Soccer Day

Soccer Day

soccer players celebrating

when and where did soccer originate

The characters in Tamako Market don’t interact with it, but this is the intersection closest to Tamako’s home, so it appears often in the background. While the shop appears in the Tamako Market opening credits and is depicted with some shopper activity in passing, the main characters do not interact with it. This fishmonger with the large mackerel above its awning also appears frequently in the Tamako Market background. The characters don’t interact with its Tamako Market counterpart Living Shop “Usual” (リビングショップ いつもの), but it’s often there in the background. Inoue Fruit Shop (井上果物店) is exactly as its name suggests, and stocks some vegetables as well. There is more information about Inoue in the section on Highly Visible Individuals. Its proprietor, Inoue Atsushi (井上 淳), is also the current president of the Masugata business cooperative, so the business and community environment at the shōtengai is a very high priority for him. High point of 2020: Taking Leverkusen to the final eight of the Europa League was good, but a hat trick in a League Cup win over Barnsley was a nice moment early in his Chelsea career.

when and where did soccer originate

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