Сочинение: 10 сочинений по иностранному языку /english/

Сочинение: 10 сочинений по иностранному языку /english/


Yesterday it was Sunday, that’s why my last day off was not long ago and I remember it quite well. I always try to do my best to make my holidays really exciting, because we have only few days in a week for relaxation and rest.
Yesterday my friends and I agreed to meet at my place. First we watched a very interesting TV show “What? Where? When?”. Then we went took a videocassette and watched an outstanding movie “The Independence Day”. This is a story about strangers from the other planets that were trying to conquer the whole Earth and about the struggle against them. The movie is full of visual effects and computer graphics that takes your breath and makes you admire the modern technologies in the cinema. I wish our studios and directors made such movies. “The Independence Day” can be added to the genius pieces of modern art – that is my opinion.
Having watched the film, we decided that it was a time to go outside. The first place we went to was the sports ground. Though it was rather cold, we put on warm clothes and had fun. Almost all day long we played soccer and basketball.
As for me, I like weekends and holidays, as the majority of other people. And I like telling about my holidays. It’s dull to listen about the ordinary working day, how do you think? Every working day looks like another, but every weekend is different from the other. During the weekend we have an opportunity of enjoying the life and having rest.
“Library is a temple of books”, -- somebody said. And I fully agree with these wise words. Every person in our country elder than 14 years old, I’m sure, was at least one time in the library. The majority of young people has subscriptions to the libraries they like. The libraries not only give us a vast choice of books, but also offers excellent opportunities of having rest.
As you know, I study at the Far-Eastern State University, and I’m very proud that its library is thought to be the one of the largest in Primorye and even the whole Far-East.
Soon after our studies began, we had heard for a course of lectures about the university library. We were told about the rules of using books we take from the library and about its catalogues. Having listened to this course, we passed an examination that showed everything we had learnt.
Soon I had to visit our library the first time as I needed a text book on economics. I went downstairs (as library is situated in the ground floor) and found a room I was searching for. But I didn’t get the immediately as it was many students. So I waited for my turn. I asked to a librarian if I could get the book on economical theory. She answered affirmatively and soon brought me a book which name was “Modern economics”. Than the librarian asked me if it was for the first time I used the library’s services. I answered that it was true, and she suggest me to receive reader’s ticket. I was interested to know what documents I had to provide for this. She told that she needed only my photo 3x4 cm and some money. Fortunately, I had picture with myself and two minutes later I was the owner of reader’s ticket, which proves that I am a real member of the university library.
So, that is my story about our library. By the way, I want to say you that I was greatly surprised the level of service in it. It was very pleasant to meet kind librarian that was eager to help in everything you ask.
Everybody can fall ill with any disease. Fortunately, only cold and flu are quite frequent in our city among infectious illnesses. They are rather easy for the modern medicine and various pills can help you a lot in overcoming this trouble. But, of course, being sick isn’t a pleasant way of spending your time. In such situation friend’s participation in this trouble can encourage you, give you moral support and even can make yourself feel better. That’s why you always should visit your sick friends. You must remember that tomorrow this illness may happen with you.
I always try to follow this rule. Fortunately, my friends don’t fall ill frequent. But I remember such case that happened about 12 months ago. One of my best school friends had fallen ill with hard form of flu. Soon I went to his place to see him. I took some things that, as I was expecting, were interesting for him. Among them I brought a videocassette with best game moments of National Basketball Association. He was very glad for this present and soon we both were enjoying the outstanding games of the strongest basketball league in the world. Then I told him all last school news and everything about the material we had passed when he was absent. Then we tried to entertain ourselves and started to solve crosswords in the newspapers, to watch TV set, so we began to do all that everybody makes when he doesn’t know what to do. To my surprise, I lost the feeling of time and there was deep evening, when I understood, that it was a time to go to the home. When I was leaving for the home, my friend promised that he would be all right soon and he kept his word. In a two days he came to school and started to study various subjects with new energy. Sometimes a little interval is useful for a person.
Modern medicine helps us a lot in a illness treatment. It also gives us many advises of how not to fall ill. Please follow these recommendations, and don’t be sick.
We are 4 at our family: my mother, father, my elder brother and I. I think, our family is friendly, united. We spend much time together, go for a walk in the woods, visit theaters, museums, go to the cinema. My mother’s name is Luidmila Mikhailovna. She is an engineer, she works in an office. She is a kind, nice woman. She can cook very well. She is fond of reading. My father’s name is Konstantin Alexeevich. He is a sailor. He is a strong, clever man. He often tells me interesting stories about different countries. Father can do a lot of things. He teaches me to repair furniture, to drive a car. My brother’s name is Alexei. He is 22 years old. He have been studied in Far- Eastern State Marine Academy for 5 years. Now it is a very difficult period for him: he is passing through state exams.
I have my duties about the house. I must go shopping, clean the rooms. It’s not difficult for me. I like our home to be clean and tidy. I think home is the nicest place. As proverb says, “East or West, home is best”. There is no place more delightful than home and there are no people more dear than your relatives.
One of my friend, Dmity Shevelev, lives in Vladivostok now though he was born in Nakhodka. Some years ago he graduated from the one of our institutions and became an engineer. Now he lives near his office. He usually walks there. He works on weekdays. I can’t say that he work hard, but all his mates like him because he is a good mixer or, as you may say, he is very communicable person. He doesn’t work on Saturday or Sunday. His working day usually lasts for eight hours. His duties are to answer all incoming letters and calls, to meet with different specialists, to help young engineers. He often tells me that he likes his job. I usually meet him after the work and we speak about life. He is very glad that he found such work where he can show all his talents. Though there is a difference between our ages, we have much in common. He is among my best friends.
