Сочинение: Role of the interpreter in the modern world

Сочинение: Role of the interpreter in the modern world


Essay on the topic: “Role of the interpreter in the modern world”
The modern world is very various. Each country, each nation and itsculture differ from each other; they possess the specific features which are interesting to other people. And at the same time the world at the present stage is very dynamic. Nowadays great value is paid to interaction between the countries: economic, political and cultural. In my opinion, only due to multilateral rapprochement of the countries the creation of the world community on the equal rights for all nations and open international cooperation is possible. In realization of this important affair it is certainly impossible to dispense without the interpreter’s services which becomes the peculiar bridge between the countries. And though it is considered that the interpreter is only the intermediary, he is able to make the dialogue between the countries more effective and simple.
Here I’d like to point out that I believe that both the interpreters who usually work verbally during negotiations and the translators who translate fiction and technical texts in writing play an important role in the international coordination in the world community.
In my opinion the profession of an interpreter is one of the most important and indispensable in the present-day business world. All large transnational corporations which have their sister companies all over the world implement their business-like co-operation with the help of interpreters. An interpreter is an indispensableconferee, his services are essential when effecting a business transaction. But an interpreter, of course, is not an independent conferee; he can’t express his own opinion and points of view. He plays a role of an instrument with whose help business negotiations precede in the most effective way. The best interpreter is that who is imperceptible at a dialogueand at the same timeprovides this dialogue in such a manner that business partners start to think that they communicate with each other on the language clear for both of them.
Another sphere where you can’t spare without an interpreter is international politicalinteraction between different countries of the world. All the international summit talks are held at obligatory participation of interpreters. In this case an interpreter is made responsible for carrying on negotiations effectively. And though he is only an intermediary between representatives of different countries his work plays decisive role in establishing of mutual understanding and friendly relationship between diplomats. Here I should say that an interpreter must transfer correctly not only sense of statements but also their emotional painting, style of speech and even tempo of speech of a speaker. But at the same time it is an interpreter who is able to smooth things over during diplomatic negotiations when it’s necessary. So I think that a professional interpreter can promote better understanding between countries and that makes this profession noble.
One more sphere which I want to mention is translation of world fiction. I think that translators made an outstanding contribution to the development of national literature of different countries. On the one hand, they give us an opportunity to join to the cultural heritage of the world when reading their translations of famous foreign works of art. On the other hand, translating works of our national writers into foreign languages translators make them widely available to other people and of course it often awakes great interest to the county and its culture. But here I should note down that there is no translation from language into language, but always from culture into culture.The translator should know perfectly the source language and culture and the target language and culture as well to make his translation clear. It’s a rather hard work but its results are worthy of it.
In conclusion I’d like to say that nowadays the world needs the interpreters’ services and without their help we won’t be able to build the easily cooperating world community, to find the most suitable ways of communication between countries. In my turn I wish to become a professional interpreter and make all the efforts in laying bricks in the large bridge between different countries and nations.

Название: Role of the interpreter in the modern world
Раздел: Топики по английскому языку
Тип: сочинение
Добавлен 00:58:28 02 сентября 2008 Похожие работы
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Оценило: 2 человек
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