Snuff Stories

Snuff Stories


Snuff Stories

This story contains violent content if you find such things distressing please do not read on. Stacey Sherwood hated working late, she hated end of month figures, and most of all she hated her fucking PC for having erased all her figures for the day

United States and the institution of the National Female Culling Act of 2060 implemented by congress to solve the worlds meat shortage, by using the meat of young girls age 18 - 30, who would be butchered by hand using various sharp knives and cleavers while still alive or by using The Jessica 3000

The three slaves kneel panting by the bedside, each moving up and down rhythmically. Between each of their legs is a dildo, stuck to the floor and now drenched with their juices. Their slim bodies twisting and writhing while being impaled by them

Warning: Two women die by the sword - the wound inflicted in the worst possible place. Don't read this if you're squeamish or have problems with reading about female sexual torture by a male

“In the top news this hour – A landmark Supreme Court decision to reverse underground performer Vince Doesmore’s conviction in the widely publicized Brandy Wine murder case

ments about this story to() ********************************************************************* Part 3 of 4 - Jessica's Number The day started like any other, Jessica, the star of the story, got up from bed and took a long look at her naked form in the full length mirror hanging on her wall

Phillip rose out of bed to turn his alarm clock off. He kept it on the other side of the room, as he had a habit to hit the snooze button too many times. After hitting the ‘off’ button, Phillip reached up to rub at his eyes

WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental

Chapter 3: The Stage is Set It was day sixteen. Before me lay the beach, the water some two hundred paces away. Dozens and dozens of ships crowded the fjord, each packed full of warriors. Blue-green banners flapped gently above furled sails, emblazoned with a white tower castle

It all began with a chance encounter in an Internet chat room. Sally was doing her favorite thing . . . flirting with the boys in an adult room, and when stimulated enough by the boys she linked with, getting in some serious masturbation

The camera swims into focus on her breasts, filling the entire frame. Backing up a little, a hint of a smile can be seen at the top of the screen as she moves her hands up and over her breathtakingly full globes

Kevin and Lana were in trouble. They had wanted to go home as their high-school activities ended, but at one point, three very shady and angry guys blocked their path

Disclaimer: The following story is graphic and extreme, featuring disfigurement, incest, rape and a whole host of other perversions that would offend ordinary senses. I would never do anything in this story to anyone, but a little fantasy now and then isn’t a bad thing

Shelly is sat before a table in a large, dank chamber. She sits upon an ornate leather throne. She is only twelve years old. She is very pretty, with blonde curtains. She wears a tight shirt of thick purple latex. It has been specially prepared for little Shelly by the Master

e you, he he" He said placing a hand on her shoulder, "You trust me to go in and spit her alone?" Jessica asked "That's the deal and when you are done with her there are four more spits now available and waiting to be filled, think you can handle that?" Jerry said removing his hand from her shoulder

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 14

My stories are mostly non-consensual and they often depict violent slavery of very young girls, with large amounts of torture, humiliation and killing.
If you want to comment click here .

"In our special magazine we will bring you stories about the demises and deaths of tens of young girls, their mothers, sisters and daughters"

