Сочинение Мой Любимый Писатель На Английском Языке

Сочинение Мой Любимый Писатель На Английском Языке


Сочинение Мой Любимый Писатель На Английском Языке

написать 15 приложении про своего любимого писателя (поэта) на английском, желательно чтоб был перевод тоже

All the furniture ___ for the firewood.
are broken up
is broken up
be broken up

Пожалуйста пожалуйста пожалуйста пожалуйста помогите! Дам 30 баллов :>....
Be a diver.
Tell your friend how to go from the airport to the Palms Ho


1. My Mum made a cake_____ we had it for tea. *
1 балл
a. But
b. Or
c. and
2. You can use a pen_____a pencil. *
1 балл
a. Or
b. But
c. So
3. I like to

play____ it’s cold. *
1 балл
a. Because
b. But
c. So

В каком варианте активный залог правильно преобразован в пассивный? I invited a lot of people to the party.
lot of people are inviting to the party.

lot of people is invited to the party.
A lot o people are invited to the party.

Task 3. Learners work individually. Each learner gets a picture. Learner describes the picture.
Look at the picture. Choose and describe.

t can you see on the picture?
Is it a city or a country?
How many animals can you see on the farm?
Can you name some animals?
What do people do in villages?
Do you want to live in a village? Why? / Why not?

1. My Mum made a cake_____ we had it for tea. *
1 балл
a. But
b. Or
c. and
2. You can use a pen_____a pencil. *
1 балл
a. Or
b. But
c. So
3. I like to

play____ it’s cold. *
1 балл
a. Because
b. But
c. So

All the furniture ___ for the firewood.
are broken up
is broken up
be broken up

написать текс на примере этого Hi Marzhan,1) ................ London, England. I'm here with my friends on aschool trip. I've never been to a big city

before and I love it.2) ....... for three days now and we've done lots ofexciting things. We've visited the Tower of London, theBritish Museum and the London Aquarium. Unfortunately,3) ...... ..... It hasn't stopped raining since we got off theplane. I hope it gets better soon. 4) ....... people andI've made some new friends. I haven't bought anything yet,but there's plenty of time for that.I've taken a lot of pictures to show you when we get back.5) ........... in a few days.6)Laura​

Общие вопросы Правила Как получить баллы? Реклама Политика конфиденциальности Responsible disclosure program

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