Сочинение На Английском Языке Дорожные Знаки

Сочинение На Английском Языке Дорожные Знаки


Сочинение На Английском Языке Дорожные Знаки

Сочинение 30 слов
Письмо английскому другу по переписке о российских дорожных знаках

Помогите с контрольной по английскому! Даю 90 баллов. Задание на фотографиях

Лист про шкільну подорож в Past Simple​

l___________(to believe)you must start with the first CD​

Слово go в будущим времени. СРОЧНО!

найдите ошибку were you found your pens They was under my desk​

В связный текст о британском празднике вставить вместо пропусков подходящие по
смыслу слова.
believed parties traditionally pumpkins celebrate

d witches funny
ghosts connected candles spirits
Hallowe’en is… on the night of October 31. It is … … with ghosts and witches. Many years
ago people … that the …of the dead appeared on that night. Now people have Hallowe’en …
and dress as … and … . They cut eyes and a mouth in …, potatoes and other vegetables and put
… inside. In old times children dressed in white sheets, knocked at doors and asked: “Trick or
treat”. If people gave them something nice, they went away, if people didn’t, they played a
“trick” on them.

Fill in: round, in, up, out, back, about
1.The smell of flowers always brings …. wonderful memories of holidays in France 2.The rock festival brought…

1200$ for charity.3. She was unconscious and it took them some minutes to bring her …… . 4. I was brought …. by my grandma.5.My friend has just brought … a new detective. 6/What brought …. the change in education?

Переведите как читать эго на английском. 20 балов. I think that a good education depends on a number of things: theschool you go to, the teachers in y

our school, or the textbooks you workwith. Nowadays we can choose the school for ourselves. There are se-condary schools where pupils study usual school subjects like Maths orUkrainian Language. There are аlso lyceums or gymnasiums where youstudy other academic subjects such as Information Technology, Eco-nomics and Law.​

ДАЮ 40 БЫЛЛОВ! помогите срочно пж
Прочитай. Закончи предложения.
1. The British Prime Minister *
is very popular with Londoners
are situated in Whiteh

there are many big and small shops
is where the British queen lives
lives at 10, Downing Street
everybody can say what they want
is a symbol of London
2. Buckingham Palace *
is very popular with Londoners
are situated in Whitehall
there are many big and small shops
is where the British queen lives
lives at 10, Downing Street
everybody can say what they want
is a symbol of London
3. A red double-decker *
is very popular with Londoners
are situated in Whitehall
there are many big and small shops
is where the British queen lives
lives at 10, Downing Street
everybody can say what they want
is a symbol of London
4. A lot of government offices *
is very popular with Londoners
are situated in Whitehall
there are many big and small shops
is where the British queen lives
lives at 10, Downing Street
everybody can say what they want
is a symbol of London
5. In Speaker’s Corner *
is very popular with Londoners
are situated in Whitehall
there are many big and small shops
is where the British queen lives
lives at 10, Downing Street
everybody can say what they want
is a symbol of London
6. In Oxford Street *
is very popular with Londoners
are situated in Whitehall
there are many big and small shops
is where the British queen lives
lives at 10, Downing Street
everybody can say what they want
is a symbol of London
7. Hyde Park *
is very popular with Londoners
are situated in Whitehall
there are many big and small shops
is where the British queen lives
lives at 10, Downing Street
everybody can say what they want
is a symbol of London
Выберите правильный вариант, нужен ли артикль the перед данными словами и словосочетаниями.
1. _____UK *
2. ____Northern Ireland *
3. ______Thames *
4.______Trafalgar Square *
5.______British Isles *
6._____City *
7._____London Bridge *
8._____Westminster Palace *
9._____Great Britain *
10.___Houses of Parliament *
Выбери правильный ответ
1. I can speak English well, and Don can___________speak English. *
as well
2. Pam is a good student. Sally is ___________a good student. *
3. Hundreds ________animals live in the zoo. *
4. There are two hundred _______ stamps (марки) in his collection. *
5. There is a ____________beach near the hotel. *
6. The Black Sea is in the ____________of our country. *

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