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Snuff Favorite List

Brands & Flavors of Smokeless Tobacco, Dip, Snuff & Chew

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Just because the flavor of a dip seems to be non-harmful, make no mistake about it – THESE PRODUCTS CONTAIN TOBACCO AND NICOTINE!!! They are NOT safe alternatives to cigarettes, they are addictive and they can cause cancer.
Why whenever a person doesn’t like something it has to be a campaign against it for the world this is 2020 all who seek help can get it and are aware. Their are those of us that don’t need you and your I can’t do it alone groups. Iam 73 year’s old chewing on a plug since 1960. Was a high school and college track star in 440 yd. dash, Rodeo champion, Archery champ and still walk the Forrest practiceing with my 52 lb. Fred Bear
Recurve and long bow Drs. Give me good bill of health every year. Only bad health was cancer @ age 39 came from
chemical, used on ranch. Continued to chew all thru my Chemo it helped me calm down no one is bothered since I don’t have to dispose of juice.
If you live a perticular way of life and enjoy it fine do it quite and for yourself if you have to tell someone tell Your God he is always waiting for us all. I’m not pushing just passing on something that has helped me thru Hell and back life hasn’t been easy it’s tough for many with tougher things than cancer or addiction to a dip. So enjoy what you have and be greatfull if your here tomorrow.
You know everyone is different, but for me just reading about all these brands and flavors made my mouth water and crave for tobacco. Last time I caved was directly because I started using the fake stuff, like I said everyone is different, but last time I quit I ordered some fake stuff to calm the cravings, while using it I couldn’t get the same satisfaction of the real stuff so it kept pushing for the nicotine fix until one fine day i came across an old can i had forgotten to throw away. I was on day 99 and I said, “what the hell, just one”. Then four years later I had to start all over again. If the fake stuff helps you stay off it then by all means use it, for me, I learned that I have got to stay off it completely.
Hello, does anyone know of a tobacco free nicotine pouch manufacture? I am starting a company and need a product similar to and appreciate any help on this matter. thanks
Hi Richard – there’s boat load of great pouch products out there. Give this a shot:
Bacc Off Wingergreen is the best by far
No but I dip a can of grizzly wintergreen wide cut or long cut a day if you can make it with the amount of nicotine in that I will help you with the financial aid I’m a lawyer
Hey peeps what I am trying to find is the tiny plastic tin of leaves that are rolled up ,but these don’t make you spit. I also can’t recall the name of them. Email me if you know what im talking about.ac55 thank you.
Lil brown shack has it its called Oliver Twist
Thanks for the info. I’ve been looking for this too. It’s too expensive to order from Denmark. Lil Brown shop won’t ship it. Do you know anywhere in the US that will ship?
hey bob who cares you need to grow up and use this web site for what its for:dippers trying to quit
Nate i agree with you but you shld prob leave this website go cuz its for dippers trying to quit but you state valid points and you should try to stop
It’s difficult for me to believe the ignorance of some of you. I’ve been dipping Copenhagen for about 27 years. When I was younger I could stop whenever I wanted and would go up to a year without it so I never thought twice about it. 10 years ago I got to the point where I didn’t want to be addicted to this horrible habit… I couldn’t stop. I tried off and on for years to quit and couldn’t do it. I bought a vape 3 years ago to help quit, it worked for a while but the addiction wouldn’t go away. I’m back in, dipping a can a day of CLC.
If you honestly think dip isn’t harmful to your health you’re sadly mistaken and poorly informed. There is plenty of data available on the cancer/heart disease/ vascular disease risks of those who dip vs the general population. The risks are real.
I wish I could quit forever, I just can’t seem to do it.
I could go on for days but I’m going to let Dr. Rodu do the talking for me. I’ve had way too many relatives die of shit causes that dipped to believe that it causes cancer. I promise that the FDA providing these false numbers is a ploy to make the Christian Anti-Tobacco extremists happy and you have fallen for it my good man.
Dr. Rodu (a doctor who has his work paid for by Big Tobacco) doesn’t hold much weight around these parts.
