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Hot twenty year old British soccer hopeful Will finds himself naked and handcuffed to a streetlight in Berlin after his stag night goes awry. He is rescued by Michael, a dashing local, and the two head back to Michael s apartment for a night of passion, tension, and self-discovery.
Regie Mark Wilshin Hauptdarsteller Pip Brignall , Jo Weil Genre Drama , Romantik Untertitel English [CC] Wiedergabesprachen English
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Produzenten Gareth Hamilton Studio TLA Releasing Inhaltsempfehlung Rauchen , Alkoholkonsum , Nacktheit , Schimpfwörter , sexuelle Inhalte , Mehr... Gewalt Kaufrechte Direkt streamen Details Format Prime Video (Online-Video wird gestreamt) Geräte Kann auf unterstützten Geräten angesehen werden
TJ's Tunes Am 31. August 2020 in den USA rezensiert
Not a bad movie. I wish it was a little more physically revealing to be candid. The casting was so confusing to me. There are two lead characters one of them is a slightly older gay man comfortable with his sexuality that is gorgeous and the other is a younger man that identifies as straight that is a football player engaged to be married in 8 weeks that has hooked up with a man 5 times before. The actor portrays him well in regards to being sexually confused but this guy is really feminine and just physically looks gay from head to toe and when he is originally found at the beginning is naked and wearing makeup. He's skinny with skinny eyebrows and big lips and wavy hair and a receding hairline.. just looks like a flamey older twink and yet the lead character who is very handsome and really masculine is always telling this guy that he thinks he's the most beautiful man he's seen in a long time and that he comes across as straight. My grandmother would think this guy is gay in a lineup. I think they cast him because he's a decent actor but they should have went with someone that looks like a soccer player and look straight because they keep making these references that he's got a female fiance and has everyone fooled and yet every scene you look at him and he honestly looks like he does drag on the weekends. The other character that is gay and has been in gay relationships is the one that could pass for being straight. A good movie is all about suspending disbelief and I had a hard time with this one. You definitely believe he is struggling with his sexuality but you don't believe that any of his friends are family think that he's straight even if he has a fiance lol. It's also a little hard to believe that this gorgeous guy is so mesmerised by him. The ending is also a little abrupt and awkward and poorly written.
The Turtle Am 16. April 2022 in den USA rezensiert
The script was totally believable to me - maybe my experiences were more in line with the script than others. The confusion vs longing was beautifully portrayed. Jo Weil is an accomplished actor and portrayed the more confident (yet still vulnerable) and slightly nonchalant older man who appears as if he would be obviously straight. Pip Brignall is a great find and great new talent. His character claims to be straight but appears to be easily considered as gay (his boyish looks can be construed as being feminine). His hesitancy and confusion over what he is experiencing, what he wants, what he considers to be his future, is so well portrayed. Embarrassed, awkward, sexy all rolled together. A very good actor and he held his role very well, and complimented the more experienced Jo Weil. I loved the intimate conversation of this movie - just a quiet and honest conundrum for these 2 men presently in 2 very different sets of circumstances. I hope to see more of both these actors. Bravo!
gregg Am 26. Juni 2022 in den USA rezensiert
I don't write reviews but this is an excellent movie. These two men have a chemistry that is seldom seen in a film. This is not your ordinary horny gay movie or the usual comedy. It is about the intense attraction and relationship between two men and the social norms, both straight and gay, that pull at us all. It is well worth your time and a film you will not easily if ever forget.
Jared A. Rowe Am 26. Juni 2020 in den USA rezensiert
With a title like "Sodom", and an opening scene of a naked man handcuffed to a lamp post, you might think you've somehow gotten the wrong movie. On the other hand, if you've always wanted to be a fly on the wall while two people have a deeply personal conversation about their innermost fears, concerns and their lives, then you won't be disappointed. The two characters spend the wee hours of the morning drinking Mescal and learning that Life isn't easy for everyone, unless you learn to deal with it on its own terms. You take what you think you want/need and then just leave the rest. Very well written and directed, with a minimal soundtrack, "Sodom" barely speaks above a whisper, but it keeps us hanging on every word because the words are real. Any one of us could have this discussion. Or have had it. Or wish we could have it. Despite the low-key, honest atmosphere the film gives us, there is always just enough to make us want to learn more about these two men. One wants what he once had, and one wants what he's afraid to have. Just when we think it's all figured out, it's really not. No spoilers here. Some might hate it, some might love it, but "Sodom" delivers an age-old message in a different way, and it remains true to itself. Worth a view if you're in the mood for a thoughtful, provocative--almost voyeuristic--look into the few short hours of two lonely, but hopeful guys.
Critical Thinker Am 11. August 2019 in den USA rezensiert
That's probably my favorite line from this film. Another favorite line: "I just really want straight people to understand me." Both lines spoken by Jo Weill's character, Michael. I was first attracted to this film because I fell in love with Joe Weill through his portrayal of Olli in the German soap, Verbotene Liebe. It's fantastic to see him in an English speaking role here and he is perfectly cast as mentor to the younger protagonist, Will. This film explores that period of time, however long or short it may be, when each one of us LGBTQ+ folks begins to face our sexuality or gender identity and then tries to run from it. There is excitement, fear, pressure, feeling overwhelmed, indecision, what other people will say or think, and on and on. There is the feeling that you would be leaving safety behind, with a one-way ticket to an unknown world from which there is no return. In reality, that really isn't true, but it is how it feels nonetheless, and this film captures it beautifully and creatively. The dialogue is outstanding, addressing all of those issues quite effectively and efficiently. The production values are excellent. A low-budget film that really soars.
