Сочинение Зачем Мне Нужен Английский

Сочинение Зачем Мне Нужен Английский


Сочинение Зачем Мне Нужен Английский

Сочинение "Для чего нужен английский"(по русски)

30 Look and write sentences. (See Student's Book page 32.)Polar bears and tigers are endangeredbecause of global warming1a2 -34​

60 Look and write sentences. (See Student's Book page 32.)Polar bears and tigers are endangeredbecause of global warming1435123hoor3 usingПж бал берем


Read the workplace rules and complete the sentences with the pronouns in the box.Помогите пажалуста! 30 баллов даю! ​

1 What did Edward I, King of England, want?2 How many times did he defeat Robert the Bruce?3 Where did Robert the Bruce escape to?4 What did Robert th

e Bruce notice in the cave?5 How many times did the spider fail to make its web?6 What did the spider inspire Robert the Bruce to do?​

Task 1. Read the story and ask questions. Use who, what and where, how many, how much, how often, how big, what kind of.Example: Who got a birthday gi

ft?It was Sonia’s birthday. She had a new game ‘Dinosaur Dig!’ This was what she wanted. She switched on the computer. A strange icon appeared. Sonia clicked on the icon. FLASH!She was in Dinosaur Dig. There was a boy. She picked up a golden bone that was hidden under a bush. ‘No!’ shouted the boy. ‘You mustn’t pick the golden ones up! Now watch out for the dinosaur!’ Suddenly they heard a noise. The ground began to shake. They heard a roar. ‘RUN!’Sonia and the boy ran fast through the bushes. There was the same icon that she saw on her computer. Sonia touched it. FLASH!Sonia was at home.Task 2. Look at the pictures. Choose ONE picture and describe it.1. What do you see in the picture?2. What are people doing?3. Are people using special equipment? What equipment are they using?4. Do you like such activities? Why?5. Did you do any of these activities? When? Where?​

II. Change from the active into passive voice.Model: They are (were) building a new school in our district.A new school is (was) being built in our di

strict.1. They are reconstructing the old building of the boarding school.2. They are examining the festivity program now.3. He was carrying on an interesting research in chemistry.4. They were building a new dormitory for foreign students.5. She was making a new film for children.6. They were applying new methods of foreign language teaching.​

you CAN'T see it. Choose1.the sound of dog2.a thing's shape3.a things size​

английский язык срочно! помогите! 1 задание и 3 задание! ​

Общие вопросы Правила Как получить баллы? Реклама Политика конфиденциальности Responsible disclosure program

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Мы живем в мире, где все так или иначе связано с английским языком и люди, владеющие английским, имеют больше шансов найти хорошую работу.
Знание английского языка важно в любой профессии, поскольку дает возможность пользоваться англоязычными сайтами, читать профессиональную литературу, не дожидаясь ее перевода на русский, и участвовать в международных конференциях по обмену опытом. Если вы знаете английский, вам не нужно нанимать переводчиков для ведения переговоров и за границей у вас не будет проблем из-за незнания языка. Вы можете самостоятельно путешествовать и не зависеть от гидов.
Зная английский, можно получить образование в любой европейской стране, завести друзей по всему миру, смотреть фильмы и читать книги в оригинале.
Наконец, английский язык – один из наиболее распространенных в мире и, конечно, его выучить намного проще, чем китайский.

Сочинение "Для чего нужен английский "(по русски) - Школьные...
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