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Trimming and training are essential methods of maintaining your plants and maximising their output. Trimming away leaves that hog the light from buds and undergrowth which obstructs airflow will make for a more productive plant. Training is less extreme and simply involves bending and securing the plant to ensure the buds receive maximum exposure to light and air. There is a variety of different techniques to help growers get the most out of their plants. Instead of growing larger plants for longer, the Sea of Green technique attempts to grow a larger number of smaller plants, more quickly, thus utilising the growing space and time to maximum effect. A short guide to Sea of Green. The Screen of Green technique is very similar to Sea of Green however it makes use of a screen made of net or wire. This keeps the plants at a desired height allowing them to better control the growing environment and make optimum use of limited space. A short guide Screen of Green. Indica and Sativa varieties differ significantly in shape and height, for more info check out our marijuana seeds section. Regardless of how much sunlight, water and nutrients you provide your plant with, it will still have a limited amount of energy. Therefore, pruning the smaller, lower branches which have fewer buds and receive less light will redirect energy into the larger flowers and create bigger, heavier buds. This may have to be repeated several times during the procedure. LST is a form of training whereby the topmost branch or tip of the plant — to which a plant will always direct most of its energy — is tied down, thus tricking the plant into thinking that its highest point has been removed. It will then send energy into growing new buds and shoots, thus maximising output. A short guide Low Stress Training. FIM is the practice of removing the topmost growing tip of a marijuana plant to encourage it to grow sideways rather than upwards. It is especially useful for those who have limited vertical space or power from their light source. It has the name FIM because of the ease with which growers can cut off more than they intended with the initial severance, which will inhibit growth. Topping a marijuana plant is very similar to FIM, although a little more drastic. Instead of cutting only the topmost growing tip, topping dictates that you cut off entirely the topmost growth, node and all side shoots. This will force the plant to grow two new buds in place of the old one, thus increasing yield. This will lead to a stronger plant which grows faster, can support more weight and produces larger buds. It will also allow you to control the direction of growth by bending and twisting the side shoots in the desired direction. Trimming and training marijuana plants is an essential part of the marijuana growing process. Depending on the conditions you are growing in will dictate whether or not you can use techniques such as Sea of Green, Screen of Green or LST. Is it best to take them all off? Your email address will not be published. A short guide to Sea of Green 1 Find a suitable mother plant or plants from which you will be able to take sustained cuttings indefinitely. A short guide Screen of Green 1 Find a suitable screen made of net or wire with large holes. Pruning Regardless of how much sunlight, water and nutrients you provide your plant with, it will still have a limited amount of energy. A short guide 1 Wash and disinfect your hands thoroughly; open wounds on a plant are highly vulnerable to contamination. Low Stress Training LST LST is a form of training whereby the topmost branch or tip of the plant — to which a plant will always direct most of its energy — is tied down, thus tricking the plant into thinking that its highest point has been removed. FIM FIM is the practice of removing the topmost growing tip of a marijuana plant to encourage it to grow sideways rather than upwards. A short guide FIM 1 Wash hands and sterilise any tools to be used thoroughly. Topping Topping a marijuana plant is very similar to FIM, although a little more drastic. A short guide to Topping 1 Wash hands and sterilise equipment. A short guide to Super Cropping 1 Start super cropping 2 or 3 weeks into the vegetative phase. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

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