I don’t trust either government or tobacco company opinions from doctors. What I do trust is evidence provided in courts and debated back and forth by lawyers for both parties in front of a jury. Evidence has shown over and over that tobacco in any form does harm some people. Some do have a genetic make up where they are more likely to be harmed by tobacco. Others have used tobacco all their life with no harmful effects. It really come down to genetics more than anything else. The national average for people getting cancer from dipping tobacco is the same average as for people who have never dipped tobacco. If a person want to use tobacco, use it. If they want to quit, quit. If they don’t want to use it, don’t. It is about personal freedom. How many people will march in the streets and support the killing of babies by abortion calling it; “A woman’s right to choose” but will then turn around and try to try to take away that same freedom of choice from others.
Can’t say I disagree with anything you said here Darrrell – it’s about choice.
I started as a child around 4 or 5. Growing up in a farm and growing our own tobacco it was normal back then. I could go in any store and but cigarettes. Nobody questioned things in the 70s. Everything can be a habit. I enjoydipping. Nasty ?yes. But I even sleep all night with a dip in. I’ll be 50 in November. I enjoy the habit. I know it’s bad for me. But ice come to accept the fact no body gets out of this world alive. Pale who never use tobacco daily from cancer and heart issues. Done die in car wrecks. At least if it kills me I’ll know what done it. And I can say I’ve lived a life I enjoyed. I wish you the best of luck quitting. It does seem impossible. I’ve tried to. But I enjoy it so I’m weak. Pray about it. Ask God to help you. It sure can’t hurt to. May you all be blessed. Those who do and do not dip. God bless you all.
I here you I’ve dipped cope for 12 years grizz for 2 and I love longhorn natural for the past 10 years ready to try it again I’m looking for a non with a little burn no wintergreen no peach just hard tobacco taste similar to what I’m dipping now any help if wasted a lot of good dollars on smokey mountain and cant do it thx
i believe dip can cause cancer but I also believe it’s a very slim chance, in fact research has shown that smokeless tobacco causes cancer in 1% of the general population. I don’t think you need to worry about cancer guys.
If you’ve not started and you “want” to get into dipping, I’d suggest a non-nicotine / non-tobacco version. There are several here:
copenhagen wintergreen is that a good one
Wintergreen used to be my goto for the past year, til I got sick of having the same flavor over and over again
That’s what I started on when I was 6
I started on Kayak Grape and if you like real bitter stuff try long horn wintergreen
That’s not a strong dip in my opinion
That’s right Skoal cherry or Skoal mint
Grizzly wintergreen pouches is a good starter I say pouches because it’s easier to start with
Copenhagen is always a very good brand along with grizzly.those two are the most natural chewing tobacco in my opinion.
Kyake and is this kyle tracy cause my buddy kyle started dippin in july
Depends on your taste I’d say Copenhagen straight cause it my daily dip if u like flavors skoal cherry pretty good if u like minty type flavor Copenhagen LCD intervenes a great bet
Skoal then work up to grizzly and stay at grizzly or work your way up to cope
Any brand of skoal is a good starter dip
I’ve been dipping sinceI was 10 I’m 51 now used to skoal for years in years I went to Silver Creek fine cut been dipping it for 31 years.
Anything suggest copenhagen pouches
I started on pouches because I have braces but for a beginner dip I would recommend mint or wintergreen because it already has a taste your taste buds will recognize
Skoal pouches are the best to start. Your body has to get use to all of the nicotine and everything that is in the dip. I started woth that when i was 15 now im 16 and use copehagrn wintergreen.
I started with skoal xtra mint . anything minty is a good start , Stay away from Skoal Berry , that shit will kill you.
Copenhagen Straight Long Cut, or Copenhagen Southern Blend Long Cut. I started when I was in AIT for Army, those were the two that always stood out to me, love the taste. If that’s too strong you can always go to Skoal, it has a bunch of different flavors. If I had to choose Skoal, I’d pick up Extra Mint.
There’s really no right or wrong one, but you wanna start probably with something that isn’t real strong as using weaker tobacco gives your body time to get acclimated to the nicotine. The strongest ones (ones you should avoid) are Mint, Wintergreen, Southern Blend, and in many cases, Straight. I’d say go for something pretty mild at first like SkoalLC Cherry or Wolf Peach. Then start out with baby pinches and work your way up to your most comfortable serving size.
