Сочинение О Дне Рождения На Английском

Сочинение О Дне Рождения На Английском


Сочинение О Дне Рождения На Английском

Составьте сочинение на тему "Моё День рождения".(Сначала на английском потом на русском)(Просто мне надо с переводом) Помогите пожалуйста.

SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT TASKS FOR TERM 2Summative Assessment for the cross curricular unit «Treasure and HeritageTranscript for listening taskI totally l

ove museums. They really are one of themost important parts of our culture Museums areimportant for so many things. They educate us theypreserve our history, and they show us how we havedeveloped. There are museums on so many differentthings. In fact, I'm sure there isn't a topic there isn't amuseum for I've loved museums since I was little. Weused to go to different museums on school trips I lovedthem. I saw so many amazing things I will never forgetseeing the bones of a T-Rex in the natural historymuseum I also remember staring at Tutankham's goldmask for ages I couldn't take my eyes off of it. The bestmuseum I've ever been to is the National Museum inCairo It's unbeatable1. Museums are important parts of our culture2. Museums teach us many things3. He didn't love to go to museums when he was a child4. He will never forget seeing the skeleton of a T-Rex5. He never saw Tutankhamun's gold maskTrueTrueTrueTrueTrieFalseFalseFalseFalseFalseSpeakingTask 2. Look at the pictures. Choose ONE picture and describe it. The followingquestions will help you1 What do you see in the picture?2. What are people doing?3. Are people using special equipment? What equipment are they using?4 Do you like such activities? Why?5. Did you do any of these activities? When? Where?Water expeditionArchaeologistСУММАТИВНАЯ РАБОТА СРОЧНО ДА 100 БАЛЛОВ ПЖЖ​

Find sublject/ object pronouns in the text ​

Read the sentences with future forms and classify them into arranged plans and predictions. Arranged plansPredictions/own decisionsI am seeing a denti

st after work at 5.I believe we will win this start-up project.I am going to see football match after work.He will be a good doctor.Friends are getting married this Saturday. We must go to the wedding.BackCheck​

A pianist ... the piano.
don't play Mark ... English.
Mark ... English.
don't speak
Mary and Sue ... to the cinema.

n't go
don't go
Sam... hard.
We ... near the school.
doesn't live
They ... orange juice.
doesn't drink
Mark ... cakes.
don't love
doesn't love
My father ... TV.
My father ... TV.
He ... football.
doesn't play
don't play
She ... milk
don't drink

read and make sentences as in the example пожалуйста ​

помоги с англ.яз!Срочно!Можно чтоб все было правильно!​

по английскому
1 this /be/magazine/David
2 this/be/flat/Duncan
3 this/be/pen/George
4 this/be/books/Brenda
5 this/be/Cds/Tomas
6 this/be/house/Sam

7 this/be/computer/Ann
8 this/be/shoes/Robert
9 this/be/classroom/Kate
10 this/be/satchel/Diana

2 Replace theme. We are fromKazakhstanwords in boldwith the correct pronoun.1 Linda is 12 years old. She2 Look at Tom and Lynn. Tom and Lynn arein Yea

r 9. ....3 How old are Kairat and Berik? ...4 Jim and I are from London.5 Look at Steve. Steve is from Mexico.​

стр 62 правило и записать словами даты 1257,1903,2019,1500,1697,1800,2022,1478,1605

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День рождения –
мой любимый праздник.
My birthday is on the fourteenth of
In the morning my parents congratulate me first.
Утром мои родители первые
поздравляют меня.
Они поют мне песню «С днем
In the evening I usually have a party.
Вечером я
обычно  провожу вечеринку.
We clean the house and decorate it with balloons.
My friends and relatives come to my
birthday party.
Мои друзья и
родственники приходят на вечеринку.
I get a lot of presents and flowers on
this day.
В этот день я
получаю много подарков и цветов.
My mother brings in the birthday cake.
We dance, sing, laugh, joke, and tell funny stories.
Мы танцуем, поем, смеемся, шутим
и рассказываем смешные истории.
  I think
that my birthday is one of the best days in a year.  Я считаю, что мой день рождения  один из самых лучших дней году.

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