Lee Am 19. August 2022 in den USA rezensiert
Boy, am I glad I didn't pay much for this one! The MC was scrawny and unattractive and was supposed to be 20 years old. He looks much older. There is very little plot and I was completely bored. Won't be watching it again.
TurtleBear Am 12. Februar 2020 in den USA rezensiert
This film reminds me of Just Say Love & Weekend, in that it is just 2 characters in the whole film. In this film, we are asked to go with the flow & accept the premise of: in Berlin after a stag night practical joke 20 year old Will gets handcuffed to a street post & left naked by his friends. Older handsome local Michael comes by and helps rescue Will and takes him home to get him out of the night. Michael proceeds to do the time honored tradition that most gays have done since time began - in seeing "something familiar - a newly budding gay in internal conflict aka "the confused straight/closeted gay", to talk to him, listen to him, try to mentor him & tell him what's been said for centuries from an older gay to a younger new gay "You are Not alone" & "it gets beter" & "we are everywhere". The way Michael talks to Will (the accent helps IMHO), advising him, explaining to him, etc... that this is would be the way I would want to be mentored if I were in that situation. This is a very beautifully acted, well executed, nicely scripted, with just the right amount of sexual contact. All I can say about the ending is - this has played out for centuries in the same 4 ways, use your imagination.
JJ Am 22. Februar 2021 in den USA rezensiert
Very difficult to enjoy this film unless you are sight-impaired. Imagine a Caucasian actor playing "Asian" ...we are expected to suspend our disbelief and still enjoy the film. This could have been a good film if the casting had been done correctly. The film is a perfect example of how BAD CASTING can ruin a movie. I have no personal issue with Pip Brignall (in the role of the Will; the younger, straight soccer player). He does an OK job, he was simply NOT RIGHT for the part. 1.) AGE: he is supposed to be 20, but looks almost as old as the other 40-year old gay character . 2.) Orientation: supposed to be straight but looks 10X gayer than the "gay" character. Everything from hairstyle, his smile and mannerisms are screaming "gay." Then he opens his mouth and our suspicions are confirmed. Yet we are continually insulted by being told that he's straight. Yeah right! 3.) Why write in a "soccer player" into the story ...when he doesn't look like one and it's not important to the story. It's like watching an actor calling his dog and then showing us a cat. I can go on and on ...but, long story short: REWRITE the story/script so it fits what we are watching. Or get a character that fits the role. Don't try to sell us apples when you clearly have pears ...then expect a good review. Also, the title "Sodom" makes zero sense for the name of the movie.

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A handsome young prostitute learns about life and love during a sex-filled odyssey in an apartment building filled with strange inhabitants.
When Wally (Patrick Reilly), a lovelorn young man, decides to try getting over his recent break-up, he turns to hook-up apps for help - leading to unusual results in this short comedy from writer-director Mike Roma.
An LA party boy falls in love with a hunky, repressed Mormon missionary in this gay romantic comedy from C. Jay Cox, writer of the Hollywood hit 'Sweet Home Alabama'.
David is an attractive young bodybuilder who obsessively trains to become his artist mother's muse. As he dedicates himself to further developing his impressive physique, he goes through an identity crisis that will mark his destiny.
Two young men spend the night together after meeting in a notorious gay club. The next day, the host wakes to find the boy he picked up unable to remember his name or anything about his past. The boys begin to search for the truth among fragments of memories that may or may not prove reliable. A chilling homoerotic thriller, BOY UNDONE is queer guerrilla filmmaking at its most intense.
Trey feels small. He is gay and lonely in NYC. All around him are hulking, powerful men, brutish and intimidating. A trip to the doctor reveals he's newly diagnosed with HIV. Back at home, he trolls through hookup apps and finds the biggest, meanest man to invite over, even after the man makes it clear he refuses to use protection.
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The sexual awakening, uncertainty and lust of 15-year old Ezéquiel. When his parents go to Europe for a month, he has the house to himself and makes the most of it. He takes classmates home only to find out that they aren't attracted to boys. He hits the jackpot when he meets tough-looking Mono at the skatepark, but lands in a chilling situation that makes him lonelier than he already was.
Cal is a handsome teenage thug so desperate to hide his gay cravings from his fellow gang members that he binges on drugs, secretive anonymous sex and acts of violence. His secret desires are uncovered when he rescues a kind-eyed French exchange student from one of the clan's hate crimes. Cal's crew is bent on revenge for his betrayal and the young lovers are placed in unspeakable danger.
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A comedy about gay friends who wake up after sleeping together and try to make sense of the unclear line between friendship and love.
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Miklós is coming to terms with his own sexuality, and when his best friend Dan reveals that he has a new girlfriend, this puts an end to their plans to run away together. Torn between loyalty to his migrant family and his own desires, and his world is rocked by the death of his brother. Teenage Kicks with themes of guilt, friendship, cultural and familial loyalty, and burgeoning sexuality.
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On a family holiday in the mountains, Xavier is forced to go hiking with Fred, his big sister's boyfriend, whom he does not seem to like. During this hike, the two boys will get to know each other, until Xavier begins to develop feelings for Fred. Their relationship then oscillates between tension and desire.
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