Oh and if you have acid reflux stay away from mint flavors
OMG. I am communicating from the future Kyle…. & I just slapped the shit out of you!!! If you haven’t started & want to think about it long and hard. It affects everything in your life… everything! And think about what kind of girl will accept it. What kind of girl do you like on the scale. You’ll be lucky to hit a positive #. More than likely you’ll end up with a negative beauty…. in fact I know because again I’m your future. Kyle your future is in your hands… it’s your choice but don’t you ever say you weren’t warned. This goes for anyone thinking of starting. I know when your young you think you can handle anything but as you grow older it’s unbelievable how big life gets. One more thing… if you have to ask the question what good is it for you to know… use your common sense
Sincerely yours your future you…. ps for everyon… I’m not preaching I’m speaking from experience & if I had the chance to go back & slap some sense into me…. I wouldn’t slap I’d break my jaw-
I actually like this answer, my husband dips. When we first met we made a better who could stop their bad habbit. I was a smoker him a Dipper. I haven’t smoked in 2 years he buys a can of chew every other day. I won the bet but I love him and I chose to deal with his nasty habbit. Spit bottles are gross, I was totally against dating someone who dips, my entire growing up. I am 30 now and and have reasoning lol. But I agree it will be hard to fine a women to accept that bad habbit. Future Kyle hopefully present Kyle takes your advice.
Listen to Chris. I’m 56 y/o. I started when I was 15 or 16 y/o and it wasn’t a negative.We didn’t know it’s long term affects. We also didn’t know how hard it would be to stop. I have yet to succeed in my efforts to quit. 40 years, man!! One of the greatest talents in life is the ability to learn from others mistakes and not make them yourself. Listen. Just don’t do it.
Damn I agree I thought this was a place to help me quit you dont want to start
Why would you want to start? You see all these people complaining about how hard it is for them to quit and u think it’s a good idea? It’s an awful habit to start and if ur not addicted already dont start!!! It’s expensive and eventually you’ll regret ever starting. I’ve been chewing and smoking over 15 years and I’ve been trying to quit for at least 7 of those years. Once your hooked ur hooked there isn’t any turning back from that decision. If u want to destroy ur body now then so be it but here’s a couple warnings: #1 ur not cool!! #2 it ruins ur teeth, gums and throat #3 most woman fund it very unattractive and won’t want to be with u #4 if u do find a woman that will be with u she will be grossed out every time u go to kiss her and most likely won’t kiss u… So rethink ur decision of wanting to start. Don’t be young and dumb man. Even though it may look cool to u now but when u get out of high school absolutely nobody will ever think it’s cool!!!
Only 1% of the general population get cancer from chewing tobacco, becasue not a big percentage of the population does it. What’s the percentage of people who do chew tobacco, that get cancer?
I’m pretty sure this was calculated about Sweden. And they’re a huge tobacco country. And not as big as the US
Smokeless tobacco has the same amount of carcinogens as coffee. And just tobacco had nicotine. Coffee has caffeine which are both addictive. The only real truth is tobacco is addictive, just like coffee. And think about how many people in the U.S. alone drink coffee.
“Smokeless tobacco has the same amount of carcinogens as coffee.”
Is this true? I’ve never seen this particular factoid. Can you please provide a source?
Just what carcinogens are you referring to?
Go work in a surgical ICU where they have to resect areas on patients who have oral cancer. Trust me… you will be convinced.
How the hell is it a slim chance? According to 19.2% of men alone died in 2010 from tobacco usage. How is this not risky? That’s nearly a fifth of the men who died in 2010.
I am girl at first when I put a dip in I thow up that was at 14 and that was grizzle wintergreen and now I am 22 and doing longhorn wintergreen. I do it because itz like a relaxer for work when working with damass
I’ve always been stuck to grizzly. Strong flavour. Powerful hit. Cheap price.
