her sister then the rest split up and we all fucked right in front of each other the whole night!
This was a couple times a month until all the babies were born and just stopped this playing and stsrted raising kids!
To the best of my knowlege all the babies are from the correct fathers!

“For my wife and I great friends with 2 other couples and it started when we did strip tease card game. All the ladies had thier blouses and bras off real quick. The guys got hards on out quickly also. After that my wife dared me to lick her sister then the rest split up and we all fucked right in front of each other the whole night!
This was a couple times a month until all the babies were born and just stopped this playing and stsrted raising kids!
To the best of my knowlege all the babies are from the correct fathers!

Me and my wife were about to swap with another couple after a similar card game but the other wife passed out drunk so me and the other guy just fucked my wife together. It was weird when I was in her ass and he was in her pussy to feel his dick rubbing against mine.

My wife is a sexy busty brunette bbw, anyone want to take her on

I share my experiences we are in group of new year eve and game of identify the breast of wife then four female of open top standing infront ofme and I have to identify the breast of my wife if not able to identify lost the game and fuck to female whom you identify. I could not identify my wife and touch the breast of my friend wife as per rule we have to go in room and sex each other and out from the game.
“My ex live in GF and I swapped with our good friends. It was set up where i would take his wife in their bedroom and he would take my gf in the spare room.
I had a great time with his wife, and was fucking her good when my GF cleared her throat at the door.
"are you two finished yet?"
She told her NO, but we will be finished soon. She came in and sat on the end of the bed watching. His wife could not stand to be watched so she said we could stop now. She had orgasmed a few times and I was working on my second. No condoms, just straight up fucking.
On the way home my GF told me she did not want to do that again. She did not enjoy it, and it was horrible. She had a feeling like she was being raped. He just mounted her and with in a few seconds came in her and got off. She said he had the nerve to ask how it was.
I found out our friend and his wife had talked my GF into doing this. ”

To bad that it backfired on your girlfriend so to speak she arrange it with them with out you.

I tried to organise something like this with my best friend. Basically let him fuck my girlfriend when I was away, and also spitroasted and dped her with him. Only his girlfriend said no, she wouldn’t do it.
So he ended up setting me up with her daughter. That’s a whole different confession.
“My wife is a sexy busty brunette bbw, anyone want to take her on”

Either the wives planned this or they was all in it and figured the only way to talk you into it was to have you walk in and then ambush you like they did !
I basically did the same thing with my wife except it was with my best friend who wasn’t married and didn’t have a girlfriend at the time. The two of us had talked about doing it before we got married but never knew exactly how to do it he would back out most of the time last minute. Finally he was bringing up the subject and regretting back out and was talking about doing it and wanted me to ask her but I said no let’s just start doing it with her. I didn’t want to ask because I tried to bring up the subject but knew like always it never got past my lips to ask her. We was at our house it was Friday night after dinner and a few drinks my wife very petite I picked her up put her over my shoulder and started spnking her saying your a naughty little girl. She always gets turned on when I do this but we only do it when we are alone she struggles saying your naughty we got company. I told my friend to give her a spanking she giggled and he did and screamed a few times as we smacked her a bit harder. Think your going to need daddy and his friend to strip you naked and punish your pussy till you a good little girl huh. She was silent stil over my shoulder I’ll admit I was scared to put her down and see her face I wasn’t sure if she was mad or what. It was maybe 2-3 minutes but it might as well have been an hour she silent. Then she kissed my neck and said your the one being naughty I still wasn’t sure she was on board but since she kissed me and didn’t say no. I carried her to the bedroom and put her down my buddy had lead the way and was undressing as he walked once inside. He was standing naked 8 1/2” long rock hard the girth was huge twice as thick as mine my wife eyes opened wide. OH MY GOD YOU HAVE A HUGE MEATY COCK, my wife screamed and giggled as she started strokin
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