Сочинение О Симпле На Английском

Сочинение О Симпле На Английском


Сочинение О Симпле На Английском

About myself (present simple)
Сочинение про меня в настоящем времени
Минимум 10 предложении

1. a) Work with a partner and answer the questions below. 1) What does the word "environment" mean? 2) What are the most serious environmental problem

s? 3) Where does air pollution in the cities mostly come from? 4) Why should we solve ecological problems as soon as possible?ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!​

Как переводится по английскому 6 класс usually? даю 10 баллов!​

Перекладіть речення використовуючи герунд
She likes (paint)
I can`t bear (listen) to classic musik
He enjoys (play) football
Leila dreams of (set) up

her own businnes

Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную.
7. A man, "When does the train to Liverpool leave?"
8. Jason and Victoria, "We do our best in the exams."
9. Dan

iel, "Has it rained today?"
10. Susan, "I'm watching TV."
Сделайте как можно скорее

Дам 20 баллов!!! помогите пожалуйста пожалуйста помогите ​

4 ACTIVATE Follow the steps in the writing guide.Notes: Jim CarreyName: James Eugene CarreyHeight: tallStarted performing: in his teens as acomedianFi

rst big film: 1994 (Dumb and Dumber)Awards: Dumb and Dumber (for comicperformance); over 20 awards for actingO WRITING GUIDEA TASKWrite a profile of Jim Carrey or a performer ofyour choice.B THINK AND PLANRead the notes about Jim Carrey. Whatinformation do you want to put in eachparagraph?Paragraph 1: name,Paragraph 2:Paragraph 3:C WRITEWrite your profile and follow your paragraphplan. Use the model text and the key phrases.D CHECK. past simple verbs description vocabularyspelling and punctuationDrama and ca​

не перевод по заданию. 40 БАЛЛОВ В!!!! ​

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Вариант1 My name is Natasha. I am thirteen years old. I’m in the seventh grade at mathematical school. I like to study. My favourite subjects are computer sciences, mathematics and literature. I’m fond of reading books. Also I like drawing that’s why I go to art school.
I’m very cheerful and sociable person. I have many friends. My best friend’s name is Sveta. We live in the same block of flats and go to school together. In the summer we spend holidays in the sports camp.
Also I like animals. I have got a cat, his name Barsik and I have got a parrot, his name is Kesha. I like to play and look after them. My favourite season is winter because I can go in for skiing. I like New Year holidays. Also I’m fond of listening to music and dancing.
My native town is St. Petersburg. I live with parents in a big flat. When I have free time I help my mother. I wash up the dishes, sweep the floor and water flowers. I love my parents very much. When I grow up I will become an accountant as my mother.  

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