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Written by women


«Sally plays a kind of Russian Roulette to get off.»
«When the leader of a female-led religious cult, the Djenerion Sect, is captured by the vile Slavers of Aghara-Penthay and forced to participate in the galaxy’s cruelest sport, her participation in The Rape Run triggers events which topple rulers and alter the fate of worlds.»
«As long as Sally keep cumming she should be fine.»
«The first story of Dmitri, the Waldenstein Cannibal»
«Brave woman forced into the galaxy's cruelest sport»
«A syndicate repossession expert begins his story about the women of a debtor's home.»
«Sally gambles with her life again.»
«The girls get to have their fun with the slave girls»
«An alternative take of a young up and coming singer tries to break in the music biz only to get into that exclusive club»
«UK TV presenter Caroline Flack has decided exit this world with a hang in front of her boyfriend Lewis Burton. A reconstruction of the last moments of the UK TV presenter according to a statement by an anonymous officer at the Metropolitan Police.»
«A french girl is left home alone and decides to explore her parents old mansion, when she finds a relic of the past she cant help but indulge her fantasy to its accidental end.»
«The girl makes the mistake of going back to the dark alley.»
«The former Press Secretary is about to be executed on the orders of the president»
«On late 2018, one important member of the Trump Administration goes on an all-inclusive trip to China to witness executions of drug traffickers»
«A van driver followed a girl cyclist, only then a chain of events happen»
«My first kill. I pulled the previous version simply because it failed to convey the emotions I wished to share. Hopefully I’ve succeded this time.»
«The President's senior counselor gets her last dance but he has other plans»
«In a fantasy world, the exclusively female Dragonbrides have a monopoly on the secret of taming mankind's one true predator. Some of their number take their name as literal, one such member seeking alone time for an intimate moment with her mount.»
«Rachel Riley, known by many as the sweet and innocent UK gameshow hostess who liked to flaunt her body. However, hidden from the public is her seedy sideline which she has to pay that price.»
«“Woe, destruction, ruin, and decay; The worst is death, and death will have his day.”»
«GOP politicians, Candace Owens and Erin Perrine invites Senator Matthew Pottinger for a threesome, will it go as planned.»
«Starring Nicole Arbour, Kaitlin Bennett, Ashton Whitty and Lauren Southern»
«In a not too long future, the President of the United States strikes again, this time at home and at the now former Fox News presenter»
«A barbarian warlord rapes and pillages.»
«Dominion begins testing out his new powers.»
«A violent raid on an unsuspecting village»
«The war between Heaven and Hell has spilled out into the world of the living, and Baltoh, a Demon-Archangel Hybrid and enemy of both worlds, may be the only one who can stop it.»
«After years of hard work and saving money, Kat Cammack could finally afford to take her trip to Mar-a-Lago but is paradise?»
«New strain of COVID, I’m now a disgusting perverted vampire. I creep around a college campus, searching for the perfect girl to claim. Then rape and feed on a college bitch. READ DISCLAIMERS FIRST!»
«This story is brought to you by Black Lives Matters and the families of Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber»
«New strain of COVID, I’m now a disgusting perverted vampire. I sniff and creep around my former milf boss’s house, then rape, kill, and feed on her. Prologue can be skipped. READ DISCLAIMERS FIRST!»
«The Commander and his Aid together for their last night.»

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by Dixon Carter Lee
on Sep 12, 2017

by Nigel Debonnaire
on Sep 15, 2017


"Whatcha got?" Frank Kerman asked.
"Snuff flick... possibly," Bob Yorke replied.
He held up a jiffy envelope that was a bilious beige colour. 'Snuff/Skin Flick' was written on the side in black marker pen.
"Fake... almost certainly," Frank said.
"I know, I know," Bob said. "You know what the young uns are like. I keep telling them over and over—snuff fil...

Pt. VI: What Does a Gal Wear to a Snuff Party?
Janet Turner was working off-line on an article slated for the next morning's edition, when the phone rang. She was a petite, sexy-looking woman, with short, curly brown hair, and blue eyes.
"Yep?" She hooked the phone between her ear and shoulder and kept on typing.
"There go to be a Circle tomorrow night, S...

