Socks Slave Worship

Socks Slave Worship


Socks Slave Worship
Hi so this story is fictional. Always wanted to write a fictional story after my first story which was true. I have a fetish for white crew socks. Anyway hope you all like it.

It was a Sunday morning. I was hungover. I had just partied hard with my girlfriend. Well we weren't dating long however we connected pretty well. I'm 22 and she is 21. Her name Is Ellen. Really pretty with a body to die for. We had stayed at her house after the night out partying. When we got up the next day we chilled out watching tv. Her parents were away and so was one of her sisters. The only one that wasn't away was her younger sister Alexa. She was however at basketball training and would he home soon.

Ellen got a phone call and it was one of her friends. They were in need of a lift to work as her car had broke down and Ellen said she would help her out. She told me that she would be back in an hour that I could stay and chill. So I did. For about 5 minutes until her sister came home from practise. She was 18 and was very hot also. Incredible athletic body, sweetest smile. I hadn't met her before as me and Ellen had only began to date.
"Oh Hi, you must be Kevin. I didn't realise you would be here you gave me a freight ." I immediately turned around and seen Alexa in her training gear. "Hi yes I am Kevin and you must be Alexa. I've heard all about you. Nice to meet you. Ellen just left to collect her friend and will be back in an hour. "

"That's cool. I may as well join you to keep you company. I'm just back from practise. I really need a sit down. "

She sat down on the same sofa as I was on. My heart missed a few beats when she took her sneakers of and released her feet. She was wearing white Nike socks. I took a few sly glances and I could see they had blue and black stains from the sneakers. Dam I was so nervous it was like being in a dream. i had to try play it cool. She crosses her leg so I could see quite clearly her socked feet.

"I hope you don't mind that I've removed my sneakers? My feet are in pain. I needed to get them off my feet. God they're in bits. "

" no no of course I don't mind. It doesn't annoy me at all. I'm sure they smell like roses in any case. " I said being smart hoping it would get a reaction from her.

"Haha trust me the last thing my feet smell like are roses. This is quite embarrassing but I forgot to pack socks this morning in my gym back and had to wear a pair that were in my bag from practise on Friday. "

"Its ok Alexa I have a poor sense of smell so even if they do stink I won't be affected. " I said lying. I had a perfectly working nose I just wanted her to play along. Then I nearly died when she said,

"Your nose can't be that bad. I bet you could smell these if I put them in your face. "

"No hope Alexa As I say my sense of smell is non existent."

"Okay if you can smell my socks for 10 seconds without flinching I will tell Ellen you are perfect for her seeing as she's going to want to know how we got on in each other's company for an hour. If you flinch you have to be my foot slave until she comes back and If you play by the rules I will tell her you would make a perfect boyfriend. So what's it going to Be kev?" She asked tauntingly. It's as if she knew I had a sock fetish and wanted to exploit it. How would she have known. I hadn't even told her sister yet.

"Easy. " I replied in a very cocky way. "Bring it on."

Without hesitation she put her two socked feet in my face and the smell was incredible. I got butterflies the moment her feet touched my nose. The warm feeling of her socks. The sweaty sweaty smell. The excitement was beyond this world. I had planned to cough anyway however it all came natural. The aroma was something I didn't expect. I made it about 5 seconds until I coughed.

"Ah ha. I got you. Now you have to be my slave . Or else i will tell Ellen you asked to sniff my feet and she won't be impressed. Come on you have no option. "

The excitement in her voice led me to believe she had a thing for dominating boys. She had me. Don't get me wrong I was so excited. She immediately put her feet in my lap.

"Okay sniff my basketball socks now Kevin. God look how bad they look. Did you not hear me when I said they were in my bag from Friday. Two really hard sessions they've been through. Massage one foot whilst you smell the other . God they're soaking too. "

I did as I was told. I kept telling her how bad they were and that no person should be subjected to these. I could see so many stains. The bottoms were essentially black. The toes were stained. Even the tops of them had a blue stain on them. She was right though. They were soaking. Every breath I took in it smelt like heaven. It was amazing. To think I probably had about 40 minutes left too got me more aroused. She was just looking at me giggling with that killer smile she had.

" hey I'm quite uncomfortable why don't you get down on your knees in front of me and worship them from the floor. It's where a slave belongs anyway. "

As I got down I let a deep sigh out almost to suggest It was a lot of effort. Then she told me to wait there she would be back in a minute. She returned less than a minute later.

" seeing as your complaining and sighing so much I thought I'd put an end to that."

She pulled from behind her back a pair of white Adidas socks that had been balled up.

"Now these are going to keep you quite slave. Have some of my practise socks from last Tuesday. I forgot to empty my hamper. Oops silly me. See how filthy these socks are? Haha your going to regret complaining little boy. "

These socks were totally filthy looking. God she really was getting a kick out of this. They were totally black. She unballed them and stuffed one into my mouth. God they were very dry and salty. She laughed so hard as I knelt in front of her with a sock in my mouth. I could taste the dirt. She shoved the other sock in my nose.