Author's Note:
Most of the recurring stories that I already have, they were written when I first started my take on the WSA Universe.
They were my very initial experiences at writing and as such they suck, badly.
Not the ideas, those are nice, but the writing itself is often rough and unpleasant.
I've started to re-write some of them and I'll publish them here when they're ready.
But don't hold your breath in the meantime: nowadays I like the short one-shot format a lot more and I'm not really in any rush to work on those long, complicated and mostly unfinished stories.
Disclaimer :
It should be obvious but I feel compelled to stress that every word in this site is pure fantasy and it has nothing to do with the real world.
Even more, all drawings do not reference or depict anyone or anything in the real world but are created from the imagination of their authors.
All other authors' stories are copyrighted by the original author, as stated in each story's page.
ASSTR Counter (updated weekly): 18.005.716 ( See details story by story )
Last week: 93.789 (Sunday, November 30, 2014 through Saturday, December 6, 2014)
nc, semi/reluct, preteen, ped, teen, humil, rape, snuff, tort, preg, gyno, img
That's their destiny, they're only commodities to be sold and used and discarded.
semi/reluct, preg, inc, ped, preteen, tort, humil, rape, gyno, img
Give your daughter the gift she deserves!
semi/reluct, preteen, ped, teen, tod, humil, rape, snuff, tort, preg, gyno, img
Pregnant girls on the chopping block or on the market. Make your bid, before they and their children are sold or butchered.
nc, semi/reluct, cons, preteen, inc, snuff, preg, piss, torture, menstr, rape, humil, gyno, img
Three Sweet Scenes with Moms and Daughters
nc, humil, tort, snuff, hang, rape, img
nc, tort, hang, snuff, gyno, teen, humil, img
Third part of these sweet hanging scenes
nc, semi/reluct, ped, teen, preteen, hang, snuff, gyno, tort, humil, preg, img
Another Three Sweet Hanging Scenes.
nc, ped, tort, rape, snuff, hang, humil, amp, img
Come with us to torture to death a whole school of little girls.
semi/reluct, nc, hang, tort, rape, preteen, humil, ws, gyno, img
cons, semi, preg, snuff, tort, humil, img
cons, snuff, hang, rape, tort, humil, img
semi, inc, ped, preteen, teen, humil, img
nc, tort, rape, ped, preg, tod, inc, humil, img
All the advantages of my new credit card.
nc, tort, ped, preg, snuff, tod, inc, humil, img
The first test I do after my slaves give birth.
nc, ped, teen, preteen, hang, rape, inc, snuff, tort, img
What can I do with my slaves? Whatever I want, obviously.
Akane is my new asian 9yo slave girl.
reluct, ped, preg, tort, snuff, tod, inc, humil, rape, img
My daughters go to their brothers as slaves.
A young girl get tortured until she agrees to kill her younger sister.
nc, hang, snuff, tort, ped, humil, rape, img
Why turns are so important in my household.
nc, snuff, drowning, tort, ped, img
A slave is sinked immediately after sex.
semi, rape, ped, preteen, inc, preg, humil, img
The process and the beauty of slavery explained.
semi, rape, ped, preteen, preg, tort, img
How I converted my wife and daughter to be my pregnant slaves.
A little girl hopes to live while standing with the neck in the noose.
He amputated his daughter and now she's limbless and a perfect sex toy.
A couple of women get the rope while one is pregnant.
Snuff Girl for men ( nc, snuff, rape, inc, tod, ped, preteen, teen, hang, tort, humil, amp, best, gyno, img )
NEW  : Number 21/14 out now!
Kim is about to receive unwelcome attentions from an older gentleman and her husband is not going to protect her.
Expanded (and modified) version of a story I wrote for a contest at The Dolcettish Forums
Introduction to the WSA-GSA Universe. In short, it's set in the first decade of 21th century but with an alternative history of the 20th century behind.
Not necessary to read the stories, especially the one-shots, but useful to understand certain allusions.
non-consensual, victims fighting, anger
Semi-consensual, following orders, begins non-consensual and ends consensual, accepting fate. Reluctant, starts out as rape but she likes it.
consensual, happily embracing or submitting to fate
involving pregnant women and their unborn children
involving hanging or breath control
tipically a short story based on one or more drawings
toddler, involving girls from 0 to 3
pre-teen, involving girls from 10 to 14
involving torture and/or unconsensual pain
involving humiliation and/or psychological abuse
involving mind control through magic , drugs or hypnosis (but not blackmail)
violent rape, almost equivalent to nc
gynophagia, using women as meat, cooking girls or women over fire or in an oven
watersports, golden showers, pissing on slave or slave pissing, often implies humil
If someone is interested in commercial use of my work, contact me here

IBP | 

Copyright ∞ EroticKynk. All rights reserved

Why is a sexual death so arousing? Is your final orgasm in your death throes the best you'll ever have? Is your world so full of pain that an ecstatic death is more attractive than life itself? Perhaps it is simply chasing the mythical promise of a sexually blissful last moment.
Read them. Enjoy them. But don't repost and claim they are your own.