Hier findet ihr kurze Geschichten, die nicht für sanfte Gemüter sind. Sexualisierte Gewalt, Mord, Snuff, sind Schlagwörter, die auf diese Geschichtensammlung zutreffen. Bei diesen Geschichten handelt es sich um reine Fantasie ohne reale Relevanz. Ich ermutige keine solchen Aktionen oder noch schlimmeres gegen Frauen. Sexuelle Handlungen ohne Einwilligung sin...

This is my first ever story, so hopefully it's not too bad and gets better as I go.
*ALL characters are 18+*
Warnings for this story include sexual content, violence, non-consent, gore, and snuff. If this isn't what you enjoy turn back now.
In this story Voldemort takes a different approach and intends to cripple the resistance at Hogwarts sooner without tak...

It was in the 70s in Colorado. My buddy, Bob, a biker with a bitchin' old panhead chopper, was on friendly terms with his "connection," a local dealer, Eduardo. That made Bob popular with his crowd of biker friends who were always looking to score.
Bob and I built stained glass pieces, and he had a contract to build a large, oval shaped stained glass scene...

Disclaimer: This story is both hardcore and softcore at the same time. lt was intended to be a softcore and sensual approach to hardcore subjects like rape, choking, and very explicit murder. All that means is that "hardcore" themes like incest, bestiality, blood, watersports, and explicit torture will not be included. (If you want more explicit to...

Introduction / Guidelines
This story contains some explicit scenes that all might not find tasteful to their pallet, the story can contain various characters existing on the same or alternative timelines to the main story, it is completely up to participating authors whether or not they tie in the events to the cannon storyline, what aspects they add, change...

The day had finally arrived. The news spread quickly in Devon that the English Fleet had defeated the Spanish Armada, sending the Spanish ships staggering up the coast of Scotland and breaking up across the Atlantic. Sir Francis Drake’s heroism was solidified as word of his calm demeanor in the face of attack circulated. While playing a game of bowls on The...

Once back at the Caywood house, Eve began to clean up the house and contemplated her next move. As much as she wanted to tie up all of the loose ends herself, she had to admit she was in over her head and would need help. She straightened the pictures on the wall and walked out on to the porch, lit a cigarette and thumbed through her contacts on her cell pho...

They say that revenge is best served cold. They also say that revenge is sweet. I don't know who they are but I like how it sounds. I say that makes revenge Ice Cream. That's where I come in. I'm called the Ice Cream Man. I work for an agency of the government called the Parlor. Yes, I picked that to go with my name. Kind of catchy I thought.
The Parlor is...

It was a keen night, the kind New York is famous for, all breezy and city-crisp with that distinctive fall-festival feel of Yankees baseball, Lincoln Center opera and Village jazz. Autumn in New York is a wake up call for the mind which has hibernated the sweaty summer away and emerges refreshed and invigorated and ready to contemplate its urban treasures i...

Science Officer's Log, First Entry, 371231
Begin official log for Science Officer Hedwig Larson, Consortium Space Ship Jay Hook, serial number 23-333-6476. Accepted commission as Science Officer and Ship's Counselor on Stardate 371125, serving under Captain Francis Montezuma and First Officer Cosmo D'Antonio.
Inspected science sensors and recording media;...

The year is 1066; William, Duke of Normandy, invades England from the south as King Harald Hadrade of Denmark seeks to besiege the north. King Harold Godwinson of England has defeated Hadrade at Stamford Bridge, and proceeds to combat William in East Sussex, in the famous Battle of Hastings. Godwinson is killed by a rain of arrows, and Duke William is crowne...

Sure you've seen me before. Probably lots of times, particularly if you subscribe to Ubic Live. Or, before that, to Dolly In. Or, if you go back almost two years, to the real granddaddy of all live subscriber channels: Do It. The subscriber porn channels where someone like me is tortured for your video pleasure, all in real time.
Now, do you remember me?

Der Überfall
Eine Gruppe amerikanischer Soldaten sollen eine Offizierin von einem einsamen Stützpunkt nach Bagdad begleiten und werden von Milizen überfallen. Die Frauen erleiden schreckliches.
####What's next?
Der Überfall, 20.03., Camp Gamma, östlicher Irak
What's next?
Der Überfall, 20.03., Camp Gamma, östlicher Irak...