Ok guys lets be honest here your chances of getting mouth cancer are low. Remember cancer is treatable if found early. I do monthly checks and I recommend you do it too. Chewing tobacco and dip don’t cause mouth cancer or any cancer for that sort. It may effect it but it’s not the main cause. Everybody wants you to stop dipping because they think it looks nasty. Well they have to suck it up and deal with it. Cancer is an overgrowth of cells and last time I checked dip and chew don’t do that… SMOKE DOES. So nobody should stop dipping because a man in a white labcoat says stop dipping and chewing tobacco just because he’s paid to say that. Do what you want to do. I’m 25 and I’ve dipped since I was 16. I have no health problems and I’m active and fit. I also go through a can a day. Do what you want.
In the interest of “being honest”. Check out this story about an “active and fit” dude.
I appreciate what yall do. I am stuck between wantin to quit an lovin the oral fixation. The good book says not to be mastered by anything so i gotta take breaks which seems to help but yall got any ideas oe substitutes for regular snuff. Sometimes i use chaw like redman but i wanna get away from ST completely but still get that good spit in. Somethin bout havin a plug in feels great.
Hey Chance – there’s a ton of great non-tobacco, non-nicotine chews available here:
If you’re looking for something more similar to chew, you’ll have to go with sunflower seeds or perhaps beef jerky / Slim Jims.
Hey chewie, which of these products is closest to grizzly longcut wintergreen
Hey Ryan – when you say “these products” are you referring to the alternative products that are listed here:
Big league chew surprisingly helps, if you chew loose leaf or can fight the cravings
The Marsee family sued though and lost the case. A jury said that snuff was in this case not the cause of Sean Marsee’s tongue cancer.
I’ve not researched the details of that particular case so I can’t comment. I’ll simply say this… while I clearly hate Big Tobacco, if I were on a jury where someone was suing them I’d most likely rule the same way. Not because tobacco wasn’t at fault but because I’d have a hard time awarding the case to the Marsee family for something Sean chose to do to himself.
I’ll get back to you after I’ve done some more research…
I’ve dipped since I was 7. I’m 15 now. No problems from it. I dip anything Copenhagen but usualy Copenhagen wintergreen.
Now that I’ve approved this comment, you can stop leaving it. Thanks.
PREACH IT. That’s what I’ve been trying to tell everybody when they tell me to stop.
I’ve never joined conversations before but after reading some comments thought I would chime in…I’ve been chewing since I was 12 and am now 53 .. I’ve never had any tobacco related health issues.. That being said , it is obviously addicting and not “good” for if you’ve never tried it..don’t. Just because nothing has happened to me so far doesn’t mean anything won’t happen to you. Every body is different and reacts different ways…my advice is run your own life and don’t let any addiction run it for you……
Is chewing tobacco any safer than dipping tobacco? Or is it worse?
Johnny chewing tobacco is pretty much the same a dip. Just lasts longer in my opinion.
There’s less nicotine in chew tobacco
do tobacco pouches cause mouth cancer??
Theoretically, all tobacco products cause mouth cancer.
I have been dipping for 5 weeks now will get mouth cancer? I dip grizzly wintergreen and grizzly mint. I can go through one can in 5 days
I go threw a can a day grizzly dark wintergreen for the last 6 years 22 yr now
No way-it takes years and its not a garentee-this site is too cought up in anti tobacco media,everything on here is exaggerated dips not healthy but it probably won’t kill you
It’s “caught” but that’s not why I’m responding.
I’m not going to bother defending whether or not the real experiences of real quitters we relay here are exaggerated or not. Be your own judge. I know what I know and I know that dip did to me.
That said, I’d tend to agree with you. Dip “probably” won’t kill you. But why take the chance?
you guys need to do some research dip has about 30x the cancer causing agents of normal things like food ect ect while cigs are about 300x. Dip is not safe it does cause mouth cancer i know someone who has mouth cancer from it. The safest type tobaco is steam pasturized snus it has like 3.5-5.0 tsna/ cancergenes. Research (Sweden Snus ) (Cancergenes in dip) ( Cancergenes in cigerettes ) Google is your freind do the research your health is worth it
I have been told to quit chewing by someone who had a cigarette hanging from their mouth. My point is that people get so caught up in how tobacco causes cancer they don’t see the whole picture. I’m trying to see the point of view from all these people that are anti-tobacco but i just cant seem to get head that far up your a**. Let people make their own dec
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