Сочинение Зачем Нужно Учить Английский Язык

Сочинение Зачем Нужно Учить Английский Язык


Сочинение Зачем Нужно Учить Английский Язык

Написать сочинение на английском "Зачем учить английский,,

Выберите нужный артикль или его отсутствие1. It is healthy to cat ... apple every daya) a, b) an, c) the, d) -2. What is ... deepest lake on earth?a)

a, b) an, c) the, d) -3. Can you draw ... elephant?a) a, b) an, c) the, d) -4. ... water is lifea) a, b) an, c) the, d) -​

Which things in the text impressed you?Write a few sentences. Read your sentences to the class. пж помогите пожалуйста срочно ​

f a mountaT/FT/F216 Listen again and decide if the statements are true (1)or false (F).1 In the scene on Monday, Lindsay rescues her friends.2 In the

scene on Tuesday, Lindsay has a fight and wins.3 In the scene on Wednesday, Lindsay's friends come byhelicopter to find her.4 In the scene on Thursday, the bad guys ride horses.5 In the scene on Friday, Lindsay has to ski.6 In the scene on Saturday, Lindsay flies a plane.T/FT/FT/FT/F​

71 speak to a famous person? - Who? - Askhat KushinsherekovA: Have you ever spoken to a famous person?B: Yes, I haveA: Who did you speak to?B: I spoke

to Askhat Kushinsherekov.2 see any of the Batman films? - When? - 2 years ago3 go to see a play? - What? - Twelfth Night4 visit a theatre? - When? - Last summer​

Вставить глагол в Present Continuous.
1) They ............................... (look) at family photos now.
2) She ................................. (

work) on her computer at the moment.
3) They ........................... (have) lunch right now.
4) He ....................(read) a book at the moment.
5) They ..........................(play) golf now.
6) She ........................... (talk) on the phone now.

     Task 2. Put the verbs in Present Perfect Tense 1.    I’m tired. I  _____ (watch) three X-Files videos.2.    Hurry up! They  _____ (start) the fil

m!3.    Mary  _____ ( not study) hard this year, so she'll fail her exams.4.    Oh no! She  _____  (drop) the plate!5.    The garden is very green. It  _____ (rain) a lot this month.6.    These are my favourite trousers. I  _____ (have) them for five years.7.    Tom's my best friend. I  _____ (know) him for three years.8.    They _____  (live) in Miami for two years?9.    Jo has earache. He  _____ (have) it since 7 o'clock.10.                   Brad _____ (live) in Chicago since 1998?​

My friend and I can climb trees сделать отрицательным

1 Make sentencos. Use the Presentperfect1. l spend / all my money2.she / ever / meet your cousins?3.They / never/ go/ to America4 Ben / buy / a new sk

ateboard. Its amazing!5.you /give / Dad/ his birthdaypresent?6.How long / he / live/in Ireland?7.we not visit our homework8.they / visit / Portugal twice thisyear9.you / see / my dictionary? I can't find it 10.we/never /write /a blog before​

Listen to the dialogue between the head of the company and his assistant. Complete the details in Mr. Brown's schedule. Помогите

fireDaily life in the castleInside the castle, there was ain every room but it was alwaysdark and cold. The servantsprepared food in the kitchen andse

rved it on tables in the GreatHall. The lord of the castle oftenshared a room with his family.People didn't wash often andthey usually dropped rubbish inthe moat. For this reason, thecastle was also smelly and dirty.​

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Сочинение — Зачем я учу английский язык | English 2017
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Сочинение на английском языке - Зачем мы изучаем...
Сочинение На Тему Какой Лес Без Чудес
Государственное Регулирование Инвестиционных Проектов Курсовая
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Магистерская Диссертация На Заказ Москва

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