<It's so bright!>
<Too bright…>
<And painful.>
<Everything here is so hard?>
<Everything hurts.>
<Why is this happening to me?>
<Where am I?>
<I'm burning in this light, but…>
<What is this?>
<I feel something soft…>
<Is it fo...

Editor's Note: this submission contains a serial killer as a character, but there is no snuff content. It does contain themes of dubious consent/nonconsent or kidnapping.
Well it's been a long journey with this one, i've been trying to record the damn thing so many times, but people keep coming in and out of the house.. hanging out just outside my door,...

The 8 bodies fell from the sky toward the Alien world. The group of Predators watched.
The new hunting program has been put into the effect. The Predators still wished to fight the greatest warriors earth had to offer. But the most worthy of the fighters would no longer be killed, but impregnated. The Predators wanted the best of the human genome introduced...

Eine Nacht in Madanibougou
Teilnehmerinnen der Minusma-Mission in Bamako werden für politische Zwecke und auch so missbraucht.
Im Dienst nach Nigeria
Eine diplomatische Mission zu den Boko Haram im Dschungel Nigerias geht fürchterlich schief.
Durch das grüne Land
Eine Ex-SEK-Polizistin begleitet eine Geschäftsreise in den Kongo und versucht die Teiln...

Chapter 32
They gathered their meager belongings and made their way to the engineering section of Venus. Despite the late hour or maybe it was because of the early hour, 3 AM, the pathways were not deserted and they encountered several people along the way. John didn't expect any trouble and they didn't get any. They went straight to John's office and depo...

You must be at least eighteen years old to view this content. Are you over eighteen and willing to see adult content?

My stories are mostly non-consensual and they often depict violent slavery of very young girls, with large amounts of torture, humiliation and killing.
If you want to comment click here .

"In our special magazine we will bring you stories about the demises and deaths of tens of young girls, their mothers, sisters and daughters"

Author's Note:
Most of the recurring stories that I already have, they were written when I first started my take on the WSA Universe.
They were my very initial experiences at writing and as such they suck, badly.
Not the ideas, those are nice, but the writing itself is often rough and unpleasant.
I've started to re-write some of them and I'll publish them here when they're ready.
But don't hold your breath in the meantime: nowadays I like the short one-shot format a lot more and I'm not really in any rush to work on those long, complicated and mostly unfinished stories.
Disclaimer :
It should be obvious but I feel compelled to stress that every word in this site is pure fantasy and it has nothing to do with the real world.
Even more, all drawings do not reference or depict anyone or anything in the real world but are created from the imagination of their authors.
All other authors' stories are copyrighted by the original author, as stated in each story's page.
ASSTR Counter (updated weekly): 18.005.716 ( See details story by story )
Last week: 93.789 (Sunday, November 30, 2014 through Saturday, December 6, 2014)
nc, semi/reluct, preteen, ped, teen, humil, rape, snuff, tort, preg, gyno, img
That's their destiny, they're only commodities to be sold and used and discarded.
semi/reluct, preg, inc, ped, preteen, tort, humil, rape, gyno, img
Give your daughter the gift she deserves!
semi/reluct, preteen, ped, teen, tod, humil, rape, snuff, tort, preg, gyno, img
Pregnant girls on the chopping block or on the market. Make your bid, before they and their children are sold or butchered.
nc, semi/reluct, cons, preteen, inc, snuff, preg, piss, torture, menstr, rape, humil, gyno, img
Three Sweet Scenes with Moms and Daughters
nc, humil, tort, snuff, hang, rape, img
nc, tort, hang, snuff, gyno, teen, humil, img
Third part of these sweet hanging scenes
nc, semi/reluct, ped, teen, preteen, hang, snuff, gyno, tort, humil, preg, img
Another Three Sweet Hanging Scenes.
nc, ped, tort, rape, snuff, hang, humil, amp, img
Come with us to torture to death a whole school of little girls.
semi/reluct, nc, hang, tort, rape, preteen, humil, ws, gyno, img
cons, semi, preg, snuff, tort, humil, img
cons, snuff, hang, rape, tort, humil, img
semi, inc, ped, preteen, teen, humil, img
nc, tort, rape, ped, preg, tod, inc, humil, img
All the advantages of my new credit card.
nc, tort, ped, preg, snuff, tod
Bi Incest Orgy
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