Сочинение Моя Гостиная На Английском Языке

Сочинение Моя Гостиная На Английском Языке


Сочинение Моя Гостиная На Английском Языке

Сочинение на английском на тему моя гостиная

Помогите прошу очень срочно! 3. Use the words to write sentences or questions in the present continuous for future use.2) We/go/shopping/to buy/food f

or the trip.3) You/bring/your new camera/with you?4) John/not go/mountain biking/this weekend.5) My friends/get back from Italy/tomorrow evening.6) I/not buy/a sleeping bag/for the trip on Friday.7) Clare/play/tennis/this afternoon?​

4 Underline the mistakes. Rewrite the sentences correctly.1 I'm to old to learn a new language.I'm too old to learn a new language2 I'm not as old tha

n you.3 It isn't too wet play tennis.4 Is your coat enough warm?​

Выберите правильный вариант ответа.
11. "I'm a big fan of U2, ' Derek said. Derek said he .............. a big fan of U2.
2has been
3had been

3 Read the article again and answer the questions.1 Where does Minnesota get its biomass from?2 What two benefits does using biomass have forthe envir

onment?3 Why is the sun so important in Australia?4 What two results has the use of solar power hadin Australia?5 Why has Britain got lots of sea and wind?6 Which wind farm will produce more electricity?​

Complete the second conditional sentences. Use the correct form of the verbs below.
be build catch help marry not sit not work understand
1 If we all

recycled our rubbish, it _______________ the environment.
2 He would be fitter and healthier if he _______________ in front of the TV all day.
3 We would use less energy if we _______________ smaller houses.
4 If we learned about other cultures, we _______________ people from other countries better.
5 If I _______________ the early train, I would be in London by lunchtime.
6 Lots of people _______________ in danger if there was a tornado.
7 If we _______________ so much and relaxed more, we would be a lot happier!
8 She _______________ him if she really loved him.

Complete the text. Use the correct second conditional form of the verbs in brackets.
Many scientists are worried about global warming. The consequence

s could be serious. If all the ice in the Arctic and Antarctic regions 1_______________ (melt), sea levels 2_______________ (rise) and cause terrible floods. If sea levels 3_______________ (rise), people living in coastal areas 4_______________ (lose) their homes. The melting ice would also affect the temperature of the sea. If the sea 5_______________ (get) colder, the northern half of the world 6______________ (freeze). There would be terrible snow storms and millions of people 7_______________ (die).

помогите пожалуйста решить тест по английскому

Помогите прошу! 3. Use the words to write sentences or questions in the present continuous for future use.2) We/go/shopping/to buy/food for the trip.3

) You/bring/your new camera/with you?4) John/not go/mountain biking/this weekend.5) My friends/get back from Italy/tomorrow evening.6) I/not buy/a sleeping bag/for the trip on Friday.7) Clare/play/tennis/this afternoon?​

Общие вопросы Правила Как получить баллы? Реклама Политика конфиденциальности Responsible disclosure program

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сочинение на английском на тему моя гостиная - Школьные...
Рассказ- описание гостиной на английском с переводом
Сочинение на английском на тему моя гостиная
Описание комнаты (гостинная) на английском языке с переводом.
Описание своей гостиной на английском ...
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