Over 18 millions pervert stories served! And counting...
Welcome to my little abode of horrors and pleasures. I am Sir Snuff, your host.
In here you'll find your worst nightmares, tales of violence and depravity created by sick minds for the perverse pleasure of us all.
You'll read about the painful demise of young girls, tortured to death for the pleasure of the onlookers, and you'll learn how to butcher and cook beautiful women under the terrified eyes of their own daughters.
Be warned, this is not a place for weak hearts or feeble minds but a place where to rejoice in the highest form of pleasure, the pleasure of evil and cruelty.
Per me si va ne la città dolente,
per me si va ne l'etterno dolore,
per me si va tra la perduta gente.
Giustizia mosse il mio alto fattore:
fecemi la divina podestate,
la somma sapienza e 'l primo amore.
Dinanzi a me non fuor cose create
se non etterne, e io etterno duro.
Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'entrate
This site hosts both my own stories and those of other authors, found here and there on the net, that I love and that I feel are somehow related to my own ( if one of the original authors wants a story removed, contact me here )
Please, let me know what you think of this site and of my stories. Send comment here .
I answer all mails that bear at least a minimum of politeness and proper language.
If you write me anonymously, then I'll reply in the appropriate section, depending if you are just an anonymous admirer appreciative of my work or a moron hater. All hate mails will be archived and I'll try my best to address the concerns of these 'gentlemen'.
Read my hate mails while they're still fresh!
Read my anonymous mails and see for yourself that not all anonymous people are morons, some actually like my work!

Violent slavery, impregnation, torture, killing and eating
of very young girls and their pregnant mothers.

Most common story codes : nc, semi/reluct, ped, tod, preteen, teen, preg, tort, ws, gyno, snuff, inc, hang, amp, rape, humil, img
Nap is violent and harsh and his children (mostly little girls and a few little boys) are always in danger and in great pain and distress!
Clayton's stories are nice and fuzzy, he truly loves his young lovers and cares for them.
You won't find any violence here, neither in action nor in words. And everything is strictly consensual and often well negotiated.
In most of Honda's stories cannibalism is a normal fact of life and thus are consensual. A few however tell stories of murderers and killings.
First Class Service is about my dream airline, in which hostess are ready to service the passengers in any way, included their own lives.

