So let me explain why you can do CrossFit:

So let me explain why you can do CrossFit:

So let me explain why you can do CrossFit:

Every workout can be adjusted so every single person can do a version of that workout. This is true whether the person is under 5 or over 100. It’s true whether the person is fit or overweight. It’s true whether the person is healthy or sick. It’s true whether the person is right as rain or dealing with significant injuries.

CrossFit coaches tailor training for individuals by modifying workouts. Trainers might change the movements in the workout, or they might change its length. They might ask an athlete to lift more or less weight. They might ask an athlete to move faster or slower. This process is often referred to as “scaling.”

By adjusting workouts, trainers allow the fittest people and first-timers to train side by side—and both groups become healthier. gym near me : The experienced athlete and the new person will bump fists at the end of the workout, each knowing the other just overcame a challenge.

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