"Smell good slave? I doubt it. But you have too obey me. How does my filthy sock taste? You should be proud I'm giving you such a privilege. I want to hear you thank me. "

I tried my best to thank her through the sock but it just sounded like muffled words. Also my tongue kept rubbing up against her sock so I could taste it even more.

"Awwww I can't hear you pet. I tell you what I will let you away with just kissing my feet as a thank you. Go ahead. "

She clicked her fingers and I dropped like I was hypnotized. In a way I guess I was. I smooched every inch of her socked feet from heel to toe and front to back. She patted me on the head degraddingly.

"Good boy Kevin. Your really eager to impress me aren't you. You are a very good slave I must admit. But your not finished yet I'm afraid. As you can see my socks on my feet are filthy. We have to do something about that. "

Withing seconds she had tugged the old dirty practise sock from my mouth. Held it up as if to inspect it.

"Hmmm not great Kevin. I'm disappointed in the effort you've put into cleaning this sock. You have to do a much better job on these socks. I know these are 2 days worn to practise but I still expect them to come up really white. "

And with that she wrapped the other Adidas sock around my nose and tied it very tight.

"You will smell this sock as you clean the gym socks on my feet. We haven't long left either before Ellen gets back so be sure to complete this task soon. "

Again she degraddingly clicked her fingers and pointed. For a second I hesitated. I admired them for a brief moment. Then she tapped my face with them and told me to get on with it. At first I started to lick from heel to toe. I could find some dirt coming off but not really making any progress. I licked for 5 minutes or so as Alexa just watched tv. She eventually checked on my progress.

"God kev it's as if you want me to tell Ellen everything. You must do better. I suggest you take small licks but aggressive ones. I want you to almost chew the dirt of. Am I understood slave. "

"Yes alexa"

"Good boy"

She said tapping my head.

I followed her orders and it definitely worked better. But by this stage her socks were just soaking from my tongue. It didn't seem to faze her at all that my tongue was doing this work whilst her old gym sock was wrapped around my nose. She had the bottom of the sock tied directly at my nose so I could smell them every time I took a breath. She was aware of the time and knew Ellen would be home soon so she directed me to stop.

"Okay let's see how you be got on my sock slave. Oh wow that's a good job. I knew you could do better Kevin . You just had to work hard. You must be so thirsty after all that licking . I'll be back in 1 minute. "

She walked away and was back within 2 minutes. She had a glass of water. She then sat down and started to rub her socked feet all over my face to dry them from my saliva. But when she walked out to get the water her socks would have been wet and collected more dirt on the way. So I was getting extra dirt. Then she took off one of the socks.

"Open your mouth kev. I'm sure your very thirsty so I'm going to be kind to you as you have been a very good boy."

She then placed the sock in my mouth but only the bottom off it. Then she started to pour the water through the sock into my mouth. My god this was probably the most degrading thing of all. She slowly poured the glass in and the water filtered through her nasty sock. She finished my draining the sock like a cloth in my mouth.

"Now crawl to my room and bring me up fresh socks before Ellen comes back and you will get a brilliant review from me. "

I done as I was told and came back with another pair of white Nike crew socks.

"Good boy. Firstly take this other sock off my foot, with your teeth."

This was a hard task and I felt so humiliated doing it. She sensed this and laughed so hard. I eventually got it off .

"Well done slave. Now put this fresh pair on my feet and we will sit down and watch tv as if nothing has happened as Ellen is pulling into the driveway. "

I followed her final instructions and sat up on the sofa. Ellen walked in.

"Hi guys sorry I was away so long. Do anything interesting?"

The end.
He will be a good slave to her sister. Just a kiss between the friends could be a problem. Next time the water could look more yellow ^^
Hi all. I tried to post this on a new chain but wont let me. So i decided to post it here. This is fiction. This is my 3rd story on here however I haven't wrote anything in about 2 or 3 years I think. Anyway this story is about my friend in real life but none of what I'm about to write has happened.