Gynophagia is his main theme and he's very imaginative.
Too bad for all those doc files and for the many grammar errors. But the abundant violence against little girls (and sometimes little boys too, be warned) makes it up for it.
Rejoyce! Lolita Bondage is born again and it's called Loliwood Studios!
Many authors, many styles, many stories.
One common factor: little kids in big trouble and lots of pain.
No snuff and killings for now. But be faithful and you'll be rewarded.
nc, cons, semi/reluct, snuff, inc, gyno, ws, teen, rape, tort
See here for explainations of tag meanings
The Dolcettish Forums [previously known as IlPollaio, you need an account to see any of it. Quite extreme in description and graphics.]
New GUROchan GUROchan is dead! All hail new GUROchan! /g/ (Gore/Death) is where I find most of the horrible things that inspire me. [Careful with this one, it's really extreme!]
Pixiv [To see the really extreme stuff, you have to setup a user with the appropriate permissions set on, see this reddit post on the subject, here a local mirror ]
DeviantArt [To see the really naughty and extreme stuff, you'll need an account with the adult flag set on]
Disclaimer :
It should be obvious but I feel compelled to stress that every word in this site is pure fantasy and it has nothing to do with the real world.
Even more, all drawings do not reference or depict anyone or anything in the real world but are created from the imagination of their authors.
All other authors' stories are copyrighted by the original author, as stated in each story's page.
ASSTR Counter (updated weekly): 18.005.716 ( See details story by story )
Last week: 93.789 (Sunday, November 30, 2014 through Saturday, December 6, 2014)
anal bestiality humil incest nc preg rape snuff tortures
Kelli Paine is a female writer that has a strong fetish for forced impregnation, torture, little girls and little boys, humiliation and a good deal of piss and scat. Her stories are often quite violent, sometimes leading the victims to their deaths, not before, however, having suffered long and hard for the pleasure of their tormenters.
cons, semi/reluct, nc, gyno, snuff, tort, amp, feet, rape, humil, incest
Gourmet Restaurant is the place to be if you want to taste the cooked flesh of a young, beautiful girl.
These stories are only two things in common: they have Cannibalism and Gynophagia as principal theme and they have been selected by me as my personal favourites among countless others.
Stories from various contributors who, evidently, like my site or my stories. Thanks!
Frank is the epitome of consensual pedophile sex. His stories always revolve around oversexed young children who want nothing more than have sex with their adults. And be impregnated (or impregnate) in the process. The pregnancy element is almost always present here. Everything is strictly consensual. A lot of incest, often multi-generational (with some funny jokes about pronoums: how do you call your's and your daughter's daughter?).
cons, semi/reluct, nc, mc, ped, tort
CG's stories are a mix between cohercion and consensual. There's an element of non consensuality (often avoided through some kind of mind control) but for the most part CG's kids are loved and well treated
cons, semi/reluct, nc, humil, ped, tort, mc
T2C has developed the Ropeville background and most of these stories are centered on Paul Purple (PP) and his dear slaves, Pauline and Billie-Jo.
snuff, cons, nc, tort, ws, gyno, rape
DW's stories are not the best written ever. But he's very imaginative on motivations and settings and his torture scenes are always very very cruel. Beware of a good amount of scat going around there.
True love is a complete example: full of random violence agains a completely submissive pregnant woman and her newborn daughters, who gets tortured, killed and eaten.
cons, semi/reluct, nc, tort, ped, gyno
cons, semi/reluct, nc, tort, ped, preg, mc
nc, cons, semi/reluct, inc, ped, tod, preteen, teen, rape, tort, mc, ws, preg, best
Anonymous Cuts is a wonderful and very long story about the last few days of life of a woman whose number has been extracted in the meat lottery. Enjoy as she tries to save her daughters and her friends from her own fate in the little time she's left.
nc, snuff, gyno, tort, teen, rape, ws
Chairman's S3 Society is a wonderful place where women have only one reason in life: to please men with their sex, with their pain and with their deaths.
These are The Three 'S'es: Sex, Screams, and Snuff.
nc, snuff, tort, tod, rape, inc, ped, humil, drowning
Anna Laura writes magnificent stories about liberated women who love "late abortions" and "post-birth abortions", where the baby is almost to term and killed (or aborted) just after birth, and who love to abuse and torture other females and little girls (and the random guy/boy) with the help of their men.
mc, rape, inc, ped, preteen, teen, nc, semi/cons, cons, preg
In his words, he writes about the "nerd who gets the girl" through the use of some kind of mind control. Usually, he gets very young girls and sometimes their moms, all conditioned to be his slave girls. Cute and sexy and nicely written, a lot of long stories and a few short and sweet ones.
nc, semi/reluct, cons, rape, tort, snuff, humil
A reincarnation of the defunct Dark Erotic Fiction site and its WSA2000 universe, direct inspiration for all my stories.
The stories are long and complex and they are published periodically in a blog format. There's a directory to avoid getting tangled in the damn wordpress, but I wanted to link to a couple of my favourite chapters of the two main stories, Rita's and Delia's.
If someone is interested in commercial use of my work, contact me here

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