Сочинение О Соседях На Английском

Сочинение О Соседях На Английском


Сочинение О Соседях На Английском

Сочинение на английском про своих соседей

Task2. Fill in: checks, event, scores, entertain, throw, well-paid, on holiday.1. A waterslide tester …… waterslides all around the world to see if t

hey are safe.2. Marry often goes ……. to Turkey.3. The match between the two football teams is the main …… of the week.4. Every time their team ……, the fans start celebrating.5. Saltanat is a doctor. It’s a …… job.6. Mascots ….. sweets to the fans to …… them.прошу срочно помогите ​

2. Choose the right imperatives to complete the sentences.1) Wash the dishes and then(cook/eat/dry) them.2) Go to the grocer's and(drive/buy/telephone

) some sugar,3) Buy a newspaper and(sing to/dance with/read) it.4) Put the potatoes into the water and(fry/throw/cook)them for 20 minutes.5) Go to the kitchen and(make/throw/study) a cup of tea.6) Find your keys and(play/break/open) the door.7) Go home and(think/play/watch) television.8) Find a new house and(drop/cook/buy) it.​

CW. Look at the pictures and speak about natural
disasters following the sample.
Natural disasters

I hate vegetables. Ieat vegetable soup. ( often, never,usually)The weather is rainy in Scotland. Theysee the sun. ( always,often, seldom)I'm on a diet

but Ieat a bit of chocolate. (sometimes, never,usually)The Browns love dancing. Theygo dancing on Friday night.(usually, rarely, seldom)We don't like cooking. Weeat out on Sundays. ( seldom,always, rarely)​

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Английский язык 1 , 2 , 3 задание .

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