Сочинение По Английскому Языку Егэ Образец

Сочинение По Английскому Языку Егэ Образец


Сочинение По Английскому Языку Егэ Образец
Один отличный пример эссе с комментариями от репетитора по английскому языку.
There are two opposite points of view on the attitude of young people towards money and career. Some people are sure that these two things are the main concern of modern youth. Others, on the contrary, argue that the interests of modern teenagers are various.
As for me, I consider that young people, like all people in the world are different, and their interests, ambitions and attitude towards money and career differ too. Some of my friends are going to study finance, economics or law, because they believe, that those professions will help them to find a good job and earn a lot of money. Others are seeking for interesting occupations in life, which will make them happy, and not always they are well-paid. For example, traditionally, it’s difficult to enter Medical Academy. But, it’s a well-known fact, that a doctor is not a well-paid job in Russia. The same with teachers and scientists.
But many people suppose that modern teenagers have no other interests, besides making money and career. They see youngsters, fussing around and trying to earn or get as much money as possible. Also, there are a lot of talks around, how and where to get money. It producers the impression of only one issue, people are interested in: money. Surely, money plays a great role in our life, but nevertheless, for majority of young people their real interests, such as painting, sport, sciences, and many others are much more important. I know it from my example, and from the example of my friends.
In conclusion, I would like to say, that very few people are ready to work hard long hours, if a job is not interesting, you will not be able to do it. And most young people understand it very well, and do many different things, and have many different interests.


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