By the way, my friend knows English rather well (he finished school #13). It helps him a lot as every year various foreign delegations come to their office. These delegations change different technologies with our specialists and discuss many problems. All foreigners thought Shevelev to be the best translator in their institute.
I usually start my day with getting up and doing all things that everybody does in the morning: washing, having breakfast, etc. Also, I got used to gather my learning tools: pencils, exercise-books, text-books in the morning. Then I usually go to the university. Fortunately, father takes a car every morning and he often picks me up and drives me to the doors of our university building.
And soon the lectures and lessons begin... We have from 2 to 4 lectures every time, depending on day. I like studying in the university more than in the school because in university it is mostly allowed to miss some lectures (of course, later you should take a summary from your mate and copy it). So, a student is much more free, than pupil is.
After the lessons I usually return home where I have dinner and start thinking about my ways of spending the rest of the day. Very often I go to my friend’s places. During the early autumn and summer I often go to the sports ground or on the beach. I also like visiting different sports events, for example, soccer matches of “Luch” in Russian championship. So, the world is full of enjoyable things to do.
On returning home I usually start doing my homework (perhaps, it is the most dull part of the day). Having finished it, I open a book and read it or watch TV. At last, I go to the bed.
Of course, I would like to tell you more about myself and my working day, but, unfortunately, my time is rather limited and I have got a lot of homework to do. Generally, now you know about my working day enough.
You are lucky if you have grandmother in the country to go to. Visiting our old relatives gives us excellent chance to become children again. Every time you are at your grannies they start to take care of you. That’s why everybody loves his grannies very much. Countryside is always the nicest place for everybody as its fresh air cheers you up and the low level of noise helps you to have real rest.
My grandmother lives at Oceanskaya station. Every summer I got used to spent my summer vocations at her place. It is the nicest place for me. There is sand beach and deep forest – it is all I need for the rest. Every day is full of adventures – you may investigate woods, get sunburn or swim in the sea. And if you also find good friends to spend time with – you may call this place real paradise. And all this pleasures one can get only in 25 kilometers of the city!
My grandmother is kind old woman. Her name is Lidia Federovna. All her life she worked hard and now she is still very industrious and tender-hearted. I love her very much. moments in my life I spent at her place at Okeanskaya station. I will never forgot my grandmother’s house and I am sure the impressions I got there will be among the brightest in my life.
As you know, our group has two English lesson a week: on Tuesday and Friday. When the teacher come and opens the door, we come in and sit down at the tables. Then we open our bags and take our exercise-books and Bonk’s text-books.
And soon the lesson begins... We usually start it by pronouncing different words and sounds. Then we are usually invited to the blackboard by the teacher and Oksana Victorovna asks us the words we were to teach by heart. After that we usually do some exercises from the text-book. These exercises teach us to ask questions, or how to make negative sentences and so on. Then, having got our exercise-books for tests, we usually write spelling, two tests and a quiz. During the lesson we speak mostly English, but sometimes, when the students don’t understand the teacher or the task in the text-book, we start speaking Russian.
What I like best of all in our English lessons is the gay, friendly atmosphere in the class. The funny joke is always greeted.
To the end of the lesson the teacher always gives us a huge homework. It usually consists of learning new words or a text by heart and making several exercises in a writing form. Then we all say good-bye to our teacher and begin preparing to the new lesson.
Here I want to end my small composition about the English lessons in the university, where I study. And I want to say you that all English lessons are among the most interesting and the most exciting lessons; that’s why I like them very much.
Every young man wants to live independently. And I’m not an exception. Of course, the time will come, when I will alone in my flat. I wait for this moment and imagine, that my new flat will be at least three roomed. There will be a study, a bed-room, a dinning-room. Of course, there also will be a kitchen and a bathroom. The dinning- room will be big comfortable room with big table in the center. There also will be several armchairs, and a big TV set in it. In this room I shall receive guests. I also shall put a piano in the one of corners of the room and shall start taking piano lessons cause I like this musical instrument very much.
The bed-room will become my favorite one because it is a room of rest where everybody can spend several hours without noise and fuss. There I shall put my PC that helps me very much.
Another room – study will be the place where I shall do all my work. There will be a large table full of papers and several shelves. I am going to gather big collection of books, so they won’t stay empty.
That’s how I imagine my future flat. I hope that these dreams will become true.
I think summer is the best season for rest because it is warm, the nature is beautiful and we have great opportunities for rest. Summer is a time of holidays. We can go for a walk all day long, watch the clouds, swim, sit down by a river or a lake on fresh, green grass, climb high hills, play different games, ride a bicycle and so on.
I spend my summer holidays at my granny. There were many things there to enjoy. I swam in the sea, laid in the sun and did many other things. Sometimes I made a fire with my friends at the seaside and cooked potatoes there. It was wonderful. We told anecdotes to each other, and did everything we wanted. I also got used to walk alone in the forest.
When the August was coming to the end, I went on a small voyage by ship. The ship name was “Olga Sadovskaya”.
But the last summer wasn’t for me only sugar and honey. I have passed through the graduating exams in school and entering exams in the university and technical university. So the bigger part of my summer vocations I spent at the books. Of course, it was not interesting, but I’m glad that I did it because now I’m a student of the best university in Primorye and the whole Far-East.

Название: 10 сочинений по иностранному языку /english/
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Да, но только в случае крайней необходимости.

Сочинение: 10 сочинений по иностранному языку /english/
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