I'm a 26 year old guy. My friend Ellen is 25. We've been friends since we were teenagers. I've always had a thing for white crew socks but to see her in them would be the ultimate dream. Anyway one day we were hanging out at my apartment. All of a sudden my heart started to pound as I seen her taking of her boots. Jesus was I finally about to live my dream and see her wearing white crew socks? (Side note I'm from Ireland and they aren't as popular sock over here for girls). All of a sudden she removes her boot and low and behold she's wearing these white crew socks with a pink puma logo on them.
"Sorry Kevin I hope you don't mind? I had work all day at the bar in these dam boots and had to wear my thick socks to help my feet."
"Oh no your fine honestly it's no big deal I'm sure they don't smell with a perfect chick like you wearing them." I said jokingly. I was sitting beside her but at this point she lifted up her foot to smell it and I got a glimpse of the bottoms of her sock and man they looked worn. "Pffft yeah they really stink Kev but they hurt like hell so I don't even care. "

A few minutes went bye and she casually lay on the sofa and put her feet on my left leg. I was about to explode honestly. My heart was thumping. I also never explained this girl is a blonde chick was the most popular girl in school cuz she was so hot. So this continued for 30 minutes but I was to nervous to make a move. She finally left.
We met up the following day at my place again. She was wearing nike trainers thus time and i could see sticking out some white socks. I didn't know if it was the same as last night's however. She also had a little bag. I didn't pay much attention to the bag as I was focused on her feet. We sat down. "So Kevin yesterday i noticed when I removed my boots you got so nervous I've never seen that side to you. And when I put my feet beside your leg I could see you were rock hard. Do you like feet?" I was trapped. I could feel my face going red. What do I say? " aw you poor baby that's so cute. Well you know I had a big workout this morning before my 8 hour shift. And guess What? I'm still wearing the same socks? Isn't that wonderful? Well my feet are barking atm with all my hard work and I feel like I deserve a break. So why don't you get on your knees down there and remove my sneakers. Come on, what are you waiting for?"
I couldn't believe what was going on. Wow. So I did what I was told. She ruffled my hair whilst I was doing it as if I was a puppy. I removed her sneakers. Wow her socks looked perfect. "Do they smell bad footboy? " she gigged. I never seen this side to her. I couldn't help but smell. Oh my god they were so warm but damp. My penis started to throb and just before I could ejaculate in my pants I felt a swift kick to my balls. " Don't you dare cum Kevin. I knew you were weak. Does my white dirty socks turn you on? Huh? Well I'm going to have to do something about that? It's a good thing I came prepared. "
Ellen reached down to the bag she brought with her. What the hell could it be? She pulled out a little box. I was terrified I had no clue what was about to happen. My heart sank. I felt numb throughout. It was a CHASTITY CAGE. Wtf. "No Ellen please god no I'll do anything. Just don't put me in that I need to cum at least once a day to keep me right. Please no." I started to kiss her feet begging for mercy. But she simply giggled. " eh Kevin you'll do whatever I say because you love me. And I'm going to take that love and abuse you for my own well being." She quickly jumped up and ran to the fridge. She came back with an ice pack and just like that she was pressing it against my hard dick. It wasn't hard for long. Within 30 seconds I was back to soft. She started to laugh " Kevin I had no idea how small your cock was. It's a good idea I got a small cage. No put this on and stop moaning you sound pathetic." And like that I turned the key to lock it and handed it over. I had tears in my eyes but it made her laugh harder. " Your so pathetic aren't you little boy. I own you now. Your my slave. Is that understood? Good now worship my socks.
End of part 1
How had I just went from the best moment of my life smelling her socks something I dreamed of for years. To all of a sudden being locked up in chastity crying at her feet. Her socks smelled so amazing but I could get no pleasure out of it. " So Kevin this is how we are going to do things. I will now own you. Anything you do will be for me. Your weekly wages will be handed over to me every pay day and I will give you an allowence. Oh don't cry your so in love with me you'll sacrifice anything for me. Depending on how well you do I may give you 5% of your salary or even as high as 10. See how good am i? You should be thanking me. You'll do all my chores at my apartment. And when your in my company you will be striped naked and address me as Goddess. Your life purpose will be to serve me. And the best part? I will release you from chastity once a week IF I feel you've deserved it. Am I understood boy?" I hadn't much of an option. I didn't want to loose Ellen in my life. It's true I did love her. And I would die if I lost her. "Yes Goddess" I sadly replied. How was I going to survive on 10% of my wage? I go out every weekend? I eat whatever I like. Now I'll be lucky to afford some bread for the week.

" ok good. I think you look sooo cute in that chastity foot boy. You better get used to it cuz I control when you can touch yourself. Here worship my socks they stink and you'll be cleaning them."
I started to smell. Fuck they smelled so bad. But I knew I had to do it to impress my Goddess. I still couldn't get over that I now can't touch my dick. No release. Will this ever end? As I sat at her feet wondering she tapped me in the cheek. " be a good boy and kiss my socks bitch. Show the love that deserve. Your so low that this is an honour for you and your tiny little dick that I own. That's right it's mine. Haha and there's nothing you can do about it. You know whether you like these socls or not is irrelevant cuz I got a new pack of them so you'll be worshiping them alot in the future. See how dirty they are? Well your going to be cleaning them every day. "
End of part 2
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2:01 AM - Mar 11 #3 2022-03-11T01:01
2:18 AM - Mar 11 #4 2022-03-11T01:18
Left handed acoustic electric Washburn
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