Сочинение Про Одноклассницу На Английском

Сочинение Про Одноклассницу На Английском


Сочинение Про Одноклассницу На Английском

Описать одноклассника на английском языке и перевод

книга для чтения по английскому языку reader авторы: Кузовлев,Лапа,Костина,Дуванова,Кузнецова мне нужно выполнить 2 задание ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА​

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7bLook! She's playing the piano.She always plays the piano in the evenings,1 Look, ask and answer.21have lunch/1 o'clock4clap/lunchtime3have a bath/af

ternoonplay/morning1 A: What are the seals doing?B: They're clapping. They always clap at lunchtimе.помогите пж, а то англич. должна проверить))​

4. a) Work in pairs.2009 Year in Sports MediaSirtsHITS tetDamonScrumsStudent A: You are a journalist.You work for a sports magazine.Your readers are v

ery interested inB's everyday life. Think of the ques-tions you would like to ask B.Student B: You are a famoussportsperson. You are going to givean interview to a popular sportsmagazine. Get ready to speak aboutSTEPHENCOLBERTAND HIS NATIONSAVE THEOLYMPICSCollinsworthShines onSundaylightOchocincoSquawksyour life.b) Work in pairs. Role-play the interview.​

1 Circle the words beginning with un. Write the words. Read the words1 Cuvun true foietundon22 bd unfriendly a p3 volutun dorywclav4 d un usu atamhor5

refguncovern du6 punwrapled s ots7 Tod vun happy tady8 bto a unkinden im9 lun told y geprasunwantedwebbenwhonkend2 Write the words in the correct list.VerbsAdjectives3 Use verbs from exercise 2 to complete the sentences.1 My little brother can'this coat, so I ha сделайте пж англ ​

1) 18 хв 36 c+ 24 хв 58 с;2) 5 год 17 хв - 3 год 45 хв;3) 3 год 25 хв. 7;4) 42 хв 48 с: 24.​

Readingрішіть завданя будласка1Look at the photos. What animals can you see?Great Parks in LondonRichmond ParkThis is a very big part in the south of

London - 10 querekilometres You can walk around the park and look at the treesplants and lakes You can also bee lots of deer in this part Thereare more than 650 deer here! You can hire bikes and cycle aroundthe park There are amazing views of London Trom King Henry'sMound. You can see St Paul's Cathedral in the centre of LondonYou can play off and go fishing in the lake or have a picns in thepark You can also go to the Pembroke Lodge cafe. The food isRoof GardensThese are secret Gardens in the middleof London. Find a door with the son 9Kensington High Street Open the doorand walk up to the roof. There's an amazinggarden here. 30 metres above the street6,000 square metres and it's got 70 treestropical plants and four pinkamingos calledBill, Ben Splosh and Pecks! There's a famous(and expensive restaurant here. You caneat lunch and look at the flaminges in theGarden It's a fantastic experienceto go honing2.Read the text and check your answer toExercise3Listening1 13 Listen to the audition. Say LatikaKate, or Latika and Kate.O Read the text. Answer the questions.1 Where Richmond Pathe south of London2 What amals can you see in Richmond Park ?3 What amous buiding can you see from KingHenry Mound4We areas of the Roof Gardens5 How og are me Roof Garden?6 What animals can you see in the Roof GardensTuesday. T- NovemberAuditions at the Regal Cinema3 pm4 O 18 Read the text again. ChooseRichmond Park (AP) or Roof Gardens (AG).1 is in the centre of London RG-2 You can eat at an expensive than one3 You can have a picnic nero4 This page is behind a door on Konsington HighStreet5 You can play golf6 You can nde a bike in this place.1 she can come troon2 Soocan3 She can't sing4 Sho can dance5 Sne can jumo vo high6 She can run very tast​

HomeworkComplete the sentences. Put the verbs in Past form.Fe'llarni o'tgan zamonga oʻzgartirib, gaplarni tugallang.The best day of my life (1) was(be

) my birthday when I was10. On that day my parents (2) ... (buy) me a bike. It was mybirthday's present. It was beautiful. My friends (3) (come)to my birthday party. They (4) ... (give) me birthday cards anda lot of presents. After the party we (5) (go) to the park.It was a sunny and warm day. Everything was wonderful. We(6) ... (play) games and (ride) a bike. My friends (8)(be) happy too. I can say that it (9) ... (be) my best day.​

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