Sodomy Sex Stories

Sodomy Sex Stories


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Sodomy Confessions
Sodomy confession stories and sins
Wrong Orgasms

Well for some reason you can imagine I never told anyone what happened to me while in jail. They jailed me in a prison cell where I was the only white man. I suffered twice sodomy . Then at the second run, despite the severe pain, I cummed. This made me feels of guilty homosexual pleasures I never had before in my whole life.
Then prisoners they left me there in a corner of the cell. They made me understood I would have become their sissy.I was released some hours later.

Feelings of having no future with women grew in me. One year later I had my first homosexual relationship for few weeks. Twenty years has passed with homosexual painful love relationships ... and I am still looking to girls and women as missed opportunities of "normal", "happy", "family".

An expensive psychiatric help revealed about 6 months ago my hetero nature and immeasurable sense of guilt due to that involuntary and mechanical orgasm I had in the prison cell.

At this pandemic time no new romantic relationship can start between unknown persons and so I feel alone away from men that once cummed in me and from women who have never known me or would like have known me decades ago

My ass and my soul are a mess

Lone Star
If you want real sex, send me message here:) htTps://
I desperately want to confess, but I can’t. Not in person. That’s how I found this site. It happened August last year, I had turned 50 a week before. Husband was out of town on business, I was out with friends drinking, a girls night out so to speak. I have two sons and a daughter. My youngest son’s best friend (who was around 19 at the time), who I happen to run into, was out attending a birthday party in the same location. The gentleman that he is offered to drive me home because I have been drinking, too much I admit. He is a handsome young man. I always felt an attraction from him... I ended up inviting him in knowing the house was empty. I didn’t just have sex with him, I had anal sex, wild and shameless. He confessed to me he had a crush and loved “my bubble butt” and I admit I work out often and do so in front of him when ever he would be around. Although we are both adults, I feel responsible. I had met him about two dozen more times before putting a stop but I can’t get it out of my mind! So I’m turning to God. Please forgive me.
If you want to see me naughty... Im Wait YOU HERE >>> (My Nick Grace2002)
If you want real sex, send me message here:)
Don’t be so hard on yourself. Accept yourself as you are. Ask yourself why you you had sex with him and continued to do so. Then ask why you stopped. It appears that you want to resume relations. Why wouldn’t you? Immerse yourself in that relationship until it runs it course.
Anal sex as a punishment, well I'm a man, age 40 now, we moved in with my stepdad we he was 42 and I was 8, I wanted a dad so bad back then, and I was finally getting one. He was so nice and generous at first, then he was always angry, at me usually. I had never been spanked before, and I don't recall hearing I was so bad before him either, but suddenly every thing I did was bad, and He said he was sorry but he had to spank me or I'd never learn. I didn't know what a spanking was, and he said don't worry he'll show me. I asked If he was gonna tell mom, and he made a deal with me. He would spank me and mom never had to know about any of it. Then he took me to my room and I got totally naked and he assfucked me with only spit for lube and no sphincter dilation, and I puckered up my ass trying to keep him out every time so it was never relaxed, and it hurt like hell and made me cry every time from age 8 to 11, and to this day no one in my family believes me, and they've all cut me off for saying what he did a year before he died. No one would even ask him if he did it, I was just blocked and deleted by everyone and he didn't even know what I had accused him of. I turned 41 yesterday, he died at end of August from Colon cancer, how fitting. He was 76. Kept his fucking secret and only ever exposed it so he could confess his sins. I was not allowed to attend the funeral. I was "spanked" for calling my sister fat, putting my socks in the wrong drawer - every drawer was the wrong drawer, for playing too loudly all alone in my room on a Saturday morning, anything that happened was my fault. The teachers called in the police because they knew I was being abused, I lied to protect him, and then he fucked me after they left. Twice the same day. I was 8, he was 45. Everything I did was an excuse to fuck me. Got a bad grade, told a lie, told the truth, tattled on someone, got a detention, forgot to bring my lunch to school, stole an apple out of the fridge, didn't do my homework, laughed at him, called my mother she, not home straight from school, anything and everything. If I got jumped and Beatup on the way home from school, I was raped walking in the door. I thought I was the most horrible child who ever lived and when my teacher asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up, I said I want to be good so no one will ever hurt me everyday - I was 8 years old, and nobody understood or believed me. She told me that was the wrong answer and I should think of an occupation. I always thought I was a bad person my whole life until two years ago, when I realized every single time I was ever called bad it was because somebody bad was doing something bad to me and it was never my fault. I am not a bad man and I never was but i didn't know that until I was 40 years old, they just told me i have had PTSD and I'm dissociative, and I discovered alcohol on my 18th bday, and every time I got drunk or high I would look for some man to fuck me up the ass and i never knew why until I was 27 and all my memories came back. I am only now finding out what's wrong with me and getting therapy for it. I have nothing to show for my life, no family, never married, no kids, no debt, but no property or career either. I'm all alone, I owe no one, and I own nothing, but no one ones me anymore either. I'm very misunderstood and I seem to get along with no one for very long because I am not motivated by the same things they are. I want nothing of this world more than the desire to leave it, and every night for more than 30 years, I go to sleep asking God not to wake me up again, but here I am. God only knows why
If you want real sex, send me message here:)
If you want to see me naughty... Im Wait YOU HERE >>> (My Nick Grace2002)
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Desperate men take a coed's ass in a mall.
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Melissa stopped reading the news article posted on the bulletin board. It was a copy of a story she had glanced over a few nights earlier. She had been disturbed by what she read--someone, or even a group getting its kicks out of making women cum from unwanted anal sex, usually in semi-public places. Her watch beeped and she looked down at the time. Realizing it was time to go, she started to walk away from the mall bathrooms. Despite a sense of revulsion after reading the story more carefully, Melissa also had a sense of indifference about her. The valley wasn't a large area, and she never went any place that was too weird.
As she walked down the hallway, Melissa noticed the lights start to flicker before they went out. "Oh great," she said, "The lightning knocked out the power." A rainy day filled with thunderstorms is what had brought Melissa to the mall today. A loud clap of thunder confirmed her suspicion. At least she knew that the lights would return in a moment. She just stood there waiting for them.
Despite it being pitch black, Melissa started to see stars. She felt out of breath, and a sharp yet somehow dull pain in her stomach. Her brain was slow to react in the sudden shock, but she still realized that she had just got hit--no, punched in the stomach. As she struggled to breathe after having the wind knocked out of her, she felt her purse being pulled off her arm. She couldn't believe she was being mugged in the dark, but she was also confused as to where her attackers had come from--she hadn't seen anyone else in the hallway.
Before she had any time to do more than realize what was happening, she felt two rough-gloved hands grab her arms and pull them back behind her. Cold metal touched her wrists and she could hear the telltale click of handcuffs. As she opened her mouth to try and scream, she felt fingers intertwining and grasping her long, thick red hair. A second person she realized. However, Melissa still hadn't managed to get her scream out when she tasted something rubbery, her jaw being forced open to accommodate whatever was now being shoved into her mouth. A little bit of relief came as her mouth was somewhat able to close around the object again, but panic set in as she realized she was gagged with some unknown object.
As the lights were starting to flicker back on, Melissa felt even more surprise as her body was lifted from the ground and pulled into a room off the hallway. She only got a slight glimpse at the well-lit room before she was slammed down onto a desk. Dazed again, Melissa turned her head and caught a glimpse of a man dressed rather casually, except with rough work gloves and a ski-mask on. He was digging through her purse while her other attacker kept his weight on Melissa, holding her down to the desk. When the man found her wallet, he pulled it out, dropping her purse. He fumbled through her wallet, looking for something, though passing up the money much to her surprise. He seemed to find what he was looking for though as he pulled out her driver's license.
"Melissa Devaux" the man said with a deep voice. "Birthday, December 16, 1990. Perfect. She's 18."
Melissa couldn't help but be worried as she heard this. She was finally starting to regain her senses back and started to try and scream. She found that whatever the rubber object in her mouth was, it served as an effective gag. The man who grabbed her license moved over and grabbed her left arm tight. The man behind her started to lift her shirt up until it reached her bra, which was quickly unclasped. Holding her right arm tightly, the man behind her unlocked her handcuffs, and both men moved her arms in front of her, holding tightly as they moved her shirt and bra up and off her body, taking only a quick look at her small a-cup chest before moving her arms back and recuffing them.
Without Melissa's arms to encumber him, the man who had been digging through her purse bent over and grabbed some rope from the ground. He smiled as he brought it over and lifted her left arm a little, threading the rope between her arm and her body. He did the same thing with her right arm before leading the rope in front of her, toward the right front of the desk. He seemed to wrap it once around a desk leg (she couldn't tell for sure from her vantage point), and pulled hard.
The rope pulled up and dug into Melissa's armpits. She was sure that if he pulled any harder, he'd start pulling her across the desk. When he was satisfied that it was tight enough, he tied the rope down. He nodded to his partner, and she felt him lift off her. Melissa struggled to try and get up, but found that the rope in combination with the handcuffs had tied her down to the desk quite well. There was a little bit of movement, but not much.
The men turned now to her unrestrained legs, they each grabbed a leg and started to untie her shoes, taking them and her socks off. Following this, one of the men, she wasn't sure which, held both her legs while she felt the other fumbling with the clasp and zipper on her jeans. Melissa wasn't sure she could take much more of this between the panic she was already feeling and the pain she was experiencing. Finally the attacker working on her jeans lowered the zipper and started to pull the pants down her legs, revealing the VS pink panties Melissa wore today.
The man who pulled down her jeans worked his fingers into the waistband of her panties and pulled them down as well, revealing her naked ass much to Melissa's shame. Her jeans and panties were pulled the rest of the way down her legs and off, leaving her completely naked to these men. With that the one holding her legs lowered them back to the ground, where more rope was waiting for her. Her legs were tightly bound together, with the ends of the rope tied to the legs of the desk.
The two men stood back to admire their handiwork, and Melissa tried to scream again. She always hated any type of restraint, even being held too tight as a little kid. Even more so she couldn't imagine what these two had in store for her.
Still cringing, Melissa suddenly stopped and opened her eyes as she heard a click and saw a bright flash of light. One of the attackers had pulled out a digital camera and taken a picture of her cringing face. At this point she thought that there was no way she could be more mortified by the experience, though a matter of moments later she was proven wrong. The other attacker grabbed her ass and pulled her cheeks apart. To add insult to injury, she felt something plastic being pressed against her stretched-out cheeks, and realized that it was her driver's license. Another snap and a flash from behind her this time, followed by two more.
Melissa felt like she wanted to die. She knew that they had just taken a closeup picture of her asshole and pussy, with her identification next to it. Now anyone who saw those pictures would not only know what her most private, most intimate place looked like, they'd know where she lived, her name, everything.
She felt hands moving around her body to start fondling her pussy. The man's fingers played with the soft folds, once again searching for something as his other hand wrapped around her as well. Melissa's mind wasn't really sure how to deal with the situation she was experiencing. On the one hand, she hated that some stranger was touching her pussy against her will--something she wanted to save for her future husband. At the same time though, Melissa was still a teenage girl with hormones and desires running rampant. She was no stranger to masturbation, knowing the feelings of being touched there, though without the full release as that was too far in her book. She couldn't help but take notice of the nearly electrifying feeling of finally having someone else touch her, disgusted as she may be.
Melissa felt something rubbery start to press against the folds and into her virgin hole. She couldn't believe these men were about to take her virginity with something that wasn't even real. As the object that felt somewhat like a ball entered her, Melissa's breathing became more erratic. The sensation of something entering her pussy that was not related to a doctor was another new experience for her, her pussy stretched in a new and different way. Just a moment later she felt another insertion, as another ball was inserted, trying to concentrate on the feeling of it entering, and of her lips closing around it.. A third ball followed suit, causing her a bit more worry, but more relief as it was the last. Other than this newfound feeling of fullness, she was left with curiosity, as it felt like string or something was still hanging out of her.
The man's fingers returned to manipulating the soft flesh, quickly finding it's target and the hood it was hiding behind. The electrical feeling running through her scared and tense body was racheted up to a shock as the strange fingers pulled back the hood and brushed across her clit. Melissa's mind was momentarily distracted as shivers went through her body, and when the distraction faded, more confusion entered the poor girl's mind as she felt something also slightly rubbery being pressed against it. The sound of duct tape only added to this confusion, but as it started to be stick to the top of her and pressed over her pubic region, she realized whatever was now touching her most sensitive of areas was meant to stay there.
The men stepped back, checking out their work once more. They smiled widely and seemed to debate quietly. Finally, she heard the sound of pants unzipping and heard one of the men come up behind her. She once again saw a man in front of her, camera in hand. She had an idea of what was about to happen, but hoped she was wrong. She wasn't all that pretty--she was actually a very plain girl. This type of thing didn't happen to girls like her. She waited, nervous, freaked out at what she thought was about to happen.
The man behind her grinned as he held the two remote controls in his hand. He hit the maximum setting button on both remotes at once as he turned them on. Melissa's face looked like it was ready to explode, her eyes bulged and she looked up in complete shock, just in time for a flash and a picture as she felt the vibrations from two different sources impact her clit and pussy at the same time. Melissa was quickly overwhelmed with all the vibrations, getting worked up before her mind finally managed to focus. She became upset that her body had accepted the pleasure, but vowed in her mind not to orgasm.
Behind her the man reached out his hands, still rough feeling without the gloves, and spread her ass again. For the first time in her life, she felt a man's cock touching her body. Once again she cringed in anticipation. She felt the man's hot flesh pressing against her most private, most intimate of holes. Even though she was a virgin in every sense of the word, she knew of anal sex. She had long since made up her mind that even when she finally got married and would start experiencing physical pleasures, she was never going to engage in it. And now, it was going to be her first real sexual experience.
Even though Melissa could feel the heat coming off the man's cock, the tip felt cool to the touch, and quite slippery. She braced herself for the intrusion, but it didn't seem to come. When she finally opened her eyes, the man in front of her with the camera smiled and she was suddenly overwhelmed with forceful pressure. Her eyes bulged out as the cock opened pried open her virgin ass. Melissa's mind could only tune one thing out at once, and she chose the feelings of pleasure being forced upon her pussy, meaning she felt the full force of
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