Сочинение Дом Мечты На Английском С Переводом

Сочинение Дом Мечты На Английском С Переводом


Сочинение Дом Мечты На Английском С Переводом

СРОЧНО!! Сочинение на английском! Тема: Дом моей мечты!!! НЕ БОЛЬШЕ 10 ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЙ! Даю 20 баллов!!! (Желательно с переводом)

Зделай те номер 2 и “have a got ... singing” даю 20 баллов!

Раскройте скобки и расставьте глаголы в правильной форме.a. The Russians (to be) a reading nation. b. Moscow (to be) the capital of Russian Federati

on. c. The longest rivers (to be) the Volga and the Ob. d. Russia (to be) a parliamentary republic. e. The government (to consist of) three brunches: legislative, executive and judicial. f. Russia (to border) on many countries such as Mongolia, China in the south-east, Finland and Norway in the north-west and so on. g. Peter I (to move) the capital of Russia from Moscow to St. Petersburg. h. Kiev (to become) the main center of trade and political power.Срочно! Пожалуйста!​

Task 1 Listen to the text. Mark the following statements as true or false. 1) Karen thinks that the results of ambitions are fame, money and popularit

y. 2) In her childhood Karen dreamed about becoming a doctor. 3) Karen is a schoolgirl at the moment. 4) Karen is sure about her future occupation. 5) Karen believes that people can be happy if they do something they really like. Task 2 Listen to the text. Read and choose the correct answer. 1) What does the text tell about? A Hip-hop music. B Hip-hop culture. C Rap music. D Clothes based on hip-hop styles. 2) Where did hip-hop culture first appear? A In New York City’s Bronx. B In the city of London. C In York. D The text doesn’t say. 3) Which of the following was NOT among the early expressions of hip-hop culture? A Break dancing. B Spray-painted graffiti. C Colourful hair. D Rap music. 4) What are the four major clothing items associated with hip-hop styles? A Baseball caps, T-shirts, baggy jeans, and sneakers. B Hats, jerseys, baggy jeans, and sneakers. C Sneakers, jerseys, baseball caps and baggy jeans. D Baseball caps, jerseys, leather trousers, and sneakers. 5) What colours are preferable in rap clothes? A Black. B Red. C Bright. D It doesn’t matter. Task 3 Listen to the text. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below. FAST FACTS ON CHILDREN AND THE INTERNET 1) Three-quarters (75 %) of youth between the ages from 9 to 14 have a ____________at home and one-fifth of the older ones, aged 13 to 14, have a PC in their own bedroom. 2) 59 % of 9—14-year-olds say that they do nothing else while they’re___________ 3) Among 9—14-year-olds who go online, 25 % seek___________ on sport and music, followed by science (21 %), movies (17 %) and celebrities (14 %). 4) Girls’ online activities include sending___________ (53 %), exploring (53 %), listening to music (46 %), participating in chat rooms (33 %) and using instant messaging/ICQ (I Seek You) (22 %). 5) Boys’ online activities include exploring (53 %), playing online___________ on their own (50 %), sending e-mails (42 %), listening to music (38 %), playing online games with other players (35 %) and downloading music (29 %).​

Что за слово?Первая буква-cЧетвертая-e Всего букв-6​

Кто 7 класс по английскому языке рабачый тетрадь вербицкая есть ответы ​

Срочно!!!!!!Сочинение на тему еда в моей жизни на английском 7 класс (10 предложений)

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СРОЧНО!! Сочинение на английском ! Тема: Дом моей мечты !!!
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Срочно!! сочинение на английском ! тема: дом моей